Robert Jonsson <rj(a)> writes:
Because of scriptkiddies, or whatever they are that
clutter all open
forums with garbage
True, sad
there are very few open sites any more.
True, sad. I want to find them all and live happy.
It has very little to do with actually wanting you to
It has everything to do with that... or so it seems.
It's just the most practical way of keeping out
the spam.
Same says the persons that insists that we use b0ef AT esben-stien DOT
name or all the other horrible examples for our email addresses. Same
says the persons that wants to let spam be considered a crime. Same
says the persons that say lets take the spammers to town square and
line them up for public execution. Attacking the problem this way, in
my opinion, is wrong.
Esben Stien is b0ef(a)