Am 14.05.2013 23:42, schrieb Julien Claassen:
Hello Hermann!
In the end it almost comes down to the same point. At least from my
point of view. The host might - in theory - have a go at receiving and
sending such extra messages, but since they are not normed in any way,
the plugin and its UI can practically do what they want.
There are a couple of plugins, that load files (samplv2, zyn, I
think the IR convolver,...) and they all rely on their GUIs. It seems
to me, that it's mostly loading and saving of files, that is done
outside the LV2 plugin ports.
So in more general terms, I ask myself: why is that so? Was there no
room in the specification to allow "sntadardised" transmission of
strings? It's not an abnormal thing one wants to do? I think there is
an LV2 version of Guitarix, is there not? Can you load files into
anything or give names to something? If so, how do you do it?
Warm regards
There is a way to load files and let he host provide a "interface" for
that. convoLV2 <>by Robin Gareus provides
a example of how to do it. As I said, it is more a question of
communication, not, of if it is possible. Mostly, plugin developers, as
well as host developers are simply to lazy to keep it in mind that
accessibility plays a rule. What I say, is, it is unfair to give the LV2
standard the blame, for the laziness of developers.
Indeed, there are a couple of guitarix plugs, and they all keep the
communication with the host in mind (eg. they don' t relay on there
custom UI), but to be honest, not a single one of them needs to load a file.