On Friday 12 July 2013 22:29:50 Kevin Cosgrove did opine:
Last year one of our Pickathon (shameless plug,
sound crew was asked to pick up an SM58 on the way to load-in for
the weekend. He did that, but he also picked up a Sennheiser
e840 ($130USD). There was no comparison. The Sennheiser was
much clearer and was less prone to feedback than the SM58. The
58 went back to the store, and the e840 stayed up, along with the
guy buying another e840. Next time I need a vocal mic I'll get
an e945 ($220USD), a step up from the e840.
I'm also familiar with Beyer Dymamics, which are fabulous, but
about $300USD. The e840s have a bit more presence in the vocal
sweet spot, and have a hotter signal by 6-10dB. The Beyer's are
also much nicer sounding than the SM58. We also use AKG 330s,
and the Sennheiser keeps up with them too.
The advantage, as far as I can tell, of an SM58, is that a drunk
singer can drop them from the stage onto concrete 2m below,
and they're likely to still sound the same. Also, they don't
sound all that bad to start with, and they're not too expensive
($100USD). For live sound there's a lot to be said for cheap and
indestructible. In a studio someone might want a bit more.
Indestructible is a pretty strong word. Quite a few years ago when I was
the CE at a tv station, I'd convinced TPTB that the mic situation in news
was untenable, and with a lot of yelling and screaming, got perms to by 6
of them, so we'd have one for each camera crew and one spare.
Two things.
Every time one of them was laid down while setting up the camera, it would
leave, but a radio shack $20 lookalike would come home with the reporter &
the reporters didn't know the diff & couldn't be bothered to learn.
In 2 months we had one left and it was smashed as if a fire truck had run
over it, about 1/2" thick. Maybe it did for all I know. One failed with
no visible damage in a week, sent it back, they fixed it, we had the tape
on the air about 10 days later when it went away again, sitting on a stand
in full view of the rolling camera while interviewing a football coach.
You have no clue how destructive a reporter, who is gung ho to get the
story, alligators in the pool be damned, can be to even the relatively
heavy SM58. Better than 80% of whats out there, at <50% of the price, but
not indestructible.
Cheers, Gene
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Bad user karma.
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