On Fri, 2013-07-12 at 22:52 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
Every time one of them was laid down while setting up
the camera, it would
leave, but a radio shack $20 lookalike would come home with the reporter &
the reporters didn't know the diff & couldn't be bothered to learn.
I own such a faked SM58, a Realistic Highball, costs >$20, perhaps >=
$45, it does sound less good than the original, but even this fake is
indestructible! Around 30 years in usage, it was broken to intermateable
pieces and then pieced together, it's still ok. But the sound quality
even of the original SM58 is minimal better than the sound of an
elCheapo microphone from the supermarket.
The fakes that came home don't had switches? My fake has got a switch.