"Mark Knecht" <mknecht(a)controlnet.com> writes:
OK, so this means that now a stereo signal is getting
from alsaplayer into
the RME. For these meters to register at all the audio has to be in the
card, and it is, so that's good.
Yes, but I want some more ;-)
If you have no meters on the last row, that is not
good, but it doesn't
necessarily mean that the card will not produce audio. The green audio in
hdspmixer is read out of the card. If it's not being displayed, then one of
two things is happening:
1) Playback audio (wnd row) is not being routed to the outputs
It *looks* as if it would be routed to the outputs.
2) hdspmixer is not reading the proper locations when
trying to display t.
Possible, but I have *no* electrical signal on the output jacks either.
You could try amixer commands by hand,
I had tried this before asking for help on this list. I had the impression
to do it right, but I'll retry...
You will need to discover your correct numbers. Try
amixer for some clues,
although I still don't really understand what it tells me.
I had found information on the net about the numbers to use for my hardware
searching the net. I had tried out all the suggestions I could find, before
I asked here. But maybe I made a mistake...
[ talking about alsaplayer ]
It appears to me that the player is working correctly.
It looks like.
[ ... ] but just because the box says A1+A2
mean it's routing audio if the fader is down. If the fader is up, then the
card should be routing audio.
I had moved the faders and unmuted the channels (both with hdspmixer and/or
I think I
could have made a very basic newbie mistake, even though I *did*
a lot of searching on the net, and did a lot of RTFM. I do not pretend
that I understood all of it, though.
This is Linux. If you're like me you'll be making newbie mistakes forever!
It's like life, isn't it?
Jack is not running then, but it's not required.
That's what I thought. Thank you for making that clear.
Hmm, but what if my Debian setup has configured some 'things' to use JACK
and I don't? Feeling newbie'ish again...
I think you may have a firmware problem. Possibly with
older firmware,
probably available from RME's web site, you will do better.
I am a bit resistant to downgrade the firmware.
I'd like to hear from somebody who really knows what's the situation
with firmware, maybe Thomas?
Thanks a lot for your patience,