Excerpts from Malte Steiner's message of 2010-02-28 21:30:44 +0100:
I like the latest Intel Drivers, they can now support
realtime generated
shadows in OpenGL -even on the older 965 - which was not possible some
time ago.
I got one of those in my very cheap laptop.
Problem under Arch at the moment that they are for the
kernel but the Audioarch patched kernel is a version behind. The joys of
rolling distributions. But the stock kernel is ok for now too.
I built .33-rt4 today and did a very brief test (boot, loading an ardour
project) and it seems to work so far. It didn't have KMS. I wonder
whether the graphics driver is responsible for the odd xrun I got out of
nowhere with .31-rt.
I use realtime 3D and realtime soundsynthesis the same
time for audiovisual
concertperformances and about to show something at the upcomming LAC.
It would be nice to see that, I just hope I can make it to the LAC.