Mark Constable wrote:
Thank you. There is some information about installing and OSS emulation,
but unfortunately nothing helpful about how to use envy24control.
Anahata wrote:
Does this have something to do with Audacity only working with OSS sound
I think it can be made to work, either by later versions of Audacity
having ALSA support or by using ALSA's OSS emulation, but as you can
probably tell, I haven't tried this. I am using Audacity with OSS,
which works fine for my purposes, including recording via S/PDIF input.
Harald Milz wrote:
man arecord maybe.
In the meantime I tried to use arecord (which unfortunately does not
provide man pages) to avoid OSS emulation problems:
arecord -f dat test.wav
produces mute files again. However it works with
arecord -f S16_LE -r 48000 test.wav
*but* this results in a mono file with too low signal level.
I also did not succeed in playing around with the
recording/muting/volume settings of alsamixer. :-(