jack_capture is a small simple program to capture whatever
sound is going out to your speakers into a file.
This is the program I always wanted to have for jack, but no
one made. So here it is.
jack_capture [-f filename] [ -b bitdepth ] [-c channels] [ -B bufsize ]
Filename is by default auotogenerated to something like "jack_capture_<date+exact_time>.wav"
Bitdepth is by default FLOAT.
Channels is by default 2.
Bufsize is by default 262144.
Mostly based on the jackrec program in the jack distribution
made by Paul Davies and Jack O'Quin. Automatic filename generation
code taken from the timemachine program by Steve Harries.
Hash: SHA1
annunciazio' ! annunciazio' ! mari'! mari'! autoproduzioni & the FreakNet Medialab
proudly present:
__ __ ____ _____ ___ ___ ____
| \/ |_ _/ ___|| ____| / _ \ / _ \ |___ \
| |\/| | | | \___ \| _| | | | | (_) | __) |
| | | | |_| |___) | |___ | |_| |\__, | / __/
|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_____| \___(_) /_(_)_____|
codename SHAVE
:: the Multiple Streaming Engine ::
Jah Rastafari Livity bless freedom of creation
100% free software running on GNU/Linux and Apple/OSX
:: What MuSE is about?
This application is being developed in the hope to provide the Free
Software community a user friendly tool for network audio streaming,
making life easier for indypendent free speech radios wanting to
stream via http on icecast servers.
MuSE is an application for mixing, encoding, and network streaming of
sound: it can transmit an audio signal by mixing together sound taken
from files or also network, recursively remixing more MuSE streams.
MuSE can simultaneously mix up to 6 encoded audio bitstreams (from
files or network, ogg, mp3, wav and other common sound formats), plus
an input signal from microphone.
MuSE offers an intuitive interface to be operated in realtime, while
it can also run slick from the Unix commandline.
:: What's new in this release?
This release greatly improves stability and usability.
Xant hacked on MuSE thru the whole year realizing the porting to
Carbon/OSX for the Apple operating system, which is now a branch of
MuSE. Through the porting process, we discovered and fixed some
important bugs and optimized the core engine.
Now 0.9.2 backports several fixes from the current development branch,
while removing unmantained GUIs (ncurses and gtk1) and unreliable
We plan to join the branches in the 0.10 release series, plus we are
planning to modularize MuSE even more and extract a library to expose
its functionalities in various languages: python, perl, ruby etc.
But the next major release will take some more time, requiring a
relevant rewrite of the MuSE core to switch to float DSP and some other
API changes, so meanwhile here is a version to which all GNU/Linux users
are encouraged to upgrade.
:: big up \o/
Thanks for the ospitality and CPU cycles for this release to:
ASCII internet werkplatz and Montevideo Artlab (Amsterdam)
Thanks for helping debug and test this release to:
Bolo and Xname (ASCII), Camilo (PS28), Fredd (SubMultimedia),
Vanilla (MovieTown), Godog (Debian), Matt Domsch, Jonathan Koren...
and all the other hackers sending feedback, patches and good vibes!
***** Supported servers:
You can use MuSE to stream both MP3 or Ogg/Vorbis sound format to a
broadcast server, which means that for doing an online radio you still
need to setup yours, or find one that let you stream.
Such servers can be seen like antennas which amplify your signal and
redistribute it to listeners. there are free software implementations
of such technology! the ones supported by MuSE are:
- - Icecast2 - - can stream OGG & MP3
- - Litestream - - can stream MP3
- - Darwin -
- - Shoutcast - - non free, runs on win32
- - various other broadcast servers streaming audio over http...
***** Supported players:
MuSE streams via http, it doesn't uses multicast technology, nor
RTP/RTSP, to have the widest possible range of compatible players.
You can listen audio produced by MuSE from almost every personal
computer and operating system, using one or more of the following:
- - xmms - - for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Sun, etc.
- - mpg123 - - for various UNIX systems
- - itunes - - on MacOSX
- - zinf - - on GNU/Linux and Win32
- - winamp - - on all Win platforms
- - mplayer - - on all platforms
- - videolan - - on all platforms
- - handeld devices and usb players supporting Ogg and Mp3
- - and... MuSE itself! ;)
check out >>>>> <<<<<
GNU/Linux liveCD including a complete radio studio!
***** Internals:
MuSE is written in C++ and is a multithreaded application. It reads
streams using the included libmpeg library (mp3 format) and it can
optionally link the OggVorbis library to read ogg files. For encoding
the sound into mp3 or ogg it can link either or both LAME and
OggVorbis as shared libraries. MuSE also features a user interface
using the GTK+ widget library and a console interface using ncurses.
Resampling of any input is done with bicubic interpolation to 44khz
stereo format, then channels get mixed together and encoded to the
desired quality by the selected codec.
Separate threads are running for each decoder, the mixer and the
encoders, while the flow is synced thru FIFO pipes which implement
mutex locking and avoid well race conditions.
All the functionalities of MuSE are quite well exposed thru a reusable
API, which in fact was the one used to build the GUIs on top.
Documentation for it is available on
If you are interested, you are very welcome to build new MuSE
interfaces, there are still a lot of unexplored possibilities and this
engine can be a realiable backend for radio automation interfaces and
more. Get in touch with developers! join the mailinglist on or peek into channel #dyne
***** Libraries:
- - LAME (optional)
Lame can be installed but is no more needed, in particular
libmp3lame and the header lame.h must be properly installed.
- - OGG VORBIS (optional)
You can compile and install libogg and libvorbis on your machine
before compiling MuSE; the configure script will recognize them and
include support for decoding and mixing of .ogg files.
- - GTK+ 2 (optional) + libxml and glib
if libgtk and all the related libraries are present, MuSE will
compile the GTK+ graphic user interface for interactive use and
additional fun.
- - SNDFILE (optional)
if libsndfile is present then you'll be able to play uncompressed
sound files like wav, aiff, snd, voc, pvf, mat, au, sf etc.
***** Compile and install:
- - you can get latest version of lame: (if you already have lame and
libmp3lame jump to point 2, after checking that version is >3.89)
with 'lame --version'
or download it from and follow the simple
instructions to get installed this wonderful GPL mp3 encoder.
- - install libogg and libvorbis:
if you don't install any of the above, MuSE will be a simple player.
- - compile: cd MuSE-x.x.x ; ./configure (or try ./configure --help to
have listed some compile options) ; make ; make install
*** for Debian users is much simplier:
make a debian package and debian aided compilation from this source
with a simple command:
$ fakeroot debian/rules binary
this command will build debian packages for you, ready to install!
to KNOW MORE go to the website on
***** Report bugs
please ALWAYS REPORT the muse --version you are running and possibly
run the binary with gdb giving us the backtrace of the error.
if you understand the above, please go to and
submit a BUG!!!
go here to see how >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<
This whole software was built by autonomous efforts and occasionally
supported by non-profit organizations, while the development currently
relies on the political beliefs of MuSE's authors, that there should
be such a tool and it should be freely available to people willing to
do online radio.
If you can afford to donate us some money let us know, we also need
new and old working hardware.
THANKS, a thousand flowers will blossom!
the following organizations gave help and support for MuSE development:
SERVUS.AT ............... [ ]
PUBLIC VOICE Lab ........ [ ]
MuSE is Copyleft (c) 2000-2006 by Denis "jaromil" Rojo
part of the redistributed code is copyright by the respective authors,
please refer to the AUTHORS file and to the supplied sourcecode for
further information and to COPYING for the full license.
This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
this source code; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- --
jaromil, rasta coder,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Cryptographically signed mail, see
Beta 0.19 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:
Many bug fixes, major rewrite of volume code, REPEAT
count enhancements, Lyric autochord transposition,
GOTO recognizes line numbers, MALLET works in all
tracks, and lots more!
MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:
If you have any questions or comments, please send them
to: bvdp(a)
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: bvdp(a)
JackMiniMix is a simple console based JACK client that mixes a number of stereo inputs into a single stereo output. The gains of each of the input channels can be queried and controlled by sending it OSC messages.
I have also written a perl module which talks OSC to the mixer, making it very easy to control.
gmidimonitor is GTK application that shows MIDI events.
Currently MIDI events can be received at an ALSA sequencer port only.
Support for other sources like ALSA RawMIDI port may be added in
Version 2.0 includes lash support and some bugfixes.
Project site:
Source tarball can be downloaded from project site, "Downloads" section
Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
Hello all,
64 Studio is a native x86_64 Linux distribution, based on Debian testing
and designed specifically for creative desktop users. Version 0.6.0
alpha has just been released, and is available for download as an iso
image of 576MB from:
After burning to CD, this image can be used to install a 64-bit Debian
system with and the Gnome 2.10 desktop. The distribution features
Linux kernel 2.6.13 with Ingo Molnar's real-time preemption patches and
a selection of creative packages, including:
amSynth 1.1.0
Ardour 0.99
Audacity 1.2.3
Blender 2.37
Cinepaint 0.19
Dirac 0.51
Flac 1.1.2
gCDMaster 1.2.1
the Gimp 2.2.9
gThumb 2.2.6
gtKam 0.1.12
Hydrogen 0.9.2
Inkscape 0.42
Jack Rack 1.4.4
jackd 0.100
JackEQ 0.4.0
Jamin 0.95
Kino 0.75
Ktoon 0.7.3
Linuxsampler 0.3
Meterbridge 0.9.2
Muse 0.7.1
Noteedit 2.8.0
Qsampler 0.1.1
Rosegarden4 1.0
Scribus 1.2.2
Seq24 0.7.0
Speex 1.1.11
swh-plugins 0.4.14
Tagtool 0.12
tap-plugins 0.7.0
Time Machine 0.3.0
totem-gstreamer 1.2.0
vorbis-tools 1.0.1
Yafray 0.0.7
Plus a selection of the usual internet and office tools.
Known limitations in this release:
* SATA disc support may be patchy, depending on interface chipset
* pcmcia-cs package is not included (available from a Debian mirror)
* No proprietary media codecs included in the base install
Please note that this release is provided for testing only, and comes
with no warranty. There are probably plenty of bugs, which is why we're
calling this release 'alpha'. But the software does actually install and
run on our Opteron, Athlon 64 and Turion test hardware, and is quite
usable already.
If you would like to send feedback on this release or make a suggestion
for improvement, please see the
page or join our development mailing list at:
Daniel James
Dear LAD'ers,
our Department of Music-Informatics at the Johannes Gutenberg University
of Mainz is organizing a little workshop with introductory courses on
Faust, SuperCollider and Q by Yann Orlarey (Grame, Lyon), Stefan Kersten
(TU Berlin) and me. The workshop is sponsored by the "Interdisciplinary
Working Group of Music and Arts Informatics" of the Johannes Gutenberg
University, so it's free, and takes place at the Institute of Musicology
(Philosophicum, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18 on the campus) on Tuesday, Dec 20th
2005, from 14:00 h to 18:00 h.
If you'd like to participate, then please *please* register (just mail
me at Dr.Graef(a) or my secretary, Mrs. Felicitas Volke, at
volke(a) Registration is free but mandatory, as we can only
accommodate a limited number of participants. If you register, please
also indicate whether you can bring your own laptop, as the Linux PC and
MIDI equipment available for the workshop is even more restricted than
the amount of available chairs, coffee and Christmas cookies. ;-)
More information can be found in the attached text file. Information on
how to find us on the campus is available at You can also contact me at
Dr.Graef(a) if you have any further questions.
Please feel free to pass this around to your friends, colleagues and
other mailing lists as you see fit.
Albert Graef
Dr. Albert Gr"af
Dept. of Music-Informatics, University of Mainz, Germany
Email: Dr.Graef(a), ag(a)
Modern Computer Music and DSP Programming Tools
Location: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Philosophicum,
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18, Alter Fakultätssaal (Room P 01-185)
Date: Tuesday, Dec 20th 2005, from 14:00 h to 18:00 h
Workshop language: English
The number of participants is limited, (free) registration is required.
Registration: Tel.: +49 (0)6131 3925142, Email: volke(a)
14:00 h Albert Gräf (University of Mainz): Functional Multimedia Programming
with Q
15:00 h Yann Orlarey (Grame): FAUST
Coffee Break
16:00 h Stefan Kersten (Technical University of Berlin): SuperCollider
18:00 h End
14:00 h Albert Gräf: Functional Multimedia Programming with Q
This presentation gives a hands-on introduction to the equational programming
language "Q", and some of its facilities for multimedia programming. Q can
best be described as a kind of modern-style "functional scripting language."
Q's multimedia library comprises interfaces to Grame's MidiShare and Faust, as
well as an OSC-based SuperCollider interface, and thus provides the necessary
tools to create advanced computer music applications in the context of a
very-high-level, non-imperative programming language.
Albert Gräf is head of the Dept. of Music-Informatics at the Institute of
Musicology of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. His research interests
include the mathematical theory of music and advanced functional programming
tools for computer music and other real-time multimedia applications.
15:00 h Yann Orlarey: FAUST
FAUST (Functional AUdio STreams) is a programming language for real-time
signal processing and synthesis that targets sample-level high-performance
signal processing applications and audio plugins. FAUST proposes an innovative
approach to signal processing that combines two programming models: functional
programming and block diagram composition, in a highly structured textual
syntax that can be compiled into efficient C/C++ code. The presentation will
give an overview of the main features of the language and its compiler through
several simple and practical examples.
Composer and researcher in computer music, Yann Orlarey is currently the
Scientific Director of Grame - Centre National de Création Musicale in
France. His main research interests are music programming languages, with a
particular focus on lambda-calculus and functional programming, and real-time
distributed systems. He is the author and co-author of various musical
softwares and systems including MidiShare.
16:00 h Stefan Kersten: SuperCollider
SuperCollider is a real-time synthesis engine and object oriented composition
language. This course introduces the architecture and the working environment
on OSX and Linux and provides an introduction to basic synthesis techniques
and sequencing strategies.
Stefan Kersten (*1978) is currently studying communication and computer
science at the Technical University of Berlin. He has ported SuperCollider to
Linux and is the author of SCUM, SuperCollider's GUI module for Linux. He uses
SuperCollider for most of his projects in research and music.
Minor bug fixes since last release.
Notable changes:
* Attempt to let client timeout option work again on realtime mode
* Let jackd quit gracefully when USB soundcard or power cable is
* Better support for US428 USB soundcard
* SSE/E3DNow mixing support. Disabled by default. Enable with --
JACK is available at and our new website http://
Apologies for crossposting...
Fluxus is a scheme scripting environment for audio or osc driven 3D
animation, and is designed to appeal to the livecoder in all of us.
New online docs here:
What's new:
* a particle primitive with modes for fast hardware points or textured
* object picking with (mouse-over) for interactivity
* now uses jack natively (no more portaudio)
* better html docs
* (pdata-add) (pdata-copy) and (pdata-op) for accelerated primitive
operations for flocking, deforming and texture effects
* framedump now outputs jpgs
* (has-collided) for physics driven events
* distance based fogging supported
* a lot more stuff