Download from
Snd-ls is a distribution of the sound editor Snd. Its target is
people that don't know scheme very well, and don't want
to spend too much time configuring Snd. It can also serve
as a quick introduction to Snd and how it can be set up.
******* ->
-Upgraded SND to V7.15 from 17.8.2005. Many important changes.
-Various improvements in the user-interface.
-Upgraded snd to V7.15 from 12.8.2005. Many important changes.
-Various other things.
-Upgraded various rt-stuff.
-Upgraded various rt-stuff++
-Removed jack_set_server_dir guile-binding from rt-engine.scm, because its
removed from the newer versions of jack.
Patchage is a modular patch bay for Jack (audio) and Alsa (Midi).
This released fixes numerous bugs, adds a few GUI enhancements, and has
preliminary (untested) LASH support.
More information, screenshots, requirements, and download available at
+++ only 3 days left... +++
-- Piksel05 - october 16-23. 2005
-- call for participation
-- deadline 15. august 2005
Piksel[1] is an annual event for artists and developers working with open
source audiovisual software tools. Part workshop, part festival, it is
organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK)
[2] and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging
ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops,
performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of open source.
Piksel05 will take place in Bergen october 16. - 23. 2005.
The development, and therefore use, of digital technology today is mainly
controlled by multinational corporations. Despite the prospects of
technology expanding the means of artistic expression, the commercial
demands of the software industries severely limit them instead. Piksel is
focusing on the open source movement as a strategy for regaining artistic
control of the technology, but also a means to bring attention to the close
connections between art, politics, technology and economy.
One of the results of the past Piksel events is the initiation of the Piksel
Video Framework for 'interoperability between various free software
applications dealing with video manipulation techniques'[3].
Piksel05 will also feature the release of the Piksel LiveCD[4], a Linux
distribution containing the software used and developed at Piksel. The
package contains a suite of innovative audiovisual and artistic software,
free video plugins, and documentation from the past Piksel events.
The last two Piksel events has focused on live art/audiovisual performance,
but for Piksel05 the main focus will be an exhibition in collaboration with
Hordaland Kunstsenter[5].
For the exhibition and other parts of the program we are interested in
submissions in the following categories:
1. Installations and interactive work
Audiovisual installations created and run solely using open source software.
The theme for the exhibition will be loosely related to 'games' and the gaming
2. Audiovisual performance
Live art realised by the use of open source software.
3. Software
Innovative artistic tools or software art released under an open licence.
Please send documentation material - preferably as a URL to online
documentation with images/video to piksel05(a)
Deadline - august 15. 2005
Use this form for submitting (or go to the online form at
1. Name of artist(s), email adr.
2. Short bio/CV
3. Category
4. URL to online documentation
5. Short statement about the work(s)
6. List of software used in the creation/presentation of the work(s)
Or send by snailmail to:
att: Gisle Froysland
C. Sundtsgt. 55
5004 Bergen
More info:
piksel05 is produced in cooperation with Kunsthoegskolen in Bergen dep The
Academy of Fine Arts, Hordaland Kunstsenter. Supported by PNEK, Bergen
Kommune, Norsk Kulturfond, BergArt.
1. Summary of changes
Ecasignalview user-interface has been improved. A set of new commands
for modifying effect parameters was added to interactive mode. Many
bugs have been fixed in documentation, JACK transport support, build
system and elsewhere. A severe bug in the "reverse" audio object was
2. What is Ecasound?
Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio
processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback,
recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect
processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports
a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms.
Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their
parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators
and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included
in the package.
Primary platform for running Ecasound is GNU/Linux. Ecasound can
also be run on many UNIX-derived systems such as FreeBSD, Mac OS X
and Solaris. Limited support for Windows is available through
Cygwin. Ecasound is licensed under the GPL. The Ecasound Control
Interface (ECI) is licensed under the LGPL.
3. Changes since last release
* A set of new commands, "ctrlp-*", for modifying effect parameter
controllers was added to interactive mode. See ecasound-iam(1)
man page for full details. These commands can be used either
in the interactive console mode, or from applications using
the ECI API (see ).
* Many improvements have been made to the ecasignalview
user-interface. Ecasignalview is a console-mode signal
* A severe bug in the "reverse" audio object was found and
fixed in this release.
Full list of changes is available at:
4. Interface and configuration file changes
None in this release.
5. Contributors to this release
Patches - Accepted code, documentation and build system changes
* Allie Stuart (2)
New EIAM command set for controller parameters (ctrlp-*),
* Jeffrey Cunningham (2)
New features to ecasignalview.
* Kyle Kirkland (1)
Bugfix to ecasound.spec
Bug Hunting - Reports that led to bugfixes (items closed)
* Julien Claassen (1)
Bug with .ewf files when loaded from a saved chainsetup (.ecs).
* Olivier Guilyardi, Jack O'Quin (1)
Prolems with JACK transport support and ecasound's
batch mode.
* Peter Lutek (1)
Problems with JACK transport and ecasignalview.
Feature suggestions - Ideas that led to new features (items)
* Pierre Lorenzon (1):
Ability to run in daemon mode without need for interactive
6. Links and files
Web site (and mirrors): (fi) (us) (us)
Source packages:
md5sum: 77c10152f5a15da13f7876f0da30d592
List of distributions with maintained Ecasound support:
links, my public keys, etc at
liboscqs is a library to provide a Query System and Service Discovery for
applications using the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol [1]. The initial
proposal for the OSC Query System was provided by Andrew W. Schmeder and
Matthew Wright in July 2004 [2]. The next paragraph has their abstract:
A Query System is proposed for inter-application control scenarios. The
queries enable namespace exploration, documentation, type-signature,
return-type-signature and parameter constraint specification, current-value
polling, identification of common interpretation maps via osc-schema, and
error reporting.
See [2] for the full paper describing their proposal. This project is the
result [3] of the various discussions that followed, but remains very close
to the original proposal.
Besides a Query System, this library provides Service Discovery. This allows
applications to annouce their presence locally and on a whole computer network.
For more information, source tarballs, RPM packages, and Debian packages please
see the homepage at:
- Martin
- liboscqs uses liblo [4] as an OSC server. Thanks Steve!
- The liboscqs source uses the scons [5] build tool
- liboscqs supports Service Discovery using either Howl or Spread
- liboscqs has only tested on Linux so far, but the intent is to support all
POSIX systems.
- liboscqs is FSH 2.3 compliant.
Hi all,
Just a quick announcement that openlab (the London, UK based group of free
software wielding artists) are appearing on Resonance FM, an arts radio
station broadcasting to central London, and on the web.
We're going to be introducing the concept of free software and giving some
personal accounts on how and why we use it, along with a handful of short
live sessions and prerecorded music.
The show is at 19:00BST on friday.
Salem Radio Labs is pleased to announce the release of v0.9.48 of Rivendell,
available at:
Rivendell is a full-featured, copylefted broadcast automation system targeted
for use in professional radio broadcast environments. It includes tools for
acquisition, management and playout of audio content.
>From Rivendell's 'NEWS' file:
*** snip snip ***
Upload Events in RDCatch. It's now possible to schedule the
automatic export and upload of audio files in RDCatch. The
following upload protocols are supported:
Database Support Cleanups. Added directives to rd.conf(5) to make
it possible for Rivendell to work with RDBMS back-ends other than
mySQL. This feature has not been at all well tested as of yet.
Import Filter for AirForce 'Wings' System. The filter can be used
to import the entire audio archive of an AirForce 'Wings' system
*in situ*, without requiring reencoding of audio and while
preserving much of the library meta-data from the original system.
See the 'WINGS_FILTER.txt' file in the documentation directory for
more information.
New Switcher Device Support. Added support for the BroadcastTools
SS16.4 switcher.
MPEG Cleanups. Many bugfixes regarding the use and handling of
MPEG audio.
RDLogEdit Fixes. Fixed all known outstanding issues with
Miscellaneous Bugfixes. See the ChangeLog for details.
Library Versions:
This version requires that, at a minimum, libradio-0.93.2 and
librhpi-94.1 be installed. If installing from RPM, the version of
the currently installed libraries can be determined by doing:
rpm -q libradio
rpm -q librhpi
Database Update:
As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after
upgrading to allow any necessary changes to the database schema to
be applied.
*** snip snip ***
| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Director of Broadcast Software Development |
| | Salem Radio Labs |
| Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and |
| original in your work. |
| -- Flaubert |
sorry for ><
UK,FR,NL versions provided
viva europa !
goto10 @ V2_ in september 2005:
1. Audio Signal Processing workshop
2. Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
-> [1] Audio Signal Processing workshop
Date: thursday 1 - sunday 4 September, 11.00 - 18.00
Fee: 60 euro (incl. lunch, tea & coffee)
Location: V2_, Eendrachtstraat 10, Rotterdam
In a four-day workshop hosted by V2_, sound artists Frank Barknecht and
Aymeric Mansoux will introduce the basics of Audio Signal Processing
(ASP) in the fields of real-time music production. This workshop
specifically targets people who want to develop their work in the
digital sound field or those people curious about the processes involved
behind the audio software they already use.
Participants can apply until the 19th of August 2005.
For more information
-> [2] Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
Date: sunday the 4th of September
Fee: 2,50 euro
Location: V2_, Eendrachtstraat 10, Rotterdam
For the opening of the new cultural season V2_ will be transformed into
a lounge where you can enjoy live electronic music by plugging in your
headphone. With this Rotterdam Headphone Lounge, V2_ joins the
international festival le Placard, that organizes live concerts through
headphones and internet.
For more information
goto10 @ V2_ in september 2005:
1. Audio Signal Processing workshop
2. Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
-> [1] Audio Signal Processing workshop
Date: jeudi 1 - dimanche 4 Septembre, 11.00 - 18.00
Tarif: 60 euro (café, thé et lunch compris)
Lieu: V2_, Eendrachtstraat 10, Rotterdam, NL
Durant un workshop de quatre jours à V2_, les participants seront
introduits aux techniques de traitement du signal audio dans le cadre de
la création musicale "temp-réel". Ce workshop est tout particulièrement
destiné aux personnes qui désirent développer leur travail dans le champ
de la création audionumérique et pour ceux qui sont curieux d'apprendre
les concepts qui se cachent derrière certains des logiciels qu'ils
utilisent déjà.
Date limite des inscriptions: 19 août 2005
Pour plus d'information
-> [2] Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
Date: dimanche 4 Septembre
Tarif: 2,50 euro
Lieu: V2_, Eendrachtstraat 10, Rotterdam
Pour l'ouverture de la nouvelle saison culturelle, V2_ sera transformé
en un salon où vous pourrez profiter de musiques électroniques live en
branchant votre casque audio. Avec le Rotterdam Headphone Lounge, V2_ se
joint au festival international "le placard", qui organise des concerts
live pour casques via internet.
Pour plus d'information
goto10 @ V2_ in september 2005:
1. Audio Signal Processing workshop
2. Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
-> [1] Audio Signal Processing workshop
Date: donderdag 1 t/m zondag 4 september, 11.00-18.00 uur
Toegang: 60 euro (incl. lunch, thee & koffie)
Locatie: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
In een vierdaagse workshop geven geluidskunstenaars Frank Barknecht en
Aymeric Mansoux een inleiding op de principes van Audio Signal
Processing op het vlak van real-time muziekproductie. Deze workshop
richt zich specifiek op mensen die verder willen komen in het werken met
digitaal geluid of die zich interesseren voor de achterliggende
processen van de software die ze nu al gebruiken.
Deelnemers dienen zich op te geven vóór 19 augustus 2005.
Zie voor meer informatie
-> [2] Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
Date: zondag 4 september, 20.00-23.00 uur
Toegang: 2,50 euro
Locatie: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
Voor de opening van het nieuwe culturele seizoen wordt V2_ omgetoverd
tot een loungeruimte waar je van elektronische muziek kunt genieten door
je koptelefoon aan te sluiten. Met deze Rotterdam Headphone Lounge sluit
V2_ zich aan bij het internationale festival Le Placard dat
liveconcerten via koptelefoon en internet organiseert.
Zie ook
and hop een klein goto bisou :*
The first (alpha) release of JAPA is now available at
>From the README:
JAPA is a 'perceptual' or 'psychoacoustic' audio spectrum
analyser. This means that the filters that are used to
analyse the spectrum have bandwidths that are neither
constant (as in JAAA), nor proportional to the center
frequency (as in a 1/3 octave band analyser), but tuned
to human perception. With the default settings, JAPA uses
a filter set that closely follows the Bark scale.
In contrast to JAAA, this is more an acoustical or musical
tool than a purely technical one. Possible uses include
spectrum monitoring while mixing or mastering, evaluation
of ambient noise, and (using pink noise), equalisation
of PA systems.
JAPA allows you to measure two inputs at the same time,
compare them, store them to memory and compare them to
stored traces. It offers a number of resolutions, speeds,
and various display options. The dual inputs and memories
will find their way into future JAAA versions as well.
This is a source release. You will also need libclalsadrv,
libclthreads (from the same place), and libfftw3f.
Enjoy !
KMidimon is an application to monitor MIDI events coming from a MIDI external
port or application via the ALSA sequencer. It is especially useful if you
want to debug MIDI software or your MIDI setup.
Features for release 0.3:
* New Connections menu, with three items: connect-all,
disconnect-all and a dialog allowing the user to configure
ALSA sequencer connections from inside the program.
* New column showing the source ALSA client and port for
each event.
* New configurable option to show the ALSA client name
or number, applied to the new source column and elsewhere.
Other major features are
* Easy to use KDE graphic user interface
* Based on ALSA sequencer.
* Customizable event filters and sequencer parameters
* Supports all MIDI messages and some ALSA messages
* Saves to a text file the recorded event list
* GPL licensed