Linux-audio-announce February 2007
  • 10 participants
  • 14 discussions

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] Lists moving to on the 1st of march.
by Marc-Olivier Barre
17 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] gjacktransport v0.2.6
by Robin Gareus
17 years, 12 months

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] xajdeo-0.4.0
by Robin Gareus
17 years, 12 months

[linux-audio-announce] dyne:bolic 2.4 DHORUBA - AUTOMATIC CRYPTO AUTONOMY
by jaromil
18 years

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] Aqualung 0.9beta7.1 released
by Tom Szilagyi
18 years

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] Mammut V0.57
by Kjetil S. Matheussen
18 years

[linux-audio-announce] CLAM 0.98 released!
by Pau Arumi
18 years

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN]Alsaplayer: new python extension module release, new developers, fftscope release and cvs2svn migration
by Dominique Michel
18 years

[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] Alsaplayer, CVS to SVN migration
by Dominique Michel
18 years

[linux-audio-announce] Sweep 0.9.2 Released
by peter
18 years
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