Linux-audio-announce January 2009
  • 18 participants
  • 21 discussions

[ANN] jack_capture V0.9.32
by Kjetil S. Matheussen
16 years

[ANN] zynjacku-4
by Nedko Arnaudov
16 years

Denemo (Notation Editor) 0.8.2 release - Lots of features, fixes and one call for help!
by Nils Gey
16 years

[ANNOUNCE] Invada LADSPA plugins
by Fraser
16 years

New Book: FLOSS+Art
16 years

[ANN] zynjacku-3
by Nedko Arnaudov
16 years, 1 month

[ANN] lv2dynparam1-2
by Nedko Arnaudov
16 years, 1 month

Minicomputer 1.3 released
by Malte Steiner
16 years, 1 month

QJackMMC: New Qt based JACK application released!
by Alex Montgomery
16 years, 1 month
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