Dear Linux Audio developer, user, composer, musician, philosopher
and anyone else interested, you are invited to the...
Linux Audio Conference 2010
The conference about Open Source Software for music and audio
May 1-4 2010
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU)
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Registration is open, and so is the call for abstracts and papers.
More information can be found on the website:
For previous editions, look here:
For concerts, music and workshops a submission system and protocol will
be available soon. In the meantime, ideas and announcements can be sent by
e-mail ("lac -at- linuxaudio -dot- org ")
or written on the wiki:
We hope to see you all in Utrecht !
Kind regards on behalf of the LAC team,
Marc Groenewegen, lecturer music software design @ HKU
just released the version 1.4 of the softwaresynthesizer Minicomputer
for Linux. Its mainly a bugfix release:
- fix: names of patches and multis were displayed wrong, only the last
letters which are usually blanks
- fix: change so that it can be now compiled without being in C99 mode
- new: using alsaseq eventfilter to receive only events that are processed
more at
media art + development
follow me on Twitter:
or face the book:
since the webpage for the Linux Audio Conference 2010(*) was unclear on the
deadline for paper submissions, please let me clarify this here:
The deadline for _paper submissions_ is February 14th, 2010. Until yesterday,
the webpage incorrectly mentioned "Call for Abstracts", which should have read
"Call for Papers" instead. This has been corrected now.
Additionally, some information about the desired size and other constraints
for paper submissions has been added to the web page mentioned below.
Please feel free to forward this mail to whatever people/mailing lists are
Sorry for the trouble,
Frank, on behalf of the LAC2010 organization team
KMid2 is a MIDI/Karaoke player for KDE4. It runs in Linux, using the ALSA
KMid2 plays to hardware MIDI devices or software synthesizers. It supports
playlists, MIDI mapper, tempo (speed), volume and pitch (transpose) controls
and configurable character encoding, font and color for lyrics. The graphic
views include a rhythm view (visual metronome), a channels window with
solo/muting controls and instrument selectors, and a piano player window
(pianola). KMid2 runs in Linux, using the ALSA Sequencer.
Changes in this release 0.2:
* External soft-synths can be automatically launched at startup. A new page
including FluidSynth and TiMidity++ settings has been added to the
configuration dialog.
* Each channel may be labeled in a text field besides each channel number.
* New "lock instrument" button in the channels window to override the song's
predefined instruments.
* Settings per song can be saved and automatically retrieved, including text
encoding, volume, pitch, rhythm, channel labels and fixed instruments.
* The sample songs location is added to the places navigation panel in the
open dialog.
* Several other usability enhancements.
More info:
Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
KMid2 is free software distributed under the terms of the GPL v2 license.
* Source packages
* openSUSE RPMs, and Ubuntu DEB packages:
Dear all,
the deadline for submission of papers for the Linux Audio Conference 2010(*)
is coming closer (February 14th, 2010), and (like last year) the amount of
submissions so far is..quite small. However, without papers and presentations
this kind of conference cannot exist.
I believe that most of the prospective paper submitters out there will probably
wait until the very last minute (I recall in one case there was even a bit of
a debate about "what exact time, and what time zone please?" :-), but it would
be helpful to get an idea of the upcoming submissions.
For this reason I am asking that if you plan to submit a paper, to give us/me
a short notice (title, topic) of your planned paper (direct reply, no need to
send that information to any of the addressed lists). This would help us in
planning the next necessary steps.
By the way, we are not considering to extend the paper deadline this year.
Please feel free to forward this mail to whatever people/mailing lists are
Frank Neumann, on behalf of the LAC2010 organization team
(*) See
(I don't agree about the linux-audio-* mailing list
announcement policy, so from now on, program announcements
will only be posted to linux-audio-announce(a) !)
Download from
jack_capture is a program for recording soundfiles with jack.
The default operation of the program is executed by writing "jack_capture"
in the terminal without any extra command line options:
$ jack_capture
...which will record what you hear in your loudspeakers
into a stereo wav file.
Most important new features since 0.9.36
* Direct support for mp3 using liblame.
* Console cleanup. Terminal should not be messy
when quitting jack_capture.
* Better buffering schemes.
* Less used memory.
* Autogenerated filenames are unique and humanly readable.
* The 4GB size barrier for wav files is handled by continuing
writing to new files when reaching 4GB.
* Supports all soundfile formats supported by sndfile.
(wav, aiff, ogg, flac, wavex, au, etc.) (option: -f <format>)
* Supports mp3 by using liblame. (option: -mp3)
* Option for writing raw 16 bit data to stdout. (option: -ws)
* Built-in console meter, plus option for automatically starting
and stopping the Meterbridge jack meter program. Port
connections to Meterbridge are done automatically, and
on the fly, by jack_capture.
* jack_capture can connect to any input or output jack port.
When "connecting" to a jack input port (i.e. a writable
port), jack_capture constantly monitors which jack ports
which are connected to the input port, and make sure
jack_capture is always connected to the same ports.
In other words, jack_capture will reconnect its ports
automatically during recording to match the connections
of the ports. This is for instance convenient when
recording the playback ports since jack_capture can be
started first, and then other programs can start and
stop at any moment while all sound still should be recorded.
* No limit on the number of jack ports jack_capture can connect to.
(I.e. the --port argument can be specified more than once, plus
that it accepts wildcard arguments. For instance,
jack_capture --port "*"
will connect to all current jack ports, both input and output
ports, except jack_capture's own ports.)
* Buffers are automatically increased during runtime to prevent
underruns and to avoid wasting memory by preallocating too much.
(handled by using lockless atomic fifo/lifo queues to store
temporary sound data instead of ringbuffers)
* The disk thread is automatically reniced to a higher priority when
using more than half of the buffer.
* Significantly better recording performance than Ardour.
(probably because jack_capture writes all channels into
only one file and that it is not creating peak files).
(tested on athlonXP)
* No problem writing at least 256 channels of 32 bit wav at once to a
local hard drive. (tested on icore7)
Announcing the release of Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 LiveOS [nds & x86]
Guitar-ZyX(tm) is a LiveDVD/USB operating system distribution, that
can immediately boot both your Nintendo(tm)-DS, and your x86/64 PC,
into a guitar pre-amp f/x processing appliance, complete with
wireless dual screen touchpad remote control. You can even velcro
or embed the NDS in your guitar if so inclined. In addition to
switching among 77+ different f/x presets, the NDS remote control's
touchscreen can also linearly control any two of about a hundred
independent f/x parameters in real-time. I.e. a very cost effective
Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 uses the excellent Rakarrack open source guitar-f/x
software to provide effects. Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 is derived from
Fedora(tm)-11 and has compatable full access to the upstream software
repositories including updates.
Guitar-ZyX is entirely free and open source software, with all source
available, for both the PC and NDS components. All necessary
compilers and build tools are also included, allowing anyone to
modify and enhance in any way their imagination and code-fu skills
Guitar-ZyX is currently an *alpha* release. NO WARRANTY. Use at
your own risk. Interested alpha-testers are encouraged to provide
feedback on what works, and what still needs to be improved.
For information on many other features, and the best current
documentation, please review the latest release notes, available here
or visit the main project page
What's New In Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1
Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1 is primarily a major upstream rebasing release.
That is, now f11 based. But there are many enhancments to
'sidestream' projects. Here are the details-
Guitar-ZyX MCP ::
Version 0.2* of the MCP now includes a main menu system. This allows
access to the filesystem in order to launch other applications such
as DSOrganize, and dozens of ZyXdevSuite examples. Browsing visible
SSIDs is now supported, and many more menu accessible features are
just around the corner. There is now a command to download and
execute updated MCP code via wifi, vastly easing development.
Rakarrack-0.4.0.dmc ::
The latest prerelease CVS sources including the fruits of my new cvs
write access are included. Josep Andreu has made many bugfixes and
improvements, including new skinnability and font scaling. Ryan
Billing has added new DSP modules, which I'll eventually understand
enough to properly explain. And my Global Wet/Dry is now an upstream
feature with a slider even(FX%). And more presets from all of us.
Rolling Echo is kind of interesting, while Tricky Dick is just an
homage to a crook.
Breaking News: rakarrack-0.4.2 with midi-learn was released the same
day as Guitar-ZyX-0.4.1. An update will be available at some point,
though compiling from source should be trivial for anyone interested.
Guitar-ZyX JaMode ::
The big sledgehammer session initiation scripts have been vastly
improved. Now, when you select one of the JaMode commands from the
ZyX submenu of the mainmenu, they will execute much more quickly, as
well as utilizing an aesthetic splash screen with progressbar during
the transition. There is one to launch a recording session, one to
launch a practice (non-recording) session, and one to return to the
normal desktop audio system.
desmume-0.9.5 ::
Every aspect of the MCP can now me developed and tested via
emulation, except sadly wifi/networking. But still, that is a vast
improvement over the bugs that were interfering with input handling
in prior versions while in a 3D mode. Sound works, virtual cflash
fatfs of the current directory sortof works, scaling the window, ....
(recording movies still seems broken though)
ZyX-LiveInstaller-0.2.2 ::
The same enhancements and bugfixes that led to its availability in
the official Blueberry release of SugarOnAStick, are now included
in Guitar-ZyX as well. Many bugfixes, thanks to a much broader
range of testing.
VirOS and *ZyX ::
Enhancements have been made to VirOS which make it robust and
possible to build across major ancestor releases. Also, many other
things, particularly in the traits, have been massively cleaned up,
though probably as much cleanup remains to be done. Time will tell
if this facilitates a much more rapid rebasing against f12. Note,
that it will still be another release or two before integration with
the relatively new upstream bootsplash is done. This is because f12
introduces a major rewrite of the initramfs infrastructure.
qemu-0.11.1 ::
/usr/local/bin/qemu is based on upstream sources, with kqemu support
intact, which on my laptop yields a greater than 100% speedup even
with linux kernel 2.6 for both the guest and host.
Games ::
Standard gnome-games like freecell/solitaire, and chess are
available. Frozen Bubble is also included - a much better rip off
than the one I coded partially in assembly more than a decade ago
for a CoE project. And most importantly, PokerTH is now available
for all of your open source online texas holdem needs.
"Be Seeing You..." -6
Fedora and Nintendo are protected trademarks, whose holders in no way
endorse or support this software. Guitar-ZyX, G-ZyX, CloudSession,
and VirOS are also protected trademarks, and may only be used in the
redistribution of unmodified versions of free and open source
software that already includes them.
Rakarrack is a richly featured multi-effects processor emulating a guitar
effects pedalboard. Effects include compressor, noise gate, graphic
equalizer, parametric equalizer, flanger, chorus, echo with reverse
playback, musical delay, reverb, digital phaser, analogic phaser, wah-wah,
alien-wah, harmonizer, and three flexible distortion modules including
sub-octave modulation and dirty octave up. Most of the effects engine is
built from modules found in the excellent software synthesizer ZynAddSubFX.
Presets and user interface are optimized for guitar, but Rakarrack processes
signals in stereo while it does not apply internal band-limiting filtering,
and thus is well suited to all musical instruments and vocals. Rakarrack is
designed for Linux distributions with Jack Audio Connection Kit.
- Two new effects have been added: Analog Phaser and Derelict Distortion.
- Limiter at the end of the chain.
- Four new waveshape types: Crunch, Hard Crunch, Dirty Octave+ and Modulated Square improving all the Distortion effects..
- Four new LFO wave types: Ramp Up, Ramp Down, Zig-Zag, Modulated Square improving Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Pan, etc.
- Sub Octave in Distortion effects.
- Reverse Echo.
- Compressor support for adjustable knee, switch (Mono/Stereo), improved automatic gain function.
- Global Wet/Dry (FX%)
- Improvements in Wah-Wah, Tuner and Harmonizer.
- Up to 104 controllable parameters.
- MIDI Learn for each preset, up to 20 effect parameters can be assigned to a single MIDI control message.
- jack MIDI
- Scalable Fonts
- Background Image.
- New Logo and Icons.
- Minor things.
- 15 New Presets.
- Improvements on most of the old ones.
- Improved consistency between preset volume levels.
- Help updated.
- Fixed data problem with Big Endian architectures, now rakarrack runs properly on PowerPC and maybe others.
- Fixed important CPU usage bug related to computation of denormal numbers.
- Other minor bugs fixed.
Thanks, comments and suggestions are welcome.
The rakarrack team:
Josep Andreu - Ryan Billing - Douglas McClendon - Jose Luis di Biase - Hernan Ordiales
Josep Andreu <holborn(a)>
Josep Andreu <holborn(a)>
Hello folks,
Right on the heels of big One-O we've decided to release a minor
update with some corrections, main features being some package
improvements and a midi timing issue when running under very high
MusE :
[Fixes since 1.0]
* Removed: Disabled watchdog thread. (T356)
* Changed/Fixed: Thread priorites: Added command line switches
for audio (-P) and midi (-Y). (T356)
- Audio (-P) applies to dummy driver only.
(Else audio priority is fixed by Jack).
Fixes potential issue with midi timing when MusE was assigned
a very high priority.
* Added: Enable/disable LASH command line switch (-L),
(if LASH support is compiled in). (T356)
- Helps prevent some issues like auto-starting Jack, or
automatically routing midi to fluidsynth (observed).
* Fixed: BUG ID: 2879426: *.med does not save meta event types. (T356)
* Fixed: Midi meters now show for each track even if they're all on
same device and channel. (T356)
* Applied: muse-destdir.patch Scripts and utils packaging fix
submitted by Orcan Ogetbil. (T356)
* Fixed: python detection exchanged for script from (rj)
* Feature: Jack transport enable/disable in Midi Sync settings window.
Stores setting per-song. (T356)
- Should be Ok to use and test. Needs a bit more work. See jack.cpp
and jackaudio.h
* Fixed: Speedups of audio pre-fetch especially when moving the cursor
around (seeking). (T356)
[What is MusE again?]
MusE is multitrack virtual studio with support for:
* Midi
(only Alsa yet)
* internal softsynths, including soundfont player FluidSynth
and sample player Simple Drums
* DSSI softsynths, including VST instruments
* with a patch to DSSI, VST-chunks are handled
* Drum editor
* Pianoroll
* Conventional arranger
* midi automation
* and lots more
* Audio
* Jack
* Jack transport
* LADSPA plugins
* VST plugins through dssi-vst
* audio automation, old sch00l
* and lots more
For a complete list of changes, check the ChangeLog in
the package or online at the sourceforge site:…
The MusE team
What? No automation, yet?
Yes I failed the promise once again. So what? What would you expect from
this self-called über-procrastinator? As sure is one to say that this is
the Year of Linux Desktop (YOLD:), I'll give you the shivers and command
this one will be the year of Qtractor Automation. No kiddin' ;)
Meanwhile, this new dot-release brings you several niceties, a couple of
them have been waaay longer and dustier on the all-mighty-overdue TODO
list than automation is. Rejoice! or else...
Qtractor 0.4.4 (frisky demivierge) is in the wild!
Release highlights:
* LV2 plug-in support (NEW)
* MIDI event list view (NEW)
* Expedite audio/MIDI clip import (NEW)
* DSSI plug-in output control ports feedback/update (NEW)
* JACK transport, MMC, SPP control options (NEW)
* Self-bounce/recording (FIX)
* Audio/MIDI drift correction (FIX)
* Anti-glitch audio micro-fade-in/out ramp smoothing (FIX)
Project page:
- source tarball:
- source package (openSUSE 11.2):…
- binary packages (openSUSE 11.2):……
- binary packages (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS; no LV2 support):……
- binary packages (Ubuntu 9.10):……
- user manual (ever still outdated):
Weblog (upstream support):
Qtractor is free, open-source software, distributed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
- For all the DSSI plugins that have output control ports, a host
feedback/update process cycle is now being finally provided: all output
control ports are now marshaled to their respective GUI process, rather
often and when found open/visible.
- MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) snap-to-beat behavior on edit mode
is now kind of more like 'filling-in-the-blanks' (as Frank Neumann et
al. wishes ;)
- Fixed MIDI clip editor mistake when reverting to initial clip length,
before closing and discard changes (thanks to Frank Neumann, for
spotting this one).
- LADISH Level 1 support has been added: SIGUSR1 signal trap just makes
it a shortcut to File/Save.
- Avoid parameter value flickering, due to duplicate command invocation,
most evident when changing values massively on native Linux VSTi plugin
editor GUIs (thanks to a detailed report on this odd behavior, from Mike
- Another TODO item bites the dust: MIDI event list editor, now
accessible from the MIDI clip editor menu (View/Events)
- Last used session directory is now made current on startup only when
no filename is given on the command line (solving bug #2920244).
- Current snap-to-beat setting (time quantization) now affects the
anchor event only, while dragging, moving and/or pasting multiple events
over the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll).
- Make anti-glitch audio clip micro fade-in/outs independent from
current buffer size as much as possible.
- Audio/MIDI engine drift correction gets really sophisticated, with the
help of (now old) ALSA MIDI tempo skew facility.
- Edit/Clip/Import... menu option is now available for expedite clip
insertion from audio and MIDI file requesters.
- Set default session directory effective to file's location.
- Audio track/clip recording process has been target to special
re-factorization across the internal audio engine process cycle, in a
late attempt to get self-bounce/recording effective and working
consistently for all track layouts.
- All session related dialogs are now set to window modality, (were set
to default application modality before) allowing for continued input
focus and interaction on all plugin/tool windows.
- An off-by-one nasty old bug fixed in audio clip drawing, was causing
instant crashes on certain zoom levels of the main track view.
- Graphical MIDI clip representation regarding note/pitch range is now
kept as much as possible across clip edits (cut, copy, paste, drag,
move, delete, etc.)
- LV2 plug-in hosting has finally come into actual implementation; only
some and the most basic LV2 plug-in features are supported at the
moment; probably there's no big advantage against the old LADSPA ones;
there's some support for external UIs though; also, LV2 MIDI/Event
bare-bones support is included but chances are it won't build nor work
right on most of the setups out there. It's a WIP host implementation
anyways, as is the whole LV2 spec. for that matter ;)
- Connections filter is now reset when widget is shown through the
View/Connections main menu or toolbar button.
- Audio bus auto-connection option is now applied when creating or
updating, newer or existing buses, respectively.
- Global configuration state is now explicitly saved/committed to disk
whenever View/Options... dialog changes are applied or when a session is
loaded or saved.
- Audio ramping spin-locking makes its smooth stuff, in an attempt to
reduce glitching and crackling when editing (due to its own pseudo
spin-locking) and toggling playback states.
- JACK Transport, MMC Device, and MIDI Song Position pointer (SPP)
control modes are now made optional (View/Options...), allowing for
discretionary configuration: None/Disabled, Slave/Input, Master/Output
or Full/Duplex (default).
- Session files may now be dragged and dropped over the main track view
and get loaded for business as usual (once quietly ignored).
- In an attempt to mitigate potential stack corruption and sudden
crashes, old commented out session pseudo-locks are now back in business
while executing clip editing commands (cut, paste, drag, move, insert,
delete) and playback is currently rolling.
- Adjusted first-time application window size to fit into 800x600 screen
size and with reasonable initial dock-ables layout.
- Avoid duplicate snap-to-grid effect when changing the length of MIDI
clip editor events across non-zero clip offsets (after a glitch reported
by Ralf Mardorf).
- Late audio track processing optimization, suppressing all plugin,
mixer and monitor pass-through activity when given track is muted,
either explicitly or implicitly (ie. other track is in solo state).
- Entering System Exclusive events (SysEx) on the MIDI clip editor (aka
matrix/piano-roll widget), yet something not fully supported anyway,
even though allowed in edit mode, doesn't crash the whole damn thing
anymore, while saving the clip to a file.
- Strict aliasing avoidance, with plain and demanded use of 'union', as
much as to stop nagging warnings from gcc >= 4.4.1 (last seen on
src/qtractorMidiEvent.h hackery).
- Visual correct play-head position while changing zoom levels,
applicable to both main track and MIDI clip editor views.
Cheers && Enjoy.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela