(apologies for cross-postings)
The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) is pleased to announce the 2014 ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Composer Commissioning Program.
The purpose of this program is to stimulate student participation in SEAMUS activities, and to encourage young composers to pursue creative endeavors in electro-acoustic music. The program is administered by SEAMUS and funded by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) <http://www.ascap.com>.
The submission deadline is October 15, 2013.
For more information, please visit the ASCAP/SEAMUS Competition information page at http://www.seamusonline.org/?page_id=968.
To submit via the online application, please visit the current submission site.
Please consider printing and posting the current poster, available as a PDF, wherever appropriate.
The poster may be downloaded here.
All submissions are to be made online, through the submission site. Only one work of electroacoustic music may be submitted, which must adhere to the following guidelines:
• Audio Files: music submissions should include a representative audio recording of the work. If a concert work, it must be the complete composition. Installations may be represented by an excerpted recording not to exceed 10 minutes in length. Judging of music submissions for ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Competition will be from audio files in the MP3 format. Multichannel works will be judged from a stereo mix, also MP3. Please assist us by submitting in MP3 format. Audio files must be prepared as a single LastnameFirstname_audio.MP3.
• Scores: for submissions involving a score, please submit an anonymized PDF score for review. Please do not mail in printed scores. Score submissions must be prepared as LastnameFirstname_score.PDF.
• Video Submissions: note that for works involving video, only the audio portion will be considered for judging purposes. You must be the composer of the music for the video. Please submit an MP3 of the music as specified above.
• Only one (1) entry per student.
Other than the filename, please make sure to remove your name from all files, including MP3 metadata and PDF scores. Please limit the total size of all files to 40MB.
This same work may be submitted to the SEAMUS 2014 National Conference via the conference submission page. All finalists in the ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Commission Competition must attend the SEAMUS 2014 National Conference.
A maximum of two prizes may be awarded. The decision of the judges will be final.
First Prize
• Commission of $1250 for a new work of electro-acoustic music
• Performance of commissioned work at the 2015 SEAMUS National Conference
• Recording of the commissioned work in the SEAMUS Compact Disc Series
• Certificate of recognition
Second Prize
• Commission of $750 for a new work of electro-acoustic music
• Performance of commissioned work at the 2015 SEAMUS National Conference
• Certificate of recognition
Applicants to the 2014 ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Commissioning Competition must be student members of SEAMUS and must be either currently enrolled in an academic program in the United States (high school through doctoral studies) or a United States citizen studying abroad. All completed submissions will be verified for student status against current SEAMUS membership records.
Per Bloland
SEAMUS Member-at-Large
As usual, apologies for x-posting...
It is my pleasure to announce the latest release of pd-l2ork free
open-source visual programming language for interactive media, and
supporting K12 educational module for the 32-bit and 64-bit Linux, as
well as Raspberry Pi (Arm) platforms. pd-l2ork is the infrastructural
backbone of Virginia Tech DISIS Linux Laptop Orchestra
(http://l2ork.music.vt.edu). Highlights include:
*Ported all vanilla GUI objects and events to cairo-based SVG-like
tkpath canvas providing antialiased drawing capabilities, bezier patch
cords, and setting stage for a zoomable canvas
*Implemented a new scrollbar system using semi-transparent objects right
on the canvas
*Implemented filtering of autorepeat keyboard events for key, keyup,
keyname objects
*Expanded K12 library with numerous improvements and added a couple demo
*Backported resizable objects and recent files
*Implemented native drag-n-drop
*Improved GUI appearance
*Began porting 3rd party objects to new cairo-based canvas
(non-accelerated 3rd-party objects can be recognized by having a blue
selection box and their considerably slower redraw)
*Cleaned-up extended pddp documentation and added comprehensive cyclone
*Began filtering (disabling) building of redundant externals within the
cyclone and other 3rd-party libraries
*Proper visual reordering without the potentially cpu-expensive
canvas_redraw for all accelerated objects (non-accelerated 3rd-party
objects can be recognized by having a blue selection box and their
considerably slower redraw)
*Disabled drawing of redundant nlets for objects embedded inside a GOP
object (for Max users, equivalent to a bpatcher)
*Embedded tkdnd and tkpath libs directly into source for a monolithic
build; made several improvements to the tkpath lib fork
*Many other minor bugfixes and improvements (see Changelog for more info)
A screenshot of the K12 module is attached. Alternatively, it can be
found at:
Complete Changelog:
Download Links:
Binary Builds & Documentation: http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/?page_id=56
Source: http:///github.com/pd-l2ork/
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Head, ICAT IMPACT Studio
Virginia Tech
Department of Music
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0240
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
Suil 0.6.16 is out. Suil is a lightweight C library for loading and
wrapping LV2 plugin UIs. Suil transparently presents UIs written in
any toolkit as the desired widget type of host programs, so hosts do
not have to depend on foreign toolkits.
Download: http://download.drobilla.net/suil-0.6.16.tar.bz2
More about Suil: http://drobilla.net/software/suil
This releases fixes a crash bug for UIs with NULL extension_data, and
includes some Qt fixes from Rui Nuno Capela.
The API/ABI is identical to the previous release.
-- dr
Hey everybody,
OpenAV is releasing Sorcer 1.1! Upgraded features such as a compressor and
output level provide better feedback in an all new NTK based UI! Existing
presets are remain unchanged: the compressor is off by default.
Packagers will be happy to know that Sorcer now uses Make, so packaging
should be easier.
Details available on http://openavproductions.com/sorcer
Cheers, -Harry
Hey all,
Its a pleasure to announce release Fabla 1.1:
-UI opening in Ardour (visual) handled better
-Pad state restore (visual) bug fixed
-Colours behind dials (visual) fixed
-Pad number redraw (visual) fixed
-LV2 UI resize (visual) fixed
-Added LICENSE file for Fedora packaging
The acoustic drum sample pack "Savage Drums" is now included with Fabla!
The sample pack was recorded at "The Music Hub" studio, in Limerick,
The drummer is Stephen Savage.
Details available on http://openavproductions.com/fabla
Cheers, -Harry
On 09/05/2013 06:47 PM, Dan MacDonald wrote:
> * Support resizing for X11 in Gtk (patch from Robin Gareus)
> Might this fix SetBFree under qtractor, Robin?
Nope. Sorry.
It is for X11 windows (such as setBfree's GL GUI) inside a Gtk host
(such as ardour or jalv.gtk).
Hi all,
as it was announced at the end of LAC2013 in Graz, the Linux Audio
Conference 2014 is going to take place at ZKM in Karlsruhe/Germany.
The date of LAC2014 has finally been settled:
1st - 4th of May, 2014
We plan to send out calls for papers, workshops and music soon and we
hope that many of you will be able to join the conference.
Goetz (on behalf of the organizing team)
Dear colleagues,
please note the job opening for a full professorship of computer music composition and sound design at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. The new professor will be able to make full use of the unique artistic environment and technical facilities of the university, including the Institute of Composition, Theory of Music, History of Music, and Conducting, the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) and the György Ligeti Hall at the MUMUTH, a state-of-the-art performance venue. For details please see the attached call (in German). The application deadline is October 25th 2013.
Best regards,
Gerhard Eckel
--- 8< ---
An der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, Institut für Komposition, Musiktheorie, Musikgeschichte und Dirigieren, gelangt ab dem Wintersemester 2014/15 eine
Universitätsprofessur für
Komposition-Computermusik und Sound Design
gemäß § 99 des Universitätsgesetzes 2002 und § 25 des Kollektivvertrages für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten in Form eines vollbeschäftigten vertraglichen Dienstverhältnisses befristet auf fünf Jahre zur Besetzung. Eine Überzahlung des kollektivvertraglichen monatlichen Mindestentgelts von derzeit 4.601,20 € brutto (14 x jährlich) kann vereinbart werden.
I. Grundsätzliche Anstellungserfordernisse:
- eine der Verwendung entsprechende abgeschlossene inländische oder gleichwertige ausländische Hochschulausbildung, bzw. eine gleich zu wertende künstlerische Eignung
- höchste künstlerische Qualifikation für das zu besetzende Fach
- eine international herausragende künstlerische Laufbahn
- eine hervorragende pädagogische und didaktische Befähigung
- die Bereitschaft zur aktiven Teilnahme an der Weiterentwicklung der Lehrkultur und am künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Leben der Universität sowie zur Mitgestaltung der Kunstuniversität Graz in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung
- Genderkompetenz
II. Spezifische Anstellungserfordernisse:
Gesucht wird eine Persönlichkeit, die das Fach Computermusik in den Bereichen Komposition und Performance mit überragender Kompetenz und internationaler Ausstrahlung zu vertreten vermag. Der Aufgabenbereich umfasst die Betreuung der Studierenden in den Bachelor- und Masterprogrammen Komposition-Computermusik und Sound Design sowie die Betreuung von Studierenden im künstlerischen Doktoratsprogramm. Da die musikalische Praxis der Computermusik häufig im intermedialen Bereich angesiedelt ist, werden auch einschlägige Erfahrungen mit der Verbindung zu anderen Medien vorausgesetzt. Erwartet wird weiters praktisches und organisatorisches Engagement bei der Weiterentwicklung des Bereichs Computermusik an der Universität sowie die Mitarbeit in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung. Von der Bewerberin/von dem Bewerber werden neben einem abgeschlossenen fachspezifischen Hochschulstudium pädagogische Eignung, hervorragende Befähigung zu künstlerischer Arbeit sowie einschlägige Erfahrung in der Lehre erwartet. Zusätzlich ist eine Qualifikation im Bereich der künstlerischen Forschung erwünscht, z.B. durch eine künstlerische Promotion oder Erfahrung mit der Leitung von künstlerischen Forschungsprojekten.
InteressentInnen mit entsprechender Qualifikation werden eingeladen, ihre schriftliche Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis spätestens
25. Oktober 2013
unter der GZ 58/13 an das Rektorat der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, 8010 Graz, Leonhardstraße 15, zu richten.
Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim künstlerischen Personal an und fordert deshalb qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Frauen werden bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen.
Die Bewerber/innen haben keinen Anspruch auf Abgeltung der Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die durch das Aufnahmeverfahren entstanden sind.
Im Sinne des sozialen Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts der KUG, das besondere Bedürfnisse in all ihren Aspekten interpretiert, werden Menschen mit solchen Bedürfnissen bei gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt angestellt.
Der Geschäftsführende Vizerektor:
Robert Höldrich
--- 8< ---
as appeared in Mitteilungsblatt 26:
CAPS 0.9.10
The CAPS Audio Plugin Suite, a LADSPA library comprising classic sound
effects, various signal generators and guitar tone processing, sees
another update containing some bug fixes, minor sound improvements in
various places and a new plugin, "Spice", which, strangely, appears
not to be an exciter.
In addition, the package documentation has been revised and some
errors corrected.