I'm pleased to announce the release of my program
mma - Musical MIDI Accompaniment
version: Beta 0.15
MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives.
MMA is very versatile and generates excellent tracks. It comes
with an extensive user-extendable library with a variety of
patterns for various popular rhythms, an extensive user manual,
and many demo songs.
MMA is a command line driven program. It creates MIDI files
which need a sequencer or MIDI file play program.
MMA is written in Python. You'll need Python 2.3 (or later)
for MMA to function.
MMA is supplied in 4 tar.gz archives. Included:
mma-bin -- the main script and library files.
mma-html -- documentation in HTML format.
mma-pdf -- documentation in PDF format.
mma-songs -- a collection of about 230 songs in MMA format.
If you get all four download packages the total size is still
less than 1.5 megabytes.
MMA is currently in final BETAs. We are hoping for a 1.0 release
in summer 2005. Right now we need help in debugging the program,
creating songs for distribution, and new and improved
library files.
Best of all, MMA is free. It is released under the terms of the GNU
General Public License. It has been developed on a Linux platform,
but should be usable on just about any system. A detailed page now
exists on our web site on how-to install on a Windows system.
MMA is available on my personal home page:
If you have any questions or comments, please send them
to: bvdp(a)uniserve.com
Beta 0.15: A number of synth translation options have been added,
chord voicings improved, more chord adjustment options, and a lot of
minor (and not-so-minor) bug fixes.
Comments appreciated!
Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: bvdp(a)uniserve.com
WWW: http://mypage.uniserve.com/~bvdp
sorry for XyZ
-french version below-
Audio Signal Processing workshop
digital sound workshop
Rotterdam, 1 -> 4 September 2005
Registration fee: 60 euros (food & drinks included)
Reservations via v2(a)v2.nl
Location: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
URL: www.v2.nl / www.goto10.org
In a four-day workshop hosted by V2_, sound artists Frank Barknecht and
Aymeric Mansoux will introduce the basics of Audio Signal Processing
(ASP) in the fields of real-time music production. This workshop
specifically targets people who want to develop their work in the
digital sound field or those people curious about the processes involved
behind the audio software they already use.
The program starts with a theoretical introduction to the basics of
digital sound, after which participants will work with the open source
software Pure Data (http://puredata.org) to turn theory into practice.
The workshop also teaches and demonstrates which free technologies are
available for audio streaming, such as icecast (http://icecast.org),
and ogg/vorbis (http://www.vorbis.com).
A Placard headphone concert Rotterdam Headphone Lounge will wrap up
this four-day workshop on Sunday 4 September with performances by Erik
Minkkinen, Sei Matsumura, Robert van Heumen, Tom Schouten and Guy Van Belle.
The deadline for applications is 19 August 2005. For all information
check http://www.v2.nl and http://goto10.org/-/gw004
DAY 1 11:00-18:00 hrs // ASP and Audio Synthesis
A day with the blackboard: the physics of sound, the digital
representation of sound, basic audio signal processing, synthesis,
samples and soundfiles
DAY 2 11:00-18:00 hrs // Pure Data
Applied theory: messages versus audio signals, audio building blocks and
operators, delay & filters, building an FM patch, a sample playing patch
and an effect patch
DAY 3 11:00-18:00 hrs // Pure Data next level + streaming audio
how to do basic physical modelling, waveshaping and additive synthesis,
introduction to audio streaming, presentation of: icecast, ogg, and
vorbis, and building an audio streaming system
DAY 4 11:00-15:00 hrs // Patching and streaming
putting things together: working on a patch
20:00-23:00 hrs // Le Placard: Rotterdam Headphone Lounge
WORKSHOP DATE: Thursday 1 - Sunday 4 September 2005, 11:00-18:00 hrs
HOST: V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media
FEE: 60 euros
LOCATION: V2_, Eendrachtsstsraat 10, Rotterdam
FOOD & DRINKS: free tea+coffee, lunch included
HOUSING: not included
HARDWARE: computers are provided
BOOKING: v2(a)v2.nl
Durant un workshop de quatre jours à V2_, les participants seront
introduits aux techniques de traitement du signal audio dans le cadre de
la création musicale "temp-réel". Ce workshop est tout particulièrement
destiné aux personnes qui désire développer leur travail dans le champ
de la création audionumérique et pour cexu qui sont curieux d'apprendre
les concepts qui se cachent derrière certains des logiciels qu'ils
utilisent déjà.
Le programme commence avec une introduction théorique sur
l'audionumérique puis pratique avec le logiciel pure data
(http://puredata.org). Le workshop montre également quelles technologies
libres sont disponibles pour le streaming audio tel que icecast
(http://icecast.org) et ogg/vorbis (http://www.vorbis.com).
Un placard (concert au casque), le "rotterdam headphone lounge", sera la
conclusion de ce workshop de quatre jours le dimanche 4 septembre avec
entre autres, les performances de Erik Minkkinen, Sei Matsumura, Robert
Van Heumen, Tom Schouten et Guy Van Belle.
le workshop sera conduit en anglais.
deadline pour inscriptions : 19/08/2005
en hop one klein goto bisou :*
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I hope readers of LAD might find the following useful, and I wonder if
you'd mind posting it for me. Linux audio developers have been
interested in these posts in the past.
Please note that my understanding of employment legislation is that we
are unable to employ personnel from outwith the European Union unless
it can be demonstrated that the required skill set does not exist
within the EU (which in this case it certainly does)
Here's the post...
Job opportunity:
Closing date: 5th August 2005
Based in the Department of Music and shared with the Humanities Advanced
Technology and Information Institute, this is a key post aimed at
developing and
supporting the use of information and communication technology in music
and research. Job responsibilities come under three main headings:
support; lab management, administration and development; and teaching
The postholder will provide technical support specific to music.
For further details, please see:
The aim of this post is to develop and support the use of information
communication technology in music teaching and research. The postholder
provide technical support specific to the discipline of music.
Job responsibilities come under three main headings: (a) research
support, (b)
laboratory management, administration and development, and (c) teaching
a. Research Support
a) Advise and assist staff and postgraduates in the selection and
use of appropriate new technology resources to enhance research.
b) Collaborate with staff and postgraduates on the technical aspects
of research funding applications.
b. Laboratory Management, Administration and Development
a) Liaise with the HATII team in providing technology resources,
and with the Technician in the Music Department, on studio and
audio infrastructure.
b) Maintain and supervise the computing facilities in the
Department of Music, delegating to the HATII team, as appropriate.
c) Liaise with other RDOs in the Arts Faculty, Department of
Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Department of
Computing Science, to identify and develop common resources.
c. Teaching Support
a) Enhance the deployment of teaching materials.
b) Identify new technologies for use in teaching.
c) Provide technical advice to students, including demonstrations
and classes, as appropriate.
d) Contribute to the Faculty's undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching programme managed by HATII.
To ensure that the provision of ICT in the Department of Music is
appropriate to
teaching, learning and research needs of staff and students.
These key tasks are not intended to be exhaustive, but simply highlight
a number
of major tasks which the post holder may be reasonably expected to
Every job description will be subject to review on an annual basis, or:
· as a result of a change in strategic management
· as a result of team/ operational requirements
· as a result of agreed performance and development review
including any review of objectives
· within six months of appointment.
The Department has extensive high-quality audio and computing
facilities. These
comprise: professionally equipped recording studios with tielines to
halls and soundbooth, Mac-based Electroacoustic Studios with Digidesign
hardware and soundbooth; two Mac-based audio workstation labs; an
PC cluster; a PC cluster for postgraduates and researchers; and a
number of web
and ftp servers running Linux. Applications include ProTools, Logic,
Finale and Sibelius, Max/MSP, PD/GEM, Csound and more.
The Department is a thriving environment for research and teaching
across a wide
range of areas including electroacoustic and acoustic composition, music
technology, historical and cultural musicology, and Scottish music.
For further details, please see:
Department of Music:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
FishSound 0.7.0 Release
libfishsound provides a simple programming interface for decoding and
encoding audio data using Xiph.Org codecs (Vorbis and Speex).
This release is available as a source tarball at:
New in this release
This release includes features backported from the development trunk:
* Added typesafe encoding and decoding interfaces. Some existing
interfaces are marked as deprecated, but source and binary
compatibility with previous versions has been maintained.
(Backported from changesets 282, 283, 285, 289, 290, 304)
* Valgrind-clean: Removed memory leaks and other errors exposed by
running the entire suite of unit tests under valgrind.
(Changeset 1398, and Backported changesets:
285:322 src/libfishsound/comments.c
304:323 src/libfishsound/fishsound.c
332:328, 337:515, 568 src/libfishsound/vorbis.c
308, 316, 333:514 src/libfishsound/speex.c
274:516 src/tests/encdec-comments.c
* Added compatibility with and detection of Speex 1.1
(Changeset 1391, and Backported changesets 306, 307)
* Add support for compilation under MinGW (Erik de Castro Lopo)
(Backported changeset 602)
* Various build system improvements (Thomas Vander Stichele)
(Backported changesets 536, 1337, 1355)
* Various minor backports (Backported changesets 294, 300, 301,
302, 303, 341, 511, 518, 532, 535, 568, 607, 666, 1356, 1396)
* Updated shared version info to 2:0:1
For details, see:
About libfishsound
libfishsound by itself is designed to handle raw codec streams from a
lower level layer such as UDP datagrams. When these codecs are used in
files, they are commonly encapsulated in Ogg to produce Ogg Vorbis
and Speex files.
libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides
a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for
use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on
Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with
liboggz to decode or encode Vorbis or Speex audio tracks in Ogg files,
including Ogg Theora and Annodex.
FishSound has been developed and tested on GNU/Linux, Darwin/MacOSX and
Win32. It probably also works on other Unix-like systems via GNU autoconf.
For Win32: nmake Makefiles, Visual Studio .NET 2003 solution files and
Visual C++ 6.0 workspace files are all provided in the source distribution.
Full documentation of the FishSound API, customization and installation,
and complete examples of Ogg Vorbis and Speex decoding and encoding are
provided in the source tarball, and can be read online at:
FishSound is Free Software, available under a BSD-style license.
More information is available online at the FishSound homepage:
enjoy :)
Conrad Parker
Senior Software Engineer, Continuous Media Web, CSIRO Australia
Just to let you know and leave me with some peace of mind for the coming
summer holidays, here's what:
QjackCtl 0.2.18 has been released, where a couple of sloppy bugs have been
Taken from the rather minimal changelog for this one:
- A freezing and endless loop condition on the patchbay socket item
duplication (copy) has been fixed.
- Fixed output disability when messages limit option is turned off
(thanks again to Wolfgang Woehl for spotting this one).
Right. You can grab it from the usual original place(s):
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
I've added a Musings section, corrected some URLs, and added one or
two new items. You know the drill:
http://linux-sound.org (USA)
http://linuxsound.jp (Japan)
http://linuxsound.atnet.at (Europe)
Alas, the European site is giving me fits again and is not yet
updated. The Japanese site will auto-update this evening.
Btw, my thanks to the many people who sent kindly messages regarding
these pages. I'm glad that the sites are a useful resource, despite
their ancient format and lack of amenities, and since no-one else has
arrived with a replacement I'll keep aperiodically updating them. I hope
you all continue to find them useful and enjoyable.
Best regards,
Dave Phillips
Hi everybody!
The NoteEdit team is glad to announce the first major-version since its
new beginning!
Release 2.8.0
New features:
- Updated translations and fixed Makefile to include Slovenian translation.
- RFE #573 - Soprano clef added.
- Score info fields and staff names can now include double quotes ("),
updated export filters.
- RFE #730 - Direct MIDI import - one-click MIDI file import implemented.
- RFE #729 - warning message before TSE3 -> Score added.
- Automatic bar placement disabled if no time signature defined.
- Allow bar placement in empty staffs with no clef/key/time signature.
- Merged staff properties and voice dialog.
- Staff properties can now change all staffs at once, not only the
current one.
- Menu point staff -> voices invokes the staff properties.
- More improvements to the menu: Easier access via keys, some better
menu names
(like Close / Quit, Select Multi Staff).
- Main window title now includes score title and subtitle by default, if
none defined yet, it the current uses file name.
- Many score layout window improvements (bottom-up selection, resized
buttons to fit captions on buttons, added form caption).
- Removed fuzzyness from german translation and updated all po(t) files
(others will have fuzzyness as well until translated).
- Removed a thrilling MusiXTeX warning when exporting and replaced it
with a nice notice dialog.
- New icon.
- Implemented splash screen.
- New playback shortcut. Changed Edit Mode and Insert Rest default
- Save main window position and size (default: available screen geometry).
- Toolbar settings of every toolbar are saved and restored.
- Integrated patch 403 - Better menu structure.
- Removed "Report Bug" menu item from help menu.
- The last selected key or time signature is now remembered and gets
selected automatically when inserting it the second time.
- configure now works on FreeBSD (thanks to Raphael Langerhorst)
Download the 2.8.0 release here:
Future plans: We are splitting up the NoteEdit development into a stable
and unstable tree. The current development focus will be on the stable
tree adding some interesting new features. The unstable tree will get
a stronger focus after the next stable relese. The plans for this tree
will be hopefully unleashed in the near future :-)
As always: If you have any problems or find bugs, please post them in
the Bug tracker. or mail them to the developer mailing list.
Known bugs can be found in the Bug tracker as well.
Best Regards,
Reinhard Katzmann
Software-Engineer, Developer of User Interfaces
Project: Noteedit - a score editor - http://noteedit.berlios.de
GnuPG Public Key available on request
Download from http://www.notam02.no/arkiv/src/
E-Radium V0.61b
Released 12.7.2005
E-radium is Radium and a special version of E-UAE.
Radium is a midi music editor for the amiga and E-Uae is an amiga
This version of E-Uae is a hacked version of 0.28cvs, which runs
with realtime priority to get accurate timing and supports alsa-seq
to access midi. It does not hog the cpu as much as e-uae does
either so it can be used together with various sound synthesis
software running simultaniously in linux.
E-radium has been tested with both the 2.4 kernel and the 2.6 kernel
and with a ~1GhZ machine and a ~2ghz machine. (A 2.4 kernel with a
100hz resolution timer will proably not work very nice though.)
1. Run ./e-radium
2. Unpress the "Pause" button.
3. Select which resolution you want to run radium with.
4. Connect midi-ports with qjackctl, aconnect, qconnect or similar
If you are a non-us keyboard user, you might have to configure
the keyboard by setting the approporitate type.
e-uae currently supports fr, us, de, dk, se, it and es. Pick the
one closest to what you use, and put it into the "kbd_lang"-field
in the file ".uarc-radium".
(The keyboard should rather have been mapped directly from the
keys though....)
* Move the editor-window to front, press "Ctrl + 1".
* Maximize the editor-window, press "Altgr + 1"
* Maximize the tracks in the editor-window, press "Ctrl + m"
* Move the playlist-window to front, press "Ctrl + 2".
* Move the Midi-properties-window to front, press "Ctrl + 3".
* Move the Help-window to front, press "Ctrl+4". (Use right mouse
button to access menues)
* Play song press Altgr+Space.
* Play block, press Right windows + Space
* Stop: Press space
* Continue song: Press Right Shift + Space
* Undo: Press Right Windows + U
* Redo: Press Right Windows + Right Shift + U
* Toggle midi-editing on/off, press Esc.
* Move 10 lines up/down: Press Left shift + up/down
* Move between tracks: Press AltGr + left/right
* Add block: Press Ctrl + f
* Move to next block: Press f
* Move to prev block: press a
* PANIC! Hold down left and right mouse buttons for 2-10 seconds.
The player should then stop.
+ A lot more. Check out bin/keybindings.conf for the complete
list. This file can also be editied.
E-radium creates 8 public alsa-midi seq ports. Currently, only
the 2 first ones are enabled. To enable more, check out the
file s/startup-sequence.
On the linux-side (alsa-seq), the name of the ports are uae0,
uae1, uae2 and so on.
On the amiga-side (camd), the name of the ports are mmp.0,
mmp.1, mmp.2 and so on. These are directly connected if
enabled in s/startup-sequence.
Radium is currently configured to read midi from the uae0 alsa
midi port.
Radium runs quite okey on its own (v0.63), but its not quite
there yet. Until its there, running it via uae is the only
way to use it besides using a real amiga of course (altough
that is much slower than emulating).
Radium: http://www.notam02.no/radium/
E-uae: http://www.rcdrummond.net/uae/
| ______ ______ _ _ _ |
| /\ / _____) ___ \| | | | | /\ |
| / \ | / ___| | | | | | | | / \ |
| / /\ \| | (___) | | | | | | | / /\ \ |
| | |__| | \____/| | | | |___| | |_____| |__| | |
| |______|\_____/|_| |_|\______|_______)______| |
| |
[Sorry for cross-posting. Feel free to forward around]
Florence, 07/07/2005
AGNULA/DeMuDI 1.2.1, the Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution for
audio, has been released.
AGNULA/DeMuDI 1.2.1, the Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution for
audio and music, has been released.
This release is the second of the 1.2.x series , and sports a complete
integration with Debian, using the Sarge Debian Installer and the CDD
(Custom Debian Distributions) concept. [0]
Instructions on how to download and install it can be found here:
and a list of frequently asked questions here:
The available packages along with their versions can be checked here:
We hope you enjoy AGNULA/DeMuDi! Please report your impressions on our
mailing lists [1] or with the issue tracking system [2] . Bug reports
as well as hints and suggestions are always welcome!
For any information, do not hesitate to contact us [3], or visit the
AGNULA/DeMuDi site [4].
About AGNULA: Agnula (acronym for A GNU/Linux Audio distribution,
pronounced with a strong g) is the name of a project funded until
April 2004 by the European Commission (number of contract:
IST-2001-34879; key action IV.3.3, Free Software: towards the critical
mass). After the end of the funded period, AGNULA is continuing as a
volunteer based project, aiming to spread Libre Software in the
professional audio/video arena.
Best regards,
The AGNULA Team info(a)agnula.org
Our web site: http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"
[0] http://demudi.agnula.org/wiki/DocumentsConcept
[1] http://lists.agnula.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
[2] http://demudi.agnula.org/newticket
[3] info(a)agnula.org
[4] http://demudi.agnula.org/