____ __ ___ _
/ __ \____ ___ ____ / |/ /_ _______(_)____
/ / / / __ \/ _ \/ __ \ / /|_/ / / / / ___/ / ___/
/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / / / / / /_/ (__ ) / /__
\____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/____/_/\___/
__ __ __ ____
/ //_/___ ____ / /__________ / / /__ __________
/ ,< / __ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ ___/
/ /| / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / __/ / (__ )
/_/ |_\____/_/ /_/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\___/_/ /____/
Quarterly releases 2019-2
______ _
/ __/ /____ _______ (_)
/ _// __/ -_) __/ _ \ / /
/___/\__/\__/_/ \___/_/ /
*Open Sound Control inside LV2 plugin graphs*
This LV2 plugin bundle allows you to handle OSC (Open Sound Control)
bundles and
messages in modular hosts.
- Insert/dispatch OSC from/to UDP, TCP (IPv4/6) and serial sockets
- Pack/unpack MIDI into OSC
- Pack/unpack OSC into MIDI
- Pack/unpack LV2 atoms into OSC
Makes only sense to be used in hosts that allow
routing of LV2 atom messages between plugins, e.g.
- http://drobilla.net/software/ingen
- https://open-music-kontrollers.ch/lv2/synthpod
[0.6.0] - 15 Apr 2019
- synchronous mode in eteroj:ninja (needs lock-free urid:map implementation)
- connection status reporting in eteroj:io
- connection errors reporting in eteroj:io
- build system from CMake to meson
- from libuv to pure POSIX network sockets
- increase buffer sizes in eteroj:io
- from lv2_atom_object_query to lv2_atom_object_get (GCC bug)
- to fixed size scheduling array in eteroj:io
- dispatching bundles immediately if no support for osc:sched (host feature)
- endian headers for BSDs
- running forbidden custom worker thread in eteroj:io
- broken automatic reconnections for lost UDP/TCP links in eteroj:io
- support for mingw (POSIX sockets)
- eteroj:control plugin
- eteroj:disk plugin
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
__ ____ ___ __ ___ __ _
/ |/ (_)__/ (_) / |/ /__ _/ /_____(_)_ __
/ /|_/ / / _ / / / /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ /\ \ /
/_/ /_/_/\_,_/_/ /_/ /_/\_,_/\__/_/ /_//_\_\
*An LV2 MIDI channel matrix patcher*
Things that can be accomplished with this plugin:
- MIDI channel filtering (e.g. blocking of specific channels)
- MIDI channel multiplication (e.g. send events from channel X to
channels X, Y and Z)
- MIDI channel rerouting (e.g send events from channel X to channel Y)
- And any possible combination thereof
[0.22.0] - 15 Apr 2019
- ui resize extension
- dynamic drawing/erasing while mouse down
- button for one-to-one connection layout
- build system from CMake to meson
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
__ ___
/ |/ /__ ___ ___ __ __
/ /|_/ / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ // /
/_/ /_/\___/\___/_//_/\_, /
*Realtime Lua as programmable glue in LV2*
Write LV2 control port and event filters in Lua. Use it for one-off
prototyping, experimenting or glueing stuff together.
[0.26.0] - 15 Apr 2019
- use custom environment in code injection example preset
- global moony:error parameter
- global moony:code parameter
- external editor ui
- supported options to turtle metadata
- HTML reference manual to plugin bundle
- button for opening HTML reference manual
- support for plain atoms as rdf:value in state responder
- support decoding patch:Put events in state responder
- from Cmake to meson build system
- enable manual garbage collection by default
- internal Lua registry code cleanup
- from lv2_atom_object_query to lv2_atom_object_get (GCC bug)
- from strtok to strsep (the latter is rt-safe)
- to updated (experimental) canvas extension
- use strpbrk to match OSC path wildcards
- always return params:sampleRate from options interface
- render instructions in presets to be compatible with nanovg backend
- automatic scaling for hiDPI displays
- initial focus on text edit fields
- text edit for onon-single line edits
- log auto-clear upon code send
- always overwrite error message with latest
- math.random and math.randomseed (use rt-safe 'random' module instead)
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
___ __ __ __ ___ __ _
/ _ \___ _/ /_____/ / / |/ /__ _/ /_____(_)_ __
/ ___/ _ `/ __/ __/ _ \/ /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ /\ \ /
/_/ \_,_/\__/\__/_//_/_/ /_/\_,_/\__/_/ /_//_\_\
*a JACK patchbay in flow matrix style*
A simple graphical JACK patchbay that tries to unite the best of both
- Fast patching and uncluttered port representation of a **matrix patchbay**
- Excellent representation of signal flow of a **flow canvas patchbay**
It additionally features tightly embedded graphical mixer clients
[0.14.0] - 15 Apr 2019
- missing call to XinitThreads for asynchronous refresh
- support for BSDs
- audio/MIDI mixer gain automation via JACK MIDI
- audio/MIDI mixer gain automation via JACK OSC
- build system from CMake to meson
- exit after failed execvp
- wrongly ordered numbers in port names
- hardcoded launcher icon file path
- crashing gui on showing tooltips
- hiding connector nodes for zero port source/sink connections
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
______ __ __
/ __/ / ___ ____/ /__ ____/ /__
_\ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ / _ \/ __/ '_/
/___/_//_/\__/_/ /_/\___/\__/_/\_\
*An investigative LV2 plugin bundle*
This plugin bundle contains plugins for visualizing LV2 atom, MIDI and
OSC events.
Use them for monitoring and debugging of event signal flows inside
plugin graphs.
[0.18.0] - 15 Apr 2019
- ui resize extension
- tracing to host's log for atom_inspector
- filtering by URID for atom_inspector
- build system from CMake to meson
- ui checkboxes
- routing only OSC messages/bundles to ui
- style to always light color row after frame row
- put OSC arguments on separate rows
- automatic scaling on hiDPI displays
- end-of-line handling in turtle lexer
- atom item sizes reporting
- turtle pretty number configuration switching
- strobing shadowing when in non-following mode
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
_ ____ ___
| | / / |/ /
| |/ / /|_/ /
|___/_/ /_/
*A programmable virtual machine LV2 plugin*
This plugin bundle contains various plugins with a programmable stack-based
virtual machine to modify up to 8 LV2 Control, CV, Audio, Atom and MIDI
To be used when that specific simple filter plugin you desperately need does
not yet exist.
[0.6.0] - 15 Apr 2019
- vm:midi MIDI Conversion plugin
- ui button icons
- build system from CMake to meson
- port_event callback to handle all patch ports
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite releases updates for Patroneo and
Both are published in version 1.2 in the hope to be useful in your
musical toolbox.
All software is released under GPLv3.
Patroneo (Esperanto: /Pattern/) is an easy to use pattern based midi
sequencer. It is ideal for beginners or for composers who want to work
under constraints to explore new creative paths.
Fluajho (Esperanto: /Fluid/) is a simple sampler for sf2 soundfonts.
There are many soundfont samplers for Linux, most of them also based
on Fluidsynth; Fluajho was written for a clearly defined use case:
Load an .sf2 in the Non Session Manager.
Changelog Highlights:
* [Patroneo] Added tool to convert the grouping and step count without
losing data or changing the music.
* [Patroneo] Added selector for note names (different languages andGM-drums)
* [Patroneo] Fixed "hanging notes" bug
* [All] Performance and stability enhancements, quality of life GUI
* [All] Optional mode without NSM: Commandline parameter --save or -s.
See --help
* [All] The --mute switch now works when running without installation
* [All] Nuitka is now only necessary for installing system-wide.
You can find all releases as sources here:
Hopefully distributions will create packages soon.
READMEs and Manuals (both in English and German) are provided and
accompanied by
quickstart videos (which can be found in the manuals)
Nils for the Laborejo Software Suite
moddownloaderr is a bash script that downloads tracker created module music
files (.mod, .med, .xm, .it, .s3m) from modarchive.org. You can use various
category or search criteria, change save location, or cap the number of
tracks to download.
0.4 is now available! Arch users can install via the AUR
0.2 was my initial fork and basic clean-up
0.3 was mostly about fixing genre downloads
0.4 is about a major bugfix and further polishing
After many years, Carla version 2.0.0 is finally here!
Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and
plugin formats.
It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC (and
send output back as MIDI too) and full OSC control.
Version 2.0 took this long because I was never truly happy with its
current state, often pushing new features but not fully finishing them.
So the "solution" was to put everything that is not considered stable
yet behind an experimental flag in the settings.
This way we can have our stable Carla faster, while upcoming features
get developed and tagged as experimental during testing.
Preparations for version 2.1 are well under way, a beta for it will be
out soon.
But that is a topic for another day.
== Changes since 2.0-RC4
- Fix missing argument in note-on/off osc example
- Fix word-wrap in add-plugin dialog
- Fix Windows README.txt line endings
- Build windows binaries with -mstackrealign
- Don't show side panel in carla-control
- Show "Label/URI" instead of just "Label"
- Keep application signals alive (so Ctrl+C works even while engine is
- Update copyright year
== Downloads
To download Carla binaries or source code, jump on over to the KXStudio
downloads section. [1]
Carla v2.0.0 is available pre-packaged in the KXStudio repositories and
UbuntuStudio backports, plus on ArchLinux and Ubuntu since 19.04. On
those you can simply install the carla package.
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome! Jump on over to the
Carla's Github project page for those. [2]
== Videos
There is no manual or quick-start guide for Carla yet, apologies for that.
But there are some videos of presentations I did regarding Carla's
features and workflows, those should give you an introduction of its
features and what you can do with it:
@ Sonoj 2017
@ LAC 2018
[1] https://kx.studio/Downloads
[2] https://github.com/falkTX/Carla
Guitarix release 0.38.1
Guitarix is a tube amplifier simulation for
jack (Linux), with an additional mono and a stereo effect rack.
Guitarix includes a large list of LV2 and LADSPA plugins, and support
LADSPA / LV2 plugs as well in it's racks.
The guitarix engine is designed for LIVE usage, and feature ultra fast,
glitch and click free preset switching and is full Midi and remote
controllable (the Web UI is not included in the distributed tar ball).
*This is a critical bug-fix release.*
In version 0.38.0 the state (preset) wasn't loaded correctly by the
engine on startup, this release fix that.
When you've already upgraded to 0.38.0, please consider to update again
to 0.38.1
Still the LV2 plugins coming with guitarix using a Gtkmm based UI, I'll
work on it to port them to X11 based UI's.
Refer to our project page for more information:
Download Site:
Guitarix release 0.38.0
Guitarix is a tube amplifier simulation for
jack (Linux), with an additional mono and a stereo effect rack.
Guitarix includes a large list of LV2 and LADSPA plugins, and support
LADSPA / LV2 plugs as well in it's racks.
The guitarix engine is designed for LIVE usage, and feature ultra fast,
glitch and click free preset switching and is full Midi and remote
controllable (the Web UI is not included in the distributed tar ball).
From the changelog:
* fix bug #67, don't use malloc.h on FreeBSD
* remove assert for ports count, to allow save removing of changed
LV2 plugins
* add new option -E --hideonquit, this makes the UI experience smooth
when used as LV2 plugin
* add support for LV2_URID_Map, LV2_URID_Unmap and LV2_OPTIONS to
allow more plugs to load
* fix compiler warnings with gcc 8
* add exit handler and warning when samplerate is above 96kHz
* hide splash on error message
* set online help to sourcforge/discussion
* fix build against boost-1.69
* add Russian-language translation by Valeriy Shtobbe and Olesya
Gerasimenko, many thanks!
* update all build scripts to use faust version 2.15.11 and update
all generated faust files
Still the LV2 plugins coming with guitarix using a Gtkmm based UI, I'll
work on it to port them to X11 based UI's.
Refer to our project page for more information:
Download Site:
On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to
announce the availability of the first release candidate of the next
major version of Rivendell, 3.x. Rivendell is a full-featured radio
automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast
environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License
version 2.
Unicode Support. Unicode/UTF-8 clean, with full support for characters
in both the Basic Multilingual and Supplemental Planes.
Qt Toolkit Upgrade. Built upon Qt4, rather than Qt3.
Scalability Improvements. Engineered to support installations with
hundreds or more active play-out logs.
PAD System Upgrades. PAD (Now & Next) processing done by means of
PyPAD, utilizing user customizable Python 3 scripts. Also fully
Unicode/UTF-8 clean.
Realtime Status Updates. Changes in Rivendell objects (carts, logs,
etc) communicated and displayed instantly on other hosts with no need
for manual refreshing.
And many more...
Full source code for this release is available at:
Be sure to throughly read and understand the 'INSTALL' and 'UPGRADING'
files in the root of the source tree, as they contain important
information about changes between previous major Rivendell versions and
An upgradable CentOS 7 online installer is also available. This is the
quickest and easiest way actually to try this release for yourself.
Instructions can be found at:
If you already have an installation running the Rivendell 3 BETA
(v3.0.0beta00), you can upgrade it to this release by doing (as root):
yum update rivendell
If you run across a problem, please submit a detailed problem report
Be sure to mention the version of Rivendell [v3.0.0rc00] in your
| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
| | Paravel Systems |
| The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the |
| illusion of knowledge. |
| |
| -- Daniel J. Boorstin |
| "The Discovers" |