The 2nd Web Audio Conference (WAC) will be held April 4-6, 2016 at Georgia Tech in
WAC is an international conference dedicated to web audio technologies and applications.
The conference welcomes web developers, music technologists, computer musicians,
application designers, researchers, and people involved in web standards. The conference
addresses research, development, design, and standards concerned with emerging
audio-related web technologies such as Web Audio API, Web RTC, WebSockets and Javascript.
It is open to industry engineers, R&D scientists, academic researchers, artists, and
students. The first Web Audio Conference was held in January 2015 at IRCAM and Mozilla in
Paris, France.
The Internet has become much more than a simple storage and delivery network for audio
files, as modern web browsers on desktop and mobile devices bring new user experiences and
interaction opportunities. New and emerging web technologies and standards now allow
applications to create and manipulate sound in real-time at near-native speeds, enabling
the creation of a new generation of web-based applications that mimic the capabilities of
desktop software while leveraging unique opportunities afforded by the web in areas such
as social collaboration, user experience, cloud computing, and portability. The Web Audio
Conference focuses on innovative work by artists, researchers, and engineers in industry
and academia, highlighting new standards, tools, APIs, and practices as well as innovative
web audio applications for musical performance, education, research, collaboration, and
Contributions to the second edition of the Web Audio Conference are encouraged in the
following areas:
- Web Audio API, Web MIDI, Web RTC, and other existing or emerging web standards for audio
and music
- Development tools, practices, and strategies of web audio applications
- Innovative audio and music based web applications
- Client-side audio processing (real-time or non real-time)
- Audio data and metadata formats and network delivery
- Server-side audio processing and client access
- Client-side audio engine and audio rendering
- Frameworks for audio synthesis, processing, and transformation
- Web-based audio visualization and/or sonification
- Multimedia integration
- Web-based live coding environments for music
- Web standards and use of standards within audio based web projects
- Hardware and tangible interfaces in web applications
- Codecs and standards for remote audio transmission
- Any other innovative work related to web audio that does not fall into the above
We welcome submissions in the following tracks: paper, poster, demo, performance, and
artwork. All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. The conference proceedings,
which will include both papers (for papers and posters) and abstracts (for demos,
performances, and artworks), will be published online in SmartTech, Georgia Tech’s
archival open-access repository.
*Papers*: Submit a 4-6 page paper to be given as an oral presentation.
*Talks*: Submit an abstract to be given as an oral presentation.
*Posters*: Submit a 2-4 page paper to be presented at a poster session.
*Demos*: Submit an abstract to be presented at a hands-on demo session. Demo submissions
should include a title, a one-paragraph abstract and a complete list of technical
requirements (including anything expected to be provided by the conference organizers).
*Performances*: Submit a performance making creative use of web-based audio applications.
Performances can include elements such as audience device participation, web-based
interfaces, WebMIDI, WebSockets, and/or other imaginative approaches to web technology.
Submissions must include a title, a one-paragraph abstract of the performance, a link to
video documentation of the work, a complete list of technical requirements (including
anything expected to be provided by conference organizers), and names and one-paragraph
biographies of all musicians involved in the performance.
*Artworks*: Submit a sonic web artwork or interactive application which makes significant
use of web audio standards such as Web Audio API or WebMIDI in conjunction with other
technologies such as HTML5 graphics, WebGL, and/or interactivity. Works must be suitable
for presentation on a computer kiosk with headphones. They will be featured at the
conference venue throughout the conference and on the conference web site. Submissions
must include a title, one-paragraph abstract of the work, a link to access the work, and
names and one-paragraph biographies of the author(s).
*Tutorials*: If you are interested in running a tutorial session at the conference, please
contact the organizers directly (webaudio at gatech dot edu).
- October 1, 2015: submission deadline
- December 1, 2015: author notification
- March 1, 2016: camera-ready papers and abstracts due
- April 4-6, 2016: conference
At least one author of each accepted submission must register for and attend the
conference in order to present their work.
Submission templates are available on the conference web site at
The submission system is open at