I'm very pleased to announce that version 1.4.0 of amsynth is now officially
- LV2 support added
- various improvements to sound engine, including:
-- mono & legato keyboard modes
-- portamento / glide control
-- extended OSC 2 detune range
-- switchable low-pass / high-pass / band-pass filter modes
-- switchable 12 / 24 db/Octave filter slopes
-- additional LFO waveforms (sawtooth up & down)
-- reduced aliasaing on oscillator's square / pulse waveform
- now ships with substantial library of presets
- preset banks are now stored in ~/.amsynth/banks
- numerous other improvements and bug fixes
A huge thanks to Brian for creating what amsynth has been sorely missing all these years -
a sound bank that shows off its sound capabilities
And thanks to all that have tried out and given feedback on the experimental builds while
1.4 was under development.