Hello all,
64 Studio is a native x86_64 Linux distribution, based on Debian testing
and designed specifically for creative desktop users. Version 0.6.0
alpha has just been released, and is available for download as an iso
image of 576MB from:
After burning to CD, this image can be used to install a 64-bit Debian
system with X.org and the Gnome 2.10 desktop. The distribution features
Linux kernel 2.6.13 with Ingo Molnar's real-time preemption patches and
a selection of creative packages, including:
amSynth 1.1.0
Ardour 0.99
Audacity 1.2.3
Blender 2.37
Cinepaint 0.19
Dirac 0.51
Flac 1.1.2
gCDMaster 1.2.1
the Gimp 2.2.9
gThumb 2.2.6
gtKam 0.1.12
Hydrogen 0.9.2
Inkscape 0.42
Jack Rack 1.4.4
jackd 0.100
JackEQ 0.4.0
Jamin 0.95
Kino 0.75
Ktoon 0.7.3
Linuxsampler 0.3
Meterbridge 0.9.2
Muse 0.7.1
Noteedit 2.8.0
Qsampler 0.1.1
Rosegarden4 1.0
Scribus 1.2.2
Seq24 0.7.0
Speex 1.1.11
swh-plugins 0.4.14
Tagtool 0.12
tap-plugins 0.7.0
Time Machine 0.3.0
totem-gstreamer 1.2.0
vorbis-tools 1.0.1
Yafray 0.0.7
Plus a selection of the usual internet and office tools.
Known limitations in this release:
* SATA disc support may be patchy, depending on interface chipset
* pcmcia-cs package is not included (available from a Debian mirror)
* No proprietary media codecs included in the base install
Please note that this release is provided for testing only, and comes
with no warranty. There are probably plenty of bugs, which is why we're
calling this release 'alpha'. But the software does actually install and
run on our Opteron, Athlon 64 and Turion test hardware, and is quite
usable already.
If you would like to send feedback on this release or make a suggestion
for improvement, please see the
page or join our development mailing list at:
Daniel James