When I'm running an audio app like XMMS to play music, the sound skips
somewhat frequently (maybe 5 times in the course of an album). That's with
no load on the system, and nothing using the processor heavily. However if
I do something that peaks the CPU (like dragging a window around really
fast), this also causes the sound to skip immediately.
I recently installed jack and ardour and mean to install the low-latency
kernel patches when I get around to it; they are mentioned here:
But I'm wondering, is this XMMS audio-skipping problem related to that too?
Will intalling the low-latency patches help with that?
Yeah, and (God I hate to say this) Micro$oft Excel is actually a damn good product. On it's own merits it beats the pants off just about anything else out there.
-----Original Message-----
From: "linux-audio-user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu" <linux-audio-user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu> on behalf of "Mark Knecht" <markknecht(a)comcast.net>
Sent: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 09:04:46 -0800
To: "John Bleichert" <syborg(a)earthlink.net>, "A list for linux audio users" <linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu>
Subject: RE: Is the Linux desktop really here ? was: Re:[linux-audio-user]ebayguy: looks like he figured it out
On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 07:01, John Bleichert wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 eviltwin69(a)cableone.net wrote:
> >
> > My wife is the comptroller for a US Navy activity. She is the ultimate hard-core Excel user ;-) Neither Open Office nor Gnumeric can handle the macros that she uses.
> >
> > Jan
> >
> Yeah, I bet. That's a difficult switch. Although, to be fair, OO Calc or
> Gnumeric would work fine if she chose to re-program all those macros in
> their native macro languages ;-) (Does gnumeric have one? I haven't used
> it in years)
In my experience this isn't the way the world works. She's probably
receiving Excel spreadsheets from others that already have stuff
embedded that won't work with Linux tools. I ran into this problem big
time when we looked at Star Office and Open Office for work. We couldn't
use either as their compatibility with both Word and Excel wasn't good
enough and broke our compatibility with both our vendors and our
As someone who runs a business, why would I want to pay someone $600 to
fix 10 documents when I can buy Microsoft's tools for $300 and have
guaranteed compatibility? That's a tough sell...
While browsing your site I noticed you are promoting your software as
running on a license free Linux OS.
You should be aware that Linux software is generally provided under two
Licenses. The GNU Public License(GPL) and the Lesser GNU Public
It is a gross misrepresentation of the GPL/LGPL to mislead your
customers into thinking they are buying a license free product.
In the interests of promoting your goods fairly it is your obligation to
inform your customers they are buying into the GNU Public License(GPL).
While Linux software is usually free as in beer and speech it is not
license free.
We are waiting for your action and response. Please be aware that many
people read the LAU list which I have included in this post. Some of
them even write articles for well known audio publications.
Best regards.
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.boosthardware.comHttp://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
Banking is usually not a problem. There are a few banks that screwed up and went Micro$oft specific but if you load Crossover you'll get Internet Exploder anyway.
-----Original Message-----
From: "linux-audio-user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu" <linux-audio-user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu> on behalf of "Dave Phillips" <dlphilp(a)bright.net>
Sent: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 11:13:39 -0500
To: "A list for linux audio users" <linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Is the Linux desktop really here ?
My thanks to everyone who replied to this subject. Lots of good ideas,
I'll definitely put some of them to use.
Here a few more notes on what I plan to do :
Red Hat (Fedora?) or Mandrake install
totally GUI for the user
Crossover stuff (thanks for the reminders!)
And here's what they have for peripherals :
a scanner, not sure what kind
an HP printer (610C ? 810C ? I'll find out later... )
Things they need to do include :
Web browsing
print from Web (color, b&w)
on-line banking via Web browser (I'm afraid IE may be required,
don't know though)
print from file manager (color, b&w)
operate scanner
basic image editing
Their net connection is DSL through SBC/Yahoo. I don't expect problems
with that, I had the same connectivity at my old
apartment, no problems with various Linux distros.
They don't have games installed, they don't really run any apps beyond
the browser. My only concern is wrt the on-line
banking requirements. Does anyone here do on-line banking via a Linux
browser ?
Best regards,
== dp
There are some issues with video cards and sound:
* First of all I want the video card to be quiet!
I do not need the fastest and hottest one...
* I guess, onboard grafics are problematic, as they don't have separate RAM.
Memory operations could be slowed down in applications. Is this true?
Are there other sound related issues I should be aware of,
when choosing a video card?
Robert Epprecht
For those into a bit of raw, lofi, hard rock check out some new tracks
which were recorded with my Linux powered music machine:
You can read about the machine here:
Click on the "rua" link.
All the recordings were done with ardour and an hdsp.
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.boosthardware.comHttp://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
Apparently upon the beginning of the barrage, the donkey broke
discipline and panicked, toppling the cart. At that point, the rockets
disconnected from the timer, leaving them strewn around the street.
Tethered to the now toppled cart, the donkey was unable to escape before
the arrival of U.S. troops.
United Press International
Rockets on donkeys hit major Baghdad sites
Published 11/21/2003 11:13 AM
hope this is the right list to ask. Does anybody know if there is an
audio voice recorder for linux? Like a normal audio recorder, but one that
automatically switches between pause and record.
The only voice note recorder I found on the web is Windows only and has a
huge feature list. http://www.xemico.com/anr/index.html
> Robert Jonsson wrote in answer to Eduardo Guerrero:
> The SB-Live soundcard has built in synth capabilities but no internal
> sounds. You have to load a soundfont with the utility sfxload (available
> in the aweutils package). This also implies that you need to setup
> OSS-compatibility support in ALSA since the awe utils use that.
I anyone aware of ANY non-OSS tool to load soundfonts into
an SBlive card ?
If not, would anyone be interested in looking in to how to
rewrite sfxload so it, at least, uses the native ALSA API ?
Even with ALSA in the 2.6 kernel (yay, no more modules) and
most apps now converted to ALSA/jack I am still stuck with
this small but useful utility. I get around it by simply not
using the the soundfont capability of my SBlive. Pity.
Hello. I got following when I used mpg321 (/usr/bin/mpg123) on
file "www.modular2003.com/sounds/DirectHammond.mp3":
Title : Lazy (excerpt) Artist: Deep Purple
Album : Year : 2001
Comment: 100No such file or directoryade with Csoun softsynth
Genre : Hard Rock
What is that "100No such file or directory"??!! The end of mp3 file
looks following:
TAGLazy (excerpt)
Deep Purple
2001100% made with Csoun softsynthO
For what that feature can be used? Are my own files in danger?
mpg123 gives following version numbers:
mpg321 version 0.2.9. Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Joe Drew.
Version 0.59q (2002/03/23). Written and copyrights by Joe Drew.
Hi, this success story with my midi setup is dedicated to all of you who
have helped me these days.
I'm finally being able to play with my keyboard the sounds generated by
ZynAddSubFX hearing them coming out from the speakers as I play. That's
great by itself due to the almost unlimited capabilities of Zyn. Then I
got stereo sound which was previously unavailable. Frankly I don't know
the reason, but when I upgraded from Mandrake 9.1 to 9.2 panning started
to work properly.
Then I have Hydrogen. I'm making some good beats with it and playing
along with my keyboard. This brings me to my 2 questions:
- Is there a way to mix levels of the audio streams going to the
alsa_pcm port? I have the possibility of turning up or down the volume
in Zyn but it isn't as flexible as it could be since, in this case,
Hydrogen doesn't have a volume control (or I haven't figured out where
is it).
- Can I use some FX on the audio stream? A filter bank, a reverb or a
delay line can do wonders to the already-wonderful sound I now have.
With audio stream I'm referring to the mixed sounds coming from Zyn and
Hydrogen to the alsa_pcm port (labeled as input, but in my point of view
it could be the output port --sorry for being selfish here).
- Is there a way to share bpm information between apps? For syncing
delays it would be great not to have to fire up the delay calculator. I
don't have many, if any, programming skills but I guess it would be as
simple as using an environment variable. Perhaps the functionality is
already there but I haven't found it or nobody uses it.
For mixing levels right now I'm thinking that a possible solution could
be to program the whole song in Hydrogen and then using it on MusE or
Rosegarden but a lower-level mixer (lower in the sense of operating at
the alsa level) seems conceptually more interesting.
Thank you for the previous help received and for the future comments
this post will surely arise. The spirit on this mailing list is beautiful.