gmorgan is a .. Rhythm Station, an organ with auto-accompaniment and a "small"
Band in a Linux Box. Uses MIDI and the ALSA sequencer for play the rhythm
patterns. Styles, patterns , sounds, and the mixer settings, can be edited
and saved.
Program released GNU/GPL version 2.
News on 0.03
- New Drum Pattern Edit
- Added some "demo" patterns and songs.
- Lots of bugs solved.
Fast Computer
Take a look at http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/soudfontcombi/
And please ... if you enjoy this prog and wants to share patterns, send me,
and i will include in future versions, i have a large TODO, and i need some
News gmorgan-0.02
- Drum "Velocity" Mixer
Is a mixer for correct in a easy way the differences of volumes for each drum
note in differents soundfonts.
- Batch Song Player-Editor
Small attempt to do something like Band in a Box.
Still developing that part... maybe can be usefull and maybe someone can send
me patterns to add. :-)
gmorgan is a .. Rhythm Station, an organ with auto-accompaniment. Uses MIDI
and the ALSA sequencer for play the rhythm patterns. Styles, patterns ,
sounds, and the mixer settings, can be edited and saved.
Program released GNU/GPL version 2.
Tested on Gentoo, debian PIII 933 and PII 300
Take a look at http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/soudfontcombi/
And please ... if you enjoy this prog and wants to share patterns, send me,
and i will include in future versions, i have a large TODO, and i need some
A little while back someoe posteda link for a good drum kit sample set. I managed to delete the file that I saved the address in, and can't find it archives. Could someone repost it?
Hi all,
My cousin is working in a company that does a lot of audio/video
streaming solutions based on Linux systems. Now they look for an
application which provides similar things like SOX but in real time.
They would like to record on the input, manipulate it via GUI
(Eqalizer, effects...) and send it directly to the output.
Are there any recommendations for this kind of Linux software?
Adrian Gschwend
@ netlabs.org
ktk [a t] netlabs.org
Free Software for OS/2 and eCS
I just discovered two problems with ardour:
1. If you run the autogen script the -gui and -ksi options are exchanged.
Where it says -gui it says something like libs="libs_base ksi" and in the
ksi-case it wants to include the gui-libs.
2. The next thing something running ardour-ksi. I've jack-0.7.3 and I seemed
to fullfill all the other dependencies. But now when I try to start ksi it
/usr/local/lib/ardour/ksix: relocation error:
/usr/local/lib/ardour/libardour.so.0: undefined symbol: _ZTI8QMThread
So and that's all. this ardour version is from tuesday morning.
Any ideas about the second problem?
Kindest regards
Julien Patrick Claassen
Fuerstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn
Phone: (+49) 5251 60 6060
Fax: (+49) 5251 60 6065
Hello folks,
I'm writing a realtime audio tool and I'd like to pick your brains on the
following: say my app is rendering some sound and a midi event comes in, at
what point in time should the resulting effect occur in the rendered audio
The obvious solution would be to measure world/system time at the moment
playback is started in my application. If a midi event then comes in, I can
subtract this start time from the midi event time. I am however afraid that
my timing will then drift each time an underrun occurs. I'm pretty sure
applications like terminatorx, sweep and a host of others solved this
problem before me so if anybody knows the answer to this, please let me
p.s. I use JACK for audio output but the solution really should be
independent of this.
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
I'm looking for a software about convert text to speech for completing my
experiment about audio especially in Indonesian Language. Do you have any
information of that? Thanks for helping. Bless You.
A collegue of mine just bought the new Radio Head CD, Hail To The Thief.
As the box says, this CD is "Copy Controlled". Some searching on the web
revealed that it using so called Cactus Data Shield 200 protected, which
means deliberate errors on the cd, that most (not all!) CD players deal
with correctly, but cd-rom readers don't. So, what if you want to play
your "CD" on a computer. Well, the CD also includes a data track, with a
MS Windows (yeah..) application. However! This application does not play
the CD audio but a compressed format also included on the CD! Another
interesting issue is that the fake errors might actually cause problems
when some real errors occur on the CD, that normally would have been
corrected, but not anymore in combination with the fake errors.
Obviously, all this is completely unacceptable, so I advice you to never
buy a Copy Controlled CD. If you have bought one, bring it back to the
store. They have absolutely no reason not to give you your money back.
(From the web: 'Philips controls the CD standard and their spokesman
says: "Any changes that put a disc outside the CD standard result in a
disc that should no longer be described or marketed as a CD." Philips,
because of conformity issues, has warned the record labels that the
discs are actually not compact discs at all, and must bear warning
labels to inform consumers.'). I'd add that stores should then not be
allowed to sell these CD's in a part of the store that says "Compact
Not that I did manage to play the CD with Linux. My very old (>6 years)
SCSI cd writer has been able to read the copy protected CD with
cdparanoia. but... in the left channel, every 5.8 sec some values are
distorted: about 10 groups of 1 to 3 samples in a row get an extreme
value (not always the same, but near maximum). I wrote a small
application that corrects those distorted values (linear interpolation
with the surrounding samples). I assume this information is legal,
because it is only to play the cd, not to copy it.
hello everyone !
greetings from the linuxtag booth crew.
our webcam has been online for a couple of hours now, with intermittent
outages due to network problems. if you want to watch us selling out our
collective souls, go to http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/eventslt2003.php3
so far, it's been great fun. one of us will be on #lad tomorrow if time
permits, and if some developers could linger there, it would be a great
opportunity for us to direct visitors to you to ask questions.
right now,the show is closing, but we'll be back later for a jam
All Members shall refrain in their international relations from
the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or
political independence of any state, or in any other manner
inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
-- Charter of the United Nations, Article 2.4
J�rn Nettingsmeier
Kurf�rstenstr 49, 45138 Essen, Germany
http://spunk.dnsalias.org (my server)
http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/ (Linux Audio Developers)
New Release : horgand 1.0
News in v1.0 (19/06/2003)
-Added small auto-accompaniment, Looped Drums and a Bass line in
a wave table way.
-added chord recognition
-some free drum loops and bass samples.
-bugs solved in DSP effects, now more stereo, minus noises :-)
First i want to say something, personally i dont like any kind of
auto-accompaniment, sequences,
organs, because many people use it for work, and this is not good for the
musiciens. In fact i wonder the day when the musiciens dont want to record
anything, anymore. Only write the papers, and play live, that's music.
Please read the Readme file for how to add new loops and other questions.
* FLTK 1.1
Web Page :