Hi friends,
I just updated my mandrake 9.2 to 10.0 official and used the kernel.sds
of thacs, everything is fine apart the fact that I used a terratec
Aureon usb 5.1 and that I can't used it normally with jack, I put jackd
interface: hw:0 frames/period: 2048 sample rate : 44100 buffer : 2
audio: duplex no memory lock input channels2 output channels6
I start jack and then xrun callback go over and over without end and
there's no possibilities to start an apps (ardour, PD and so on...)
And when I put 2input channels & 2 output channels it start without
problems... but that's pity as the Aureon as 6 output channels to not
used it :-(
did someone report that problems, I changed the config of jack in
qjackctl in different combinations but still the same scenario...
thanks for your help!!
whats the current best kernel/patch set for latency right now? I'm
working on redoing my audio workstation, and figure maybe its time to
switch to 2.6? just wondering what the general opinion was these days.
I have my keyboard midi ports connected to my computer through the
game port on my motherboard sound card. It works fine, except I'm
hearing some noise through the audio output on my keyboard when the
midi cable is plugged into my computer. Whenever my computer is on
(whether or not the keyboard is), I hear a buzz, and it gets louder
whenever the hard disk is in use. Is there anything I can do to
correct this? Is it because I have a cheap sound card? I've thought
about getting a somewhat better soundcard, possibly an SB Live!, or a
USB midi interface instead of my gameport midi interface. Any
Phil Carter
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Robillard [mailto:drobilla@connect.carleton.ca]
> I'm designing a modular synth engine, and would like to get some input
> on desired features/abilities to make sure it's designed in a way that
> will make it the most flexible.
> So, what features are important to you in a synth? What annoys you
> about the current crop of linux synths?
> Already planned (* = working right now):
> * Low latency realtime operation via Jack
> * 100% LADSPA plugins, not Yet Another Internal Plugin Format
> - (DSSI and perhaps VST are being considered)
> * Seperate engine and frontend(s), ALL communication via OSC (Open Sound
> Control)
I'm writing this before I read the thread... you're getting "untainted" ideas. :}
Snap in modules... Maybe a full screen version of Reactor that could scroll vertically or horizontally... A visual means of patching back and forth... Maybe not as literal as Moog Modular but clear and easy to read. A nice simple gui like Vokator. Possibly with screens like Jahshaka/Blender so you could page rather than scroll and still keep the screen uncluttered. {I hate clutter}.
Synthedit compatibility... The community there's fairly large... There's much stuff already written for the environment.
If it were extensible through something simple like lisp or ruby... Like emacs and snd... That would be cool.
Scripting is essential.
VST is essential. ...LADSPA.
OSC would be nice.
Csound compatibility through a module would be cool... So you could read .orc and score files rather than just plugging in a step sequencer {Tho' a step sequencer would be nice.}
PD compatibility would be nice.
A sampler module would be nice.
A timeline like the one in http://openvip.sourceforge.net/ would rock... either to actually do video or to set up samples.
Automation would be nice
Compatibility with existing languages/environments like cm and OSW {which is osc compatible already} would be cool...
PVM? That way you could stretch it across a cluster. Mosix? Maybe peer2peer midi {Freshmeat}? Eyesweb compatibility {should they ever happen to port it}?
FM? {See Lollapalooza} Additive functions? {Cube, Cameleon}
> The main GUI will be a modular a lot like AMS/SSM/etc. but there's no
> reason it has to be, the engine can be used from the command line, in
> programs/scripts (from any language that can talk OSC), hardcoded in
> custom synths, etc. etc. This will allow, for example, algorithmic
> composition in C without the limitations of MIDI and discrete notes.
> The use of OSC means you can run the engine transparently over the
> network (on 20 machines if you so please..)
> - Polyphonic, runtime selectable (in the works right now)
> - Multitimbral
> * ALSA MIDI in will be through a seperate application, which will allow
> binding of any MIDI controller to any param in the synth
> - Sending OSC messages from module ports
> * Sample accurate everything
> - The main modular frontend will support LASH (formerly LADCCA), and
> allow building of control panels ala galan
> I'm very open to suggestions, that's why I started this thread.. let's
> hear 'em
[apologies for remotely on-topic post - i'm an X noob]
Has anyone on the list any useful anecdotes about running X apps
remotely (through ssh in my case) and having strange problems?
Since I'm still in the process of setting up a terminal I haven't gotten
a full list of the misbehaving apps - but I have seen ~30% load increase
(as reported by an admittedly old qjackctl) upon starting meterbridge
remotely (vs starting locally).
I'm wondering if this is something I have this set-up incorrectly....
[I'd also be interested if anyone has any measurements for the
performance benefits of remoting audio apps.]
The Rosegarden team are delighted to announce the 0.9.9 release of
Rosegarden 4, an audio and MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor
for Linux.
This release is feature complete for 1.0 and marks the start of
official beta testing.
Rosegarden is one of the most comprehensive Linux music software
projects, and is the only Linux application to offer full composition
and recording capabilities to musicians who prefer to use classical
notation. We encourage anyone who may be interested in using the 1.0
release to try out 0.9.9 and provide bug reports and other feedback
via the mailing lists and bug trackers.
New features of the 0.9.9 release include:
o Plugin synth support using the DSSI system (http://dssi.sf.net/).
Rosegarden now comes with integrated sample-synchronous synth
support, with LADSPA effects and mixer routing for synth tracks,
and configuration both through the built-in plugin GUI and plugins'
own native GUIs.
o Triggered segments for pattern sequencing & performable ornaments
o New menu layout, many new keyboard shortcuts for everyday usability
o Recording from multiple MIDI sources
o Cautionary accidentals and configurable key-signature cancellations
o Pedal marks, mordents, trill lines, repeat bars
o Fine positioning and visibility control of notation elements
o Visual metronome
o Several new example files
Other features of interest include:
o Piano-roll, score, event list and track overview editors
o MIDI and audio playback and recording with ALSA and JACK
o JACK transport support for synchronisation with other software
o Ability to build and run without JACK support for MIDI-only use
o Audio plugin support using LADSPA
o Score interpretation of performance MIDI data
o MIDI and Hydrogen file import
o MIDI, Csound, Lilypond and MusicXML file export
o Clear, consistent and polished user interface
o Shareable device (.rgd) files to ease MIDI portability
o User interface in Russian, Spanish, German, French, Welsh,
Italian, Swedish and Estonian, as well as UK and US English.
Rosegarden is Free Software under the GNU General Public License.