I have a recording from a lecture. It was recorded in a large
auditorium and of course it show in the recording. I'd like to process
the recording to get a more intimate sound. It there any way of
reducing that ballroom echo a bit? If it can be done with a ladspa
plugin so much the better.
Alex Polite
http://flosspick.org - finding the right open source
Quoting Maluvia <terakuma(a)imbris.net>:
> >copying from one .wav to another .wav on a hard drive will never, ever
> >produce any difference of any kind, and if you claim otherwise, you are
> >either completely ignorant of how digital audio works or being
> >deliberately ridiculous.
> Your opinion - not fact.
> I am describing exactly what I hear, and you are free to interpret that
> in
> any fashion you choose.
This is what happens: the data is read from the file via the filesystem. The
IDE/SCSI/Firewire/USB controller will do error detection & correction when
data is passed from the disk to the controller. Through DMA, this data will
be stored in memory. This buffer is the buffer which your soundcard uses as
a memory mapped output buffer. (There might be DSP phases between reading
the signal and storing it in the output buffers, but let's forget about that
for now).
Now, this output buffer is the same place in memory where your DA unit reads
data to convert into an analog signal. The source of the data inside the
memory has no impact on where the data is. The jitter of the data source has
no impact on how the data is stored in the buffer. This is pure digital
copying, all done with error correction.
I can write a piece of software which will read a signal from file(s) to
this buffer, and compare them to eachother. If the files are copies of the
same data, the signal in the output buffer will not differ. At all.
After this phase, the DA unit will convert the data to an audible signal.
What the DA unit does with the data is totally independent of how the data
in the output buffer has been gathered. At this point, jitter or other
differences between data sources have no effect on how the DA consumes the
The hard drives do _not_ produce any reading or writing errors, because
otherwise your system would be totally unusable, as the programs you are
running to read this email would be broken and incapable of performing their
The whole of computerland depends on one thing: predictability. Without
this, no computer system would work at all. The same error detection &
correction which makes your software work, will keep the audio data (copies
or not) correctly on disk.
Let go of your anxieties. You can make perfect digital copies of your
sessions, and that will not make any difference in how they sound. Why do
you think the RIAA is after us all? :)
I put I question the ardour-users list about running jack over a LAN
and the answers and some googling point me here.
I have two computers laptop and headless_server.
1) From laptop launch ardour on headless_server through SSH tunnel.
(Already got this part working)
2) Get ardour to output its audio to a jack server that is running on laptop.
I realize that jack.upd and jack.plumbing are involved in this second
step. But other than that I'm pretty lost. I've read the man pages but
have no idea what to do with the information.
Alex Polite
http://flosspick.org - finding the right open source
...and you know what's really weird? The DeMudi used to
boot up OK with the same CD player, when I first burned it to CD - then it
began to hang at 'storing language'.
Anyway, think I should try a new CD player...
On Monday 27 February 2006 06:50 pm, Nobuyuki Nakae wrote:
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 18:50:14 -0800
> From: "Nobuyuki Nakae" <nnakae(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] DeMudi LiveCD
> To: "A list for linux audio users"
> <linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu>
> Message-ID:
> <3082f7ff0602271850r4d3c7b2cgfb5dc12af8e8abdf(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I just resolved this problem yesterday as I understood your problem
> correctly. The simpton was that during the 'storing language', there are
> frequent CD drive access, and in the end, it stops accssing CD disk, and
> hang. I originally thought this was MOBO problem, but finally I found this
> was the DVD/CD drive problem. I was using old DVD/CD ROM drives, but after
> I changed to the latest NEC DVD/CD drive, it could proceed the instaaltion
> without stopping the place.
> I think the live CD has divergent data allocation which would cause
> this kind of problem. I think it is better to support old/low
> performance DVD/CD drive, maybe some reorganization of data allocation
> of the CD would resolve this problem.
> Hope this help,
I upgraded to a Delta 1010 over the weekend (from a M-Audio 2496).
Everything works fine (didn't even need to re-install any drivers)
except that, with envy24control, the digital mixer doesn't work, when I
select it for output there is nothing going to my monitors. SPDIF in and
PCM out all work.
-- Brett
Brett McCoy: Programmer by Day, Guitarist by Night
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:02 , Cesare Marilungo <cesare(a)poeticstudios.com> sent:
>Jan Depner wrote:
>>On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 23:42 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
>>>On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 05:27 +0100, Cesare Marilungo wrote:
>>>>In fact sharing mp3 files shouldn't be illegal. It is another example
>>>>of artificial scarcity.
>>>What does "scarcity" have to do with anything. No one else has any
>>>right to my creations - they are mine. It is up to ME whether I want to
>>>give it away or charge for it or refuse to show it to anyone.
>> Lee, I think you're preaching to those who feel they have a right to
>>anything merely because they want it. Creativity, hard work, incentive,
>>all of these seem to mean very little to those who would rationalize
>>away any form of ownership which prevents them from having what they
>>want for no cost. Were the shoe on the other foot I doubt if they would
>>be quite so adamant that copyright is evil - that is, if it were their
>>song or novel that everyone was flogging about the internet without
>Dear Jan,
>I made five albums + various other tracks in the last eight years, and
>everything is available to download for free (192kbp mp3 and ogg) under
>the creative commons licence(so it is legal to share them):
>I get more than 3000 downloads each month just from my website and I've
>made my music available in other sites too, like download.com (+7700
>dls) , purevolume etc.
Very good. I applaud your choice. But, kindly remember, it is your choice.
You should have no right to decide what I do with my music or software. If you
share my music or software without my consent you are taking away my ability to
decide what to do with the fruits of my labors. For the puposes of this
discussion the fact that I do share my software and music under open licenses is
not really relevant.
>I have a collection of 1000+ cds, mostly bought when I still had a job.
>Nonetheless, I believe that sharing mp3 files on p2p networks shouldn't
>be illegal.
I tend to think that sharing music over the internet is probably good for CD
sales but again, it's not our call to make. We didn't create the content and we
don't have the right to decide what can be done with it. I deplore what the RIAA
and the MPAA are doing but mostly because I think they're being amazingly stupid
about the whole thing.
The 'Musix031.iso' jack latency is impressive. I think it's gonna be a distro
to watch. It would be nice if Audacity was already jack'd though...
On Monday 27 February 2006 03:40 pm, tim hall wrote:
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:38:47 +0000
> From: tim hall <tech(a)glastonburymusic.org.uk>
> Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] DeMudi LiveCD
> To: A list for linux audio users <linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu>
> Message-ID: <44038D87.20902(a)glastonburymusic.org.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> njcross(a)sbcglobal.net wrote:
> >I'm just wondering if there was ever a work around for
> >'Demudi-live 1.2.1' that would hang at : 'preparing for live session'
> >'storing language'. I read an old email, somewhere, that complained of
> >this bootup problem... or is there gonna be DeMud-livei 1.3?
> No immediate plans that I'm aware of. Maybe check out:
> http://www.musix.org.ar/
> cheers,
Hello *,
I am working professionel (not as musican) and like to use a program
like rosegarden, but without KDE and GNOME. Because I must maintain
all of my computers my self and make backports and own packages (I am
working under Debian) I do not want to maintain tonns (86 MByte) of
EXTRA packages from KDE, which deinstall in the same time my half
workstation (I hate those monsters of KDE and GNOME and using only
fvwm which works perfectly since 1999).
Is it possibel to compile rosegarden without KDE?
If not, is there another equivalent program?
Michelle Konzack
Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886
50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
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>"Kjetil S. Matheussen" <kjetil@...> wrote:
>> >So what was one poster doing with jackstart ./startBristol ??
>> jackstart is a program that makes oss programs talk to jack instead
>> of oss. It works with most oss programs. When using jackstart, bristol
>> works very fine with jack.
>I think you mean "jacklaunch" instead of "jackstart", don't you ?
Sure sure. Thanks for clearing that up, and sorry for continuing the
mis-information. ;-)