Linux-audio-user March 2006
  • 215 participants
  • 309 discussions

[linux-audio-user] Twin Monitors
by Vaughan Famularo
18 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-user] Using index=n option to assign Alsa drivers to card 0, card 1
by Joel Roth
18 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-user] Video: charla Musix GNU+Linux en cheLA, Bs. As., Argentina
by Marcos Guglielmetti
18 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-user] ANN: Freewheeling 0.5.1 RELEASE -
by JP Mercury
18 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-user] [LAM] Music made with linux
by Kjetil S. Matheussen
18 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-user] Re: POLL: Marketing Free Music
by Maluvia
18 years, 11 months

RE: [linux-audio-user] Re: What is currently the best USB audio interface for Linux?
by ico
18 years, 11 months

Re: [linux-audio-user] novation remote 25 usb midi controller
by Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
18 years, 11 months

Re: [linux-audio-user] novation remote 25 usb midi controller
by Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
18 years, 11 months

[Fwd: Re: [linux-audio-user] [OT?] camcorder mic]
by Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
18 years, 11 months
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