This is Steinway_IMIS soundfont, version 2.2.
This version fixes the issue with loops. I hope this is the good one
and there are no more remaining major bugs.
Marcos is a little busy right now, so he asked me to make this fix. He
is thinking to make other improvements, so expect more updates soon.
Does anyone know of a good plugin that will generate subharmonics?
I would like to put a little more low frequency "oomph" into my bass
track. Preferrable LADSPA, but VST would work, too.
Thanks for any help!
Hi all,
following a basic rule for open source project "publish early and often" I
release the very first (but quite feature-rich) version of TapStart to the
TapStart is a basic tempo-measurement where you tap some beats and get the
(averaged) tempo displayed. But there is more to it:
- TapStart also updates the jack-tempo (if a running jack was found during
startup) and can even start the jack transport after a defined number of
taps. This is implemented for using this thing in jam-sessions to get a
click/drum-computer to play in a tempo not known before.
- TapStart can also send OSC-messages with the tempo/delay-value as argument
to any gives host and path.
You can find more information on its page at
ofqf ( is needed for the osc-part
and has to be installed beforehand.
The direct-link to the source package is:
Have fun,
Hi, I am a .signature virus. Please copy me into your ~/.signature and send me
to all your contacts.
After a month or so log in as root and do a rm / -rf. Or ask your
administrator to do so...
I guess you need the -dev version of libfltk which is usually an
additional install. It looks that you only have the runtime which is
fine except when you have to compile something on your own.
Malte Steiner
media art + development
next event:
12.-15.3. Frankfurt Musikmesse booth B66 in hall 5.1
presentation of Minicomputer softwaresynthesizer
Hello once again guys!
I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I'm having with
Freecycle. I'm trying to get it to compile to no avail. I've also tried to
install the debian binary (even though I'm running Ubuntu Studio Gutsy) but
it still won't install since the ubuntu binary installer says I don't have
libc6 which I do have installed, including libc6-dev. I also have a buncha
qt3-qt4 core packages installed
These are some of the errors I'm getting with the make command (after it
tells you to use the qmake command).
freecycle.cpp:1194: error: within this context
> drawsoundwidget.h:98: error: 'long int
> DrawSoundWidget::getRightLoopMarkerSample()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1195: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1197: error: 'class SoundManager' has no member named
> 'getFrames'
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::loopChanged()':
> freecycle.cpp:1207: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct
> QPushButton'
> ./ladspadialogbase.h:25: error: forward declaration of 'struct
> QPushButton'
> drawsoundwidgetabstract.h: In member function 'void
> Freecycle::setWaveView()':
> drawsoundwidgetabstract.h:37: error: 'WaveCanvas*
> DrawSoundWidgetAbstract::getCanvas()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1221: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1222: error: 'configureViewPopupMenu' was not declared in
> this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1222: error: 'TRUE' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1223: error: 'FALSE' was not declared in this scope
> drawsoundwidgetabstract.h: In member function 'void
> Freecycle::setSpectrumView()':
> drawsoundwidgetabstract.h:37: error: 'WaveCanvas*
> DrawSoundWidgetAbstract::getCanvas()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1232: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1233: error: 'configureViewPopupMenu' was not declared in
> this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1233: error: 'TRUE' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1234: error: 'FALSE' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::showBeatLines()':
> freecycle.cpp:1243: error: 'configureViewPopupMenu' was not declared in
> this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1244: error: 'FALSE' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1247: error: 'TRUE' was not declared in this scope
> bpmmodifierdropdown.h: In member function 'void
> Freecycle::bpmModifierValueChanged()':
> bpmmodifierdropdown.h:38: error: 'float
> BPMModifierDropDown::getModifier()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1262: error: within this context
> drawsoundwidget.h:105: error: 'void
> DrawSoundWidget::setComputedBPMModifier(double)' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1262: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::spaceBarPressed()':
> freecycle.cpp:1267: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct
> QPushButton'
> ./ladspadialogbase.h:25: error: forward declaration of 'struct
> QPushButton'
> drawsoundwidget.h: In member function 'void Freecycle::numPad7Pressed()':
> drawsoundwidget.h:97: error: 'long int
> DrawSoundWidget::getLeftLoopMarkerSample()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1277: error: within this context
> drawsoundwidget.h: In member function 'void Freecycle::numPad9Pressed()':
> drawsoundwidget.h:98: error: 'long int
> DrawSoundWidget::getRightLoopMarkerSample()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1286: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::saveProjectAs()':
> freecycle.cpp:1306: error: 'QString' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1306: error: expected `;' before 'fn'
> mysaveprojectdialog.h:36: error: 'int MySaveProjectDialog::exec()' is
> private
> freecycle.cpp:1307: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1307: error: 'QDialog' has not been declared
> freecycle.cpp:1308: error: 'fn' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1308: error: 'class MySaveProjectDialog' has no member named
> 'selectedFile'
> freecycle.cpp:1310: error: 'class DrawSoundWidget' has no member named
> 'getLockedBeatList'
> drawsoundwidget.h:133: error: 'LockedBeatRectList
> DrawSoundWidget::getLockedBeatRects()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1311: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1311: error: invalid use of undefined type 'class
> LockedBeatRectList'
> lockedbeatrectlist.h:20: error: forward declaration of 'class
> LockedBeatRectList'
> freecycle.cpp:1312: error: 'class BPMModifierDropDown' has no member named
> 'getStringModifier'
> projectmanager.h:53: error: 'void ProjectManager::saveProject()' is
> private
> freecycle.cpp:1313: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::loadProject()':
> freecycle.cpp:1323: error: 'QString' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1323: error: expected `;' before 'fn'
> myloadprojectdialog.h:28: error: 'int MyLoadProjectDialog::exec()' is
> private
> freecycle.cpp:1324: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1324: error: 'QDialog' has not been declared
> freecycle.cpp:1325: error: 'fn' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1325: error: 'class MyLoadProjectDialog' has no member named
> 'selectedFile'
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::saveLoopMidiFile()':
> freecycle.cpp:1358: error: 'QString' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1358: error: expected `;' before 'filename'
> freecycle.cpp:1360: error: expected `;' before 'fn'
> freecycle.cpp:1363: error: 'fn' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1364: error: 'QValueList' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1364: error: expected primary-expression before '>' token
> freecycle.cpp:1364: error: 'beatlinesVL' was not declared in this scope
> drawsoundwidget.h:96: error: 'bool DrawSoundWidget::hasLoopSet()' is
> private
> freecycle.cpp:1365: error: within this context
> drawsoundwidget.h:97: error: 'long int
> DrawSoundWidget::getLeftLoopMarkerSample()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1366: error: within this context
> drawsoundwidget.h:98: error: 'long int
> DrawSoundWidget::getRightLoopMarkerSample()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1367: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1368: error: 'class DrawSoundWidget' has no member named
> 'selectLockedBeatlinesList'
> freecycle.cpp:1370: error: 'QMessageBox' has not been declared
> drawsoundwidget.h:95: error: 'double DrawSoundWidget::getUsedBPM()' is
> private
> freecycle.cpp:1374: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1375: error: 'statusBar' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1375: error: 'tr' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1377: error: 'statusBar' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1377: error: 'tr' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::saveProject()':
> freecycle.cpp:1387: error: 'class ProjectManager' has no member named
> 'getFilename'
> freecycle.cpp:1388: error: 'class DrawSoundWidget' has no member named
> 'getLockedBeatList'
> drawsoundwidget.h:133: error: 'LockedBeatRectList
> DrawSoundWidget::getLockedBeatRects()' is private
> freecycle.cpp:1389: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp:1389: error: invalid use of undefined type 'class
> LockedBeatRectList'
> lockedbeatrectlist.h:20: error: forward declaration of 'class
> LockedBeatRectList'
> freecycle.cpp:1390: error: 'class BPMModifierDropDown' has no member named
> 'getStringModifier'
> projectmanager.h:53: error: 'void ProjectManager::saveProject()' is
> private
> freecycle.cpp:1391: error: within this context
> freecycle.cpp: At global scope:
> freecycle.cpp:1399: error: variable or field 'loadProject' declared void
> freecycle.cpp:1399: error: 'int Freecycle::loadProject' is not a static
> member of 'class Freecycle'
> freecycle.cpp:1399: error: 'QString' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1400: error: expected ',' or ';' before '{' token
> freecycle.cpp: In member function 'void Freecycle::help()':
> freecycle.cpp:1419: error: 'class HelpManager' has no member named 'open'
> freecycle.cpp: At global scope:
> freecycle.cpp:1423: error: variable or field 'setMainApplication' declared
> void
> freecycle.cpp:1423: error: 'int Freecycle::setMainApplication' is not a
> static member of 'class Freecycle'
> freecycle.cpp:1423: error: 'QApplication' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1423: error: 'theValue' was not declared in this scope
> freecycle.cpp:1423: error: expected ',' or ';' before '{' token
> pics/icons.h:8232: warning: 'embed_image_vec' defined but not used
> make[1]: *** [freecycle.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/chris/Desktop/freecycle/src'
> make: *** [sub-src] Error 2
> chris@linuxlaptop:~/Desktop/freecycle$
Here are the installation instructions found in teh readme:
> *In order to generate makefiles and compile you should execute
> qmake
> make
> in the freecycle dir.
> The easiest way to compile Freecycle (which is a Qt3 app) in an
> environment which contains both qt3 and qt4 (OpenSuSE 10.2 comes to mind
> as an example..) you should:
> * export PATH=/usr/lib/qt3/bin/:$PATH
> * export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3/
> * make clean
> * rm src/Makefile
> * rm Makefile
> * qmake
> * make
I've tried the other ones too to no avail.
Any ideas?
I am wanting to use the eeepc for a mobile sound generation unit,
but unfortunately the gfx card and sound card share the same
interrupt. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good usb
soundcard that works well with Linux/Jack, and is not too
There is a Free Software event in south of France this summer.
We would like to make a place for libre audio and libre culture, which
includes conferences and workshop around the tools (softwares), the
diffusion (medias, communities, ...), the licences, the users (examples of
audio studio using free technologies, examples of libre artits, ... )
So don't hesitate to send your propositions
Here is the official call for conference :
>From 1st to 5th July 2008, the Ninth Libre Software Meeting(9th LSM) will
take place in Mont-de-Marsan, in south of France. Hundreds of conferences,
workshops and showings will be programmed.
To maintain the interest of the public, it is important for LSM to renew the
content of different themes. So, if you participate in a new or unknown
project, if you wish to share your passion and your libre software
experience, we will gladly welcome you during LSM 2008.
We start a large call for communications on the following axes :
- thematic conferences - all subjects are interesting, particularly
those we have not thought about ...
- projects or libre softwares presentations
- workshop animations (development, initiation, ... )
To propose to the public a rich and various content, please send your
propositons, suggestions and ideas before February 8th to appel2008 at
*Contacts :* (program directors)
Nicolas Ducoulombier : nicolas at <>
Christophe Merlet : redfox at<>
The definite programme, theme list, conferences and contributors will be
highly influenced by the feedback we will get from this call for
Do not hesitate to participate and give worthy projects wide visibility.
Benjamin Coudrin
This piece is about the feeling of being rejected.
Don't worry about me, I had to let off steam in a way.
While everything originates from recordings done with my cheap dynamic
mic, the end result is fairly electronic, digital in sound. Happens if
you modulate processed audio and continue with mangling it :)
The complete Ardour session is available as .tar.bz2
Wavpacking turned 184.5 MB into 75.8 (losless). I took care to remove
most of the audio not actually in use, but left some construction
material in.
I would love to hear replacements for some of my parts (bass, guitar,
flute anyone?) or remixes ;) It's all licensed as CC Attribution
Flac, Ogg Vorbis, MP3, session archive, all on:
Thorsten Wilms
thorwil's design for free software:
Hi People,
I'm thinking of getting one of the Saffire audio interfaces from
Focusrite. Anyone on the list using these units & happy with the
results? This, a little off-topic & subjective: happy with the pres &
The SaffireLE,
, is the one I'm eyeing. As far as I can tell it's very similar to the
, only with 6 in/8 out compared to 4 in/10 out, & minus the
hardwar-powered plug-ins. I like having 2 more ins, & wont miss 2 less
outs. & I imagined the plug-ins, ahreware-powered or software woulkd be
useless under Linux. But the recent thread on the M-Audio Profire 2626
leads me to believe, maybe the times are changing.
I'm curious whether the DSP plugins might work in linux with FFADO.
Actually, true functionality of any of these models seem to require
software to adjust settings, so, what limitations are people noticing
right now running these in Linux? & will the pending beta release of
FFADO address the Saffire plug-in Suite hardware-powered use & whatever
other issues there are, if there are? Or is this a Wine solution?
Last, is anyone working on a clone of Pieter Palmers? That'd be pretty