I did a new track for my electonic project modlys. This is rather
active, both in tempo and production, compared to the meditative profile
of the project. As such, it's meant as a break and contrast (there are
others) from more still standing, moody, ambient soundscapes :-)
For those of you not fluent in Danish, it's about living life while you
have it, doing the important things, and not waste your time on things
that doesn't matter in the end.
Hope you enjoy it :-)
Hi all,
Where can I find a place to talk about or to get help on midicomp? I
just checked a package repository on freepats but no mailing list, no
forum. Did i missed something?
> ...Or buy dedicated hardware analog modulars
as for me, i use hardware MIDI controllers
/* korg padkontrol & novation remote zero sl */
but hardware synth is another thing based on the same assumption:
musician should be restricted with instrument interface, and should
never care how the internals of instrument work.
> To have a handfull presets, that demonstrate, how an app works, ist
> important. But just to choose an entry in a given list of "cool
> killer-leads" and record it, yields in 9/10 cases to those boring
> Cubase-beginner tracks, we all have heared before and nobody is really
> interested in.
milions of noobs are interested to be IN STYLE.
that's where it all begins.
thousands of them grow up, but the basics & habits remain the same :)
sex, bike, open source!
> ... No further need for musicianship or even any real technical knowledge of studio arts and practices.
> Just switch to Windows, buy mucho VSTs, press the big "Proceed" button, and away we go.
> No more need to concern ourselves with context or relevance, we can at last wallow in an orgy
> of self-congratulatory pop.
i'd rather say "mainstream" than "pop".
audio production is mainly about ready solutions nowadays.
well, i was ironic in my posts, but i still don't consider linux as a
valuable platform for that game.
it's much better suited for doing custom & unusual things.
if i need something special that no one else uses, i'd definitely do
it with linux.
sex, bike, open source!
Please check the mp3s at the bottom of this page:
...these are all rather abstract pieces done with a combination of KeyKit,
LinuxSampler, ecasound, Ardour....and pretty much everything else too,
Freewheeling, TerminatorX, etc. etc. I can't even remember the workflow for
some of these, as I change things around all the time. Please let me know
what you think! Thanks.
I posted a tutorial for building an Ardour-only Ubuntu box from
"scratch" on my blog the other day, in case anyone finds it useful:
It's only been tested on one machine (I did this setup for a friend),
and is not intended to be all-inclusive. Corrections/improvements
sean corbett
...still reading the discussion. it appears to be VERY intersting :)
> regarding supercollider&csound vs ableton:
> the power of sc3&csound lies exactly in their monolithic nature,
> the deep integration of sequencing (and processing sequences)
> and signal processing. This has nearly nothing to do with the
> principle of interconnecting rather autarkic applications needles to say jack.
totally agree.
i'm happy with csound. it's absolutely all-sufficient by itself.
sex, bike, open source!
I've recently been having a play around with qtractor, and am very
impressed.. I particularly like the fact that all linux-based
instrument plugins work out of the box. The one thing that seems to be
missing (not from qtractor but from the available plugins) to my mind
is a simple sampler like specimen that will run as a DSSI or lv2
plugin. The only couple of solutions I can think of for playing drum
samples are to make up a soundfont and load that in one of the
sondfont playing plugins. Alternatively, there are a couple of DSSI
sample players, but they can only load one sample per instance.. still
might be the best option. Does anyone know of a better solution?
Secondly, I can't seem to find any way of creating an fx bus to route
audio in qtractor - again is this possible yet?
Hi Folks
I've released some more music, mixed with Ardour...
Here's an interview where I give the community a small plug..
Also coming soon.. a remix I did in Ardour has made it VINYL.. yes vinyl ... I
will post more around the release date.. However, it will be easier to get in
Europe than in Australia.. so those of you with record players may like it for
your collection..
> Some people here (more or less) desperately need a similar application for linux.
off topic, but...
people in linux audio scene always DESPERATELY need something just
like a copy of some fancy (commercial) app on win/mac.
that's the main and only reason why linux is (semi-)deficient in the
pro audio world.
sex, bike, open source!