In theory there is no limit to the inter-sample peak level.
It *could* matter for some technical test signals etc. For
normal music signals even 0.5 dB should be enough, and even
if it clips you very probably won't notice.
Interesting. Well, I would catch any overs anyway when doing the dithering.
So, I compiled zresample without a hitch and it worked wonderfully. FYI, in
this case the input and output files differed by about 0.01 dB.
Thanks for the other suggestions (Hi Peter!).
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 09:37:00AM -0400, Grekim Jennings wrote:
>/ I need to convert 24-bit 48000 .wav to 44100 .wav.
/>/ What's your go-to converter for this?
/>/ Quality would be my first consideration,
/>/ 2nd would be ease of install or build,
/>/ 3rd would be I have a preference for command line.
/>/ This would be for off-line use.
I use zresample wich comes as an example app with the zita-resampler
library. Apart from resampling it can also change the sample format,
and add dither if the output is 16-bit. It handles any number of
>/ zresample --help
zresample 1.4.0
(C) 2007-2012 Fons Adriaensen <fons at <>>
Usage: zresample <options> <input file> <output file>.
Display this text: --help
Output file type: --caf, --wav, --amb
Output sample rate: --rate <sample rate>
Output sample format: --16bit, --24bit, --float
Dither type (16 bit): --rec, --tri, --lips
Add zero padding : --pad
The default output file format is wav, 24-bit, no dithering.
Integer output formats are clipped, float output is not.
Thanks Fons. Do you have a recommendation for how much headroom to leave
before the conversion, and if you do clip during the conversion is there
any sort of warning? I used to leave around 1.5 dB. The way I used to
go about this was to apply all limiting to the 24-bit 48000 kHz track,
then SR convert, then normalize (to ~ -0.3 dB) or set a final level, and
finally dither/quantize.
I need to convert 24-bit 48000 .wav to 44100 .wav.
What's your go-to converter for this?
Quality would be my first consideration,
2nd would be ease of install or build,
3rd would be I have a preference for command line.
This would be for off-line use.
Hi folks,
I'm performing some edits on an audio track.
I have two versions of a track, side by side, and am cross fading
between the tracks to produce one good version.
But, I'm hearing what sounds like a small pop or click at the fade point.
The crossfade is set to be about 0.02 seconds long because this is a
rhythm guitar track.
Anyway, would longer fades illiminate the sound I'm hearing?
I'm wondering if this has to do with the digital domain, samples and
stuff, which I don't fully understand. :-)
It's quite subtle, and in the mix probably inaudible, but I would like
not to have it.
I guess title says it all... I saw posts from last year that suggest
Audiante had no interest in supporting Linux. Has anyone heard of any
progress on this one?
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Head, ICAT IMPACT Studio
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
FingerPlayMIDI is a very nice App for Android, that turns the
touchscreen of a device into a MIDI-Controller with sliders, matrix and
I used it without any problem in Fedora 17 using its
FingerPlayServer-component on the Linux-Box to connect the stream from
the phone. It is a Java-Program, that is supposed to create a port like
FingerPlayServer v0.8.0
Listening on
Waiting for connection from phone..
Phone connected.
Set MIDI Device: VirMIDI [hw:3,3,11]
As said before, this worked perfectly OK in Fedora 17 but alas! In
Ubuntu 13.04 with KXStudio Layer the server starts as expected but there
is no port in Alsa-MIDI to be found.
The server gets the signals OK and reports no errors.
Does someone know, what could have changed in ALSA-MIDI and/or Jack-MIDI
that this port from a Java-app is not accepted anymore?
best regards
Just wanted to check if there's an official approach to my situation:
I have a macbook pro, sometimes I use the built in sound card (jack with
alsa backend) and sometimes I use a MOTU soundcard (jack with firewire
backend from ffado).
I switch from one to other all the time, multiple times per day. I have
several issues with that:
- For each sound card I need to boot jack with different settings
(basically just different backend ).
- The names for the connections are different, for alsa they appear as
'system_0', etc. for firewire they are 'firewire_pcm'.
- Going from one config to the other I need to stop jack and restart it
with the new settings.
In OSX to switch from one sound card to another, it's as simple as removing
the firewire cable and sound will migrate to the internal sound card,
plugging it back again migrates again to firewire ( I had firewire as
I would like to mimick the OSX behaviour as close as possible.
Currently I have a script at startime that checks for the existence of
/dev/fw1 and boots with the right parameters [1]
Also in supercollider I have to run this code [2] at startup to connect to
right inputs/outputs.
I was just wondering if there is a simpler solution to this, or if there is
some plan to make it easier to switch soundcard with jack in the future ?
Would there be any way to monitor firewire appearing and disappearing and
running an appropriate script ?
Miguel Negrão
The script is written in Haskell:
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Shelly
import Shelly.Background
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.List (isInfixOf, sort)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text (lt)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS hiding (fromText, (<.>))
import Text.ShellEscape
import System.Environment
runC x xs = catchany_sh (run x xs) (\_ -> return "x" )
main = shelly.verbosely $ do
runC "killall" ["-9", "jackdbus" ]
runC "killall" ["-9", "jackd"]
runC "killall" ["-9", "qjackctl.real"]
fwExists <- test_e "/dev/fw1"
echo [lt|Firewire detected: #{show fwExists} |]
if fwExists then
run "ffado-test" ["BusReset"]
run "sleep" ["5"];
run "sh" ["-c", "qjackctl -s -p firewire" ]
run "sleep" ["5"];
run "sh" ["-c", "qjackctl -s -p alsa" ]
exit 0
var jack_device = if("jack_lsp | grep firewire".systemCmd == 0){
Apologies for x-posting... (given that this never made it through LAA, which
may be just me being silly, here it is via the LAU list)
It is my pleasure to announce the latest release of pd-l2ork free
open-source visual programming language for interactive media, and
supporting K12 educational module for the 32-bit and 64-bit Linux, as well
as Raspberry Pi (Arm) platforms. pd-l2ork is the infrastructural backbone of
Virginia Tech DISIS Linux Laptop Orchestra (
Highlights include:
*Ported all vanilla GUI objects and events to cairo-based SVG-like tkpath
canvas providing antialiased drawing capabilities, bezier patch cords, and
setting stage for a zoomable canvas
*Implemented a new scrollbar system using semi-transparent objects right on
the canvas
*Implemented filtering of autorepeat keyboard events for key, keyup, keyname
*Expanded K12 library with numerous improvements and added a couple demo
*Backported resizable objects and recent files
*Improved GUI appearance
*Began porting 3rd party objects to new cairo-based canvas (non-accelerated
3rd-party objects can be recognized by having a blue selection box and their
considerably slower redraw)
*Cleaned-up extended pddp documentation and added comprehensive cyclone
*Began filtering (disabling) building of redundant externals within the
cyclone and other 3rd-party libraries
*Proper visual reordering without the potentially cpu-expensive
canvas_redraw for all accelerated objects (non-accelerated 3rd-party objects
can be recognized by having a blue selection box and their considerably
slower redraw)
*Disabled drawing of redundant nlets for objects embedded inside a GOP
object (for Max users, equivalent to a bpatcher)
*Embedded tkdnd and tkpath libs directly into source for a monolithic build;
made several improvements to the tkpath lib fork
*Many other minor bugfixes and improvements (see Changelog for more info)
A screenshot of the K12 module is attached. Alternatively, it can be found
Complete Changelog:
Download Links:
Binary Builds & Documentation:
Source: http:///
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Head, ICAT IMPACT Studio
Virginia Tech
Department of Music
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0240
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)