Hey everybody,
OpenAV is releasing Sorcer 1.1! Upgraded features such as a compressor and
output level provide better feedback in an all new NTK based UI! Existing
presets are remain unchanged: the compressor is off by default.
Packagers will be happy to know that Sorcer now uses Make, so packaging
should be easier.
Details available on http://openavproductions.com/sorcer
Cheers, -Harry
I've added some new LV2 plugs in the guitarix git repository lately.
There are now beside the already known plugs some multiband plugs, which
I've a lot of fun with. That's GxMultiband/ Distortion / Compressor /
Echo and Delay.
If you want to play with those plugs, you need to build from our git
Hi LA!
I've just finished uploading my radio shows thus far to archive.org:
Mumble Rumble is an irregular radio show broadcast on Dark City Radio using
entirely free and open source software, most notably Mumble for VOIP.
This is the debut episode of the show and discusses various aspects of
and why I think its good enough to create a radio show to promote its use
why you should use it too, amongst other things.
Please excuse the poor audio during the first few minutes - it gets better
shortly after the introduction!
TRACKS (edited out)
apatt - Village Idiot
tRANSELEMENt - King Henry
Mumble Rumble is an irregular radio show broadcast on Dark City Radio using
entirely free and open source software, most notably Mumble for VOIP.
Mumble Rumble was honoured to have legendary Linux audio hacker falkTX as
first ever guest for Mumble Rumble II. falkTX gets quizzed on his
distribution/ repository KXStudio (as used to power Dark City Radio), his
DISTRHO plugins, his plugin host Carla and much more!
Miles Johnston has not only played a significant role in both UK pirate
(by setting up Kiss 103) as well as conventional broadcasting through his
at the BBC and SKY; he is more well known today as being one of the UK's
leading researchers into UFO's, abductees, mind control and a whole host of
other things that we're told don't exist, if we are aware of them at all.
The main outlets of Miles research have been his Bases series of videos
started in the mid 90's by focusing on exposing the UK DUMBs (Deep
Military Bases) and more recently he played a major role in the AMMACH
with which he is no longer involved.
This show documents Miles first use of Mumble which he utilsed to express
feelings and notable memories of AMMACH, the media (including non-humans at
BBC), supersoldiers, implants, the Large Hadron Collider and much more!
Hey all,
Its a pleasure to announce release Fabla 1.1:
-UI opening in Ardour (visual) handled better
-Pad state restore (visual) bug fixed
-Colours behind dials (visual) fixed
-Pad number redraw (visual) fixed
-LV2 UI resize (visual) fixed
-Added LICENSE file for Fedora packaging
The acoustic drum sample pack "Savage Drums" is now included with Fabla!
The sample pack was recorded at "The Music Hub" studio, in Limerick,
The drummer is Stephen Savage.
Details available on http://openavproductions.com/fabla
Cheers, -Harry
Hi all,
Below is a message, written in French (sorry, if someone wants to
translate it, don't hesitate) about two AMMD artists who were designed
as France representative for 7th Jeux de la Francophonie (kind of
Olympics, but only for French-speaking countries, and having artistic
parts too) in the category Digital Creation.
They're free artists, they publish their art as free art, and they do
use free softwares for this. Finally, groolot also develops free
software for stage pruposes.
And they're now finalist for this challenge. There is still only 3
countries in the row, so they're now ensured to get a medal.
I thought it might interest you.
If you read french, there also a french article about this on
linuxfr.org: http://linuxfr.org/news/plebiscite-une-oeuvre-libre-en-finale-des-jeux-de-l…
Hi guys,
I'm using plugin 1769 in Nama, based on ecasound.
Here's the scenario.
I'm recording one track.
When I begin recording, the click starts right on queue. I play along
with the click.
But, upon playback, when I press play, the click clicks repeetedly
several times as the playback fades up and my recorded performance is
no longer in sync with the click.
Again, to reiterate, when I record, the click starts as I start the
recording engine, but upon playback, the click sortof studders as the
playback fades up, and then the click is no in sync with my recording.
Hey thanks all for the advice. I also learned a lot more about kernels :)
Sorry if I didn't get back to each of you, I took notes of all your
suggestions and I will test both patching the nvidia driver and use the pae
I still can't get the kxstudio kernel after editing manually the apt
sources though.
I'll report back!
I'm going about the process of trying to learn what goes into commercial
mastering (yeah, I know...), and one of the conundrums I've run into is
that while most commercially produced music has a particular sort of
common EQ curve to it, I have to really force myself to try to want that
curve when I'm mixing. Really, it just sounds cold. Almost anything
sounds better (at least on good speakers) with less cutting around
120-180Hz than most CD's seem to have. And it really must be the result
of EQ cuts too -- apart from my digital Yamaha SY99 (which sounds pretty
cold), I don't think I have any instruments in my whole studio that
could produce sound so anemic in the low mids as what I hear on CD's
without *lots* of cuts. When it comes down to it, there's almost no
instrument that really sounds like that.
So, my dilemma is twofold...
1) To use spectrum analyzers and careful listening to try to understand
the "tone" that the commercial mastering world has apparently agreed on,
2) To figure out why I would want that. On most decent speakers, it
seems to sound thin and lack authority. It's terrible having to cater
to the lowest common denominator.
Anyone else have this problem? Ever wish you could turn up those low
mids just a little bit more and get some power underneath?
+ Brent A. Busby + "We've all heard that a million monkeys
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin + banging on a million typewriters will
+ University of Chicago + eventually reproduce the entire works of
+ James Franck Institute + Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet,
+ Materials Research Ctr + we know this is not true." -Robert Wilensky
I don't use Ubuntu/Debian but I do use Linux-rt + nVidia, in all of my H/W.
So i thought i would clarify a point or two;
> Found some suggestions about patching the nvidia driver with some
> custom> code here [1], but the driver they use there is quite old. And
>time I had fiddled with nvidia driver it was the most painful experience
> ever..:)
>Did you try the patch in my Github repository? You can download it with:
This above patch only works for Nvidia driver < 325.xx ...
1. For Nvidia's newest drivers ~ you need my nvidia325xx-rt patch;
(for me, this patch works fine on 3.8-rt and 3.10-rt. haven't tested
anything older... I'm sure it's fine). When building the kernel module
(don't know where this is done in Debian/ubuntu) you must ignore the
PREEMPT_RT check in nvidia's installer, something like this;
SYSSRC=/usr/lib/modules/"${_kernver}/build" module "
2. I've also made available a patch for 319.32, patched for kernel 3.10
support (which then can be patched with the old rt patch, above
"patch-3.0-rt-nvidia.patch"). - This is mainly for people who've
experienced regressions with the 325xx nvidia driver, Patch is here;
I've also started a thread @ nvidia's dev portal about nvidia-rt;
There aren't specific distro instructions, but a general "run down",
instead. I don't know how different distros package nvidia, so it's beyond
my own scope...and Since, i only use Archlinux, it is the only distro that
i personally am concerned with. + anyone can see how Archlinux handles
nvidia-rt by either reading through Arch's PKGBUILD in AUR;
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nv/nvidia-rt/PKGBUILD ... then find out
how to made your own distro apply what is needed.