Yoshimi 1.3.9, that is :)
This is another consolidation release (although there are a few new features).
With people, and some distros moving to GCC 6 we felt we should make sure we
are squeaky clean, as this is much more pedantic regarding code correctness.
Our new version has been extensively tested on GCC 4.9/5.3/6.0 both for
compilation and runtime performance. One of our users has also double checked
by compiling with Clang 3.5
More details in the README.txt file.
As usual, available from:
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Recently my interest has shifted towards hardware, specifically my
growing eurorack modular synthesizer. As part of the rpm challenge, I
just finished my first modular album.
Mostly sequenced from the BeatStep Pro, then recorded, assembled,
organized and mixed in renoise on my linux box.
Hope you enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed making it!
We recently Asked our MonolIthic DAW for some House (no pun Intended) And
thIs is what it cAme up wIth:
It's not actuAlly House but It is very much Trance.
MAybe there Is something deep and fundamental about the result. We don't
know but we like it.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
Hey hey everyone,
I'm looking for an audiofile on an ftp-server, but couldn't think of any open
FTP server, that might hold audiofiles.
I'm looking for this to test an installation. There's no specific format
preference, possible formats may include:
flac wav ogg mp3 m4a wma aiff asf, maybe even mpc, but no MIDI or tracker
If anyone knows a link or good resource, please let me know. Content and
quality are no concern. This is simply needed for a private experiment, not
connected to commercial projects and not intended for any public or privte
audience, but myself.
Thank you very much!
* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub: https://github.com/fsilvain