Does anyone know of a good plugin that will generate subharmonics?
I would like to put a little more low frequency "oomph" into my bass
track. Preferrable LADSPA, but VST would work, too.
Thanks for any help!
This is a soft piece recorded in Ardour.
The mix on the master bus sits at around -15dB. That's how it is
recorded and it sounds currently nice like this. There's room,
nothing is pushed forward in the ears of the listener.
After exporting, it sounds like heavy metal, so to speak. So much
that there's distortion in the same monitors, at the same volume,
that were playing the piece so nicely a minute ago. No more
room, no more breathing. Smack.
I used jack_capture instead. That kept it as is.
1) Is -15dB on the master bus something completly silly ?
2) If so, how to remediate the currnt recording ?
3) The export stats are:
Normalization gain: -14.06 dB
Integrated loudness: -12.5 LUFS
Loudness Range: 7.6 LU
What does it mean when taking into account that the listener
will play other tunes and then this one ? Are the numbers
telling anything about how it will fit in between other tunes
The current jack_capture export is at:
As part of our quest for the best possible sound we are planning an enhancement
that passes bits through a grading process (the well known 'Enharmonic Bit
Comparator' - version 33)* thus ensuring that any bit asymmetry is removed.
In laymans terms, this has a heater to agitate the bits, then an amplifier to
highlight the errors, and rectifiers to remove them. Symmetrical bits produce
significantly less quantum noise so reduce the possibility of alignment
boundary collisions, giving a much warmer, smoother presentation.
Such advanced technology has a cost of course, so to gain the greatest benefit
from this process it is necessary for Yoshimi to now use only audiophile grade
bits, rather than the standard ones and zeros present in ordinary programs. Bit
quality is heavily dependent on the source so we recently did a line-by-line
review of the code, feeding it to our Delta Orthogonal Grader.
Finally, there is the open-source BitShine engine (BS). This 'clarifies'
individual zeroes and ones passing through it, making them sharper, so should
give greater precision when passed on to the DA converter. This is available
under the 'Multi User Grant' license. As it appears to be GPL compatible we are
looking at it for possible inclusion.
I should point out that there is only a narrow window for discussion as we
expect to be committed by lunch time today.
* EBC33 - Mullard
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Hi, hope I am asking in the correct place here.
I have a Creative E-MU 0044 and it seems to work fine.
arecord -l gives me:
*/card 1: USB [E-MU 0404 | USB], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]/*
*/ Subdevices: 1/1/*
*/ Subdevice #0: subdevice #0/*
I seem to be able to record
*/$ arecord -t wav -r 44100 -c 2 -f S24_3LE -D hw:1,0 mon.wav/*
*/Recording WAVE 'mon.wav' : Signed 24 bit Little Endian in 3bytes, Rate
44100 Hz, Stereo
/*I wish to use this card with darkice (internet audio streaming) but
darkice doe not seem to like 24bit interface cards.
I believe that I can do something in .asoundrc (which I believe is a
ALSA config file that sits in my home directory), to convert the 24bit
device to a 16bit device.
I think I could setup a alsa device called e_mu_16 whitch would be the
same as hw:1,0 but 16 bit.
Any help with this would be really appreciated.
Kind regards,
*Ben Edwards, Video Editor/Colorist & Cameraman*
w:www.funkytwig.com t. 01179 118 144 m.:07773 02 44 82
skype:funkytwig twitter:@funkytwig
PGP Public key available from pgp.mit.edu
If you are a freelancer FreeAgent is a great system to do your accounts,
if you use http://www.freeagent.com/?referrer=42j4d743
(referral code is 42j4d743) you get 10% off each month.
Hey hey everyone,
I know it's not really on topic, but I needed a newer ncurses version to
compile the latest Yoshimi. But it generates problems with gcc5.
>From research, I thought it was only an issue with gcc5.0 and 5.1, so I bit
the lemon and installed gcc5.3, alas still no luck. I didn't find a version of
ncurses, that both fixes it and has a pkg-config file with it. The issue is
known and demonstrated here:
They seem to have a fix somewhere in sage, but nowhere else. Can anyone please
help me? Can I easily setup a pkg-config file for my old ncurses version of
does anyone of you have a local fix from somewhere, so I can build 5.9 or 6.0
with gcc5?
Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but I really couldn't find a solution to
this, that I could use.
Thanks for any help!
* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub: https://github.com/fsilvain
I noticed additional source files in the archive and after some diffing
around, I struggle to see their purpose. They do differ in different
ways from their counterpart in the jack source tree then the
corresponding section in "jack.diff".
Are the changes in these files to be applied before the diff or after or
do they serve a totally different purpose?
Best regards
On 03/29/2016 05:51 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
> No, Fons sent it directly to me. I have attached it.
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Markus Seeber <
> markus.seeber(a)spectralbird.de> wrote:
>> On 03/29/2016 05:12 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
>> [...]
>>> There are many other important changes in jack1 git that need to be
>>> released. Unless someone can identify what is wrong with the reverted
>>> commit, it will remain reverted, and I will release 0.125 without it (and
>>> then depart for post-JACK-ness nirvana).
>>> --p
>> [...]
>> Was the original (uncleaned) patch ever public? I think I might have
>> missed it. May be something worth looking through on the next 3 or four
>> boring train rides.
>> Markus
>> _______________________________________________
>> Linux-audio-user mailing list
>> Linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org
>> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user
(Sorry for cross-posting.)
Dear Faust programmers and LAD'ers,
New stuff just in time for the upcoming miniLAC @ Berlin next week!
faust-lv2 and faust-vst are two architectures for Grame's functional dsp
programming language Faust. They let you create fully functional LV2 and
VST plugins from Faust programs.
Most notable changes:
- Custom Qt GUI support. This leverages Faust's Qt support (faustqt.h) and
was done by one of my students, Roman Svidler, for his BSc thesis. Thanks
- The custom 'nvoices' meta key is now recognized by both architectures to
denote an instrument plugin, so a single architecture suffices to implement
both instrument and effect plugins.
- Both architectures now work exactly alike, so porting your Faust plugins
from LV2 to VST and vice versa just takes a recompile.
- Many bugfixes and smaller improvements, please check the commit logs for
The latest sources including documentation and examples are available from
Please use the issue trackers there to report any bugs that you find,
The architecture files and helper scripts are also included in the latest
Faust git sources, so if you keep your Faust installation up to date,
chances are that you already got them.
Both architectures are now also available through the Faust online and
remote compilers, thanks Yann! So you can give them a try immediately
without having to install anything. Simply head over to
http://faust.grame.fr/onlinecompiler/, drop one of the dsp examples
provided in the faust-lv2|vst Bitbucket repositories or your own Faust
sources there, choose one of the linux lv2 or vst architectures as target
and go to the Exec tab to receive your freshly baked plugin.
If you can make it to Berlin, I'll be showing both faust-lv2 and faust-vst
there in the main hall of c-base on Saturday (April 9) at 3 p.m., would be
nice to meet you there!
Enjoy! :)
Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email: aggraef(a)gmail.com
WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
miniLAC (http://minilac.linuxaudio.org) is about to start in T-9days!
Come to c-base (https://c-base.org) April 8th-10th!
Over the past few weeks our schedule has filled up rather nicely. There
are still open slots available though!
We are honored to announce Edgar Berdahl of LSU to give the keynote
presentation on "Open-Source Haptics for Music"
We are still in need of volunteers to run the show. Please help out, if
you have the time!
Also, if you are from Berlin, there are going to be two more meetings at
c-base (https://c-base.org) you can attend to, to be of help and become
- Today (20160330) 20:00h
- Next Wednesday (20160406) 19:30h
A few more notes on the wiki:
- please register, so we know roughly how many people to expect
- please make sure to fill your user page with the template we provide
featuring some information about yourself (and deleting the preset
- due to a misconfiguration of the spam protection I had to block many
users and of some I'm not sure, if they hadn't been human after all.
So, if you're unable to log in, drop me a line!
Hope to see many of you in the coming week!
David Runge
Schreinerstraße 11
10247 Berlin
We're proud to announce the immediate availability of DrumGizmo version
DrumGizmo is an open source, multichannel, multilayered,
cross-platform drum plugin and stand-alone application. It enables you
to compose drums in midi and mix them with a multichannel approach. It
is comparable to that of mixing a real drumkit that has been recorded
with a multimic setup.
This is a bugfix release fixing two major bugs:
- Resampler now works when using DrumGizmo as a plugin.
- LV2 plugin no longer freezes on tempo changes.
Download it from http://www.drumgizmo.org
Visit us at the official irc channel at the Freenode network. Channel
name #DrumGizmo. We would love to hear from you!
// The DrumGizmo team