Hello all,
I'm considering to test Linux mint for my 'sound machine' - a normal laptop that's used for modest recording and editing of sounds and music, as well as miscellaneous office work.
Anyone here try that before? Any pitfalls to avoid?
Regards, Alf
I'm using Mint 19.1 on a recent Dell 15" XPS laptop and my experience is
excellent for general use and good for pro audio.
I find to be Mint to be quite polished and supports this laptop very well.
What I particularly found impressive was:
I was able to install with Windows10 dual-boot effortlessly, no problem
with UEFI, secure boot, or GPT partition;
Out of the box support for using both Intel and Nvidia graphics card (nice
applet to switch between them)
Bluetooth works effortlessly (mouse, headset).
Laptop has touch-screen, which seems to be basically supported (can move
windows around, though I don't really use this feature).
All laptop buttons work (to control audio, screen, etc)
As far as audio goes I added kxstudio repositories so I have the full
audio suite. There is a low-latency kernel available, so I use that.
I have turned off hyperthreading which I believe helped x-runs. There
is a mint backup tool which I disabled immediately because it
gobbled a huge amount of CPU and disk space. I have run some checks with
realtimeconfigquickscan script, though I did not do all
recommendations, maybe I should complete that. Of course, when doing
audio I switch to performance mode on CPUs.
I have run Jack with both onboard audio and with a Komplete Audio 6
USB interface. Both worked with no problems. Currently the setup is quite
adequate for mixing at high-latency, very few x-runs. Low-latency work
still gets some x-runs, sometimes in bursts. Clearly there process waking
up or something which causes x-runs. Possibly things like networking.
Need to spend more time figuring this out.
What is impressive is that I am able to run Pianoteq at 48kHz, 64
frame/periods, 2 periods, 2.67ms using the USB midi connection on my
keyboard and the on-board audio with no x-runs. I also play
soft-synths using Ardour as a host, but this does not work well so
far, many x-runs.
So I'm hoping with a little more tweaking to get rid of the x-runs
entirely. Also I left a free partition so I may try some other distro.
AVLinux would have been my first choice, but unfortunately it
does not support GPT partitioning, so is essentially un-installable
(unless I revert to MBR)
Edward Diehl
> Actually you didn't contribute at all, you are just a Troll who didn't
> clarify anything. You replies are nothing but noise, irrelevant traffic.
Well, I'm a Troll, keep that in mind before you go on reading, special,
because all I want to give you here is a link, trollish, isn't it.
If you still read, okay, I'll give you a bit more than just a link. It's
about converting a circuit drawing to a LV2 plugin, a working solution.
This list is on emergency moderation until further notice.
Apart from that, I have removed Ralf Mardorf from the lists, as he
repeatedly did not care about escalating arbitrary topics (after several
times of telling him to stop) - aka. "trolling", insulting people and
I hope this gives everyone some cool-off time.
Please try to remember, that there are over 700 people subscribed to
this list. Please don't enforce your personal issues onto others. Be
mindful and respectful in what you write. Do not take part in distro
wars (aka. "flaming"). Think before you write.
Last, but not least: Be constructive!
If you can't adhere to this (simple) social standard, this (and most
likely most other) mailing list is not for you.
I bought one of these last August, and it failed catastrophically within a
week, got a no-quibble replacement and tested all functions and it was fine. I
used it a couple of times for recording guitar and mic into the computer, but
since then only used it for playback from the computer.
Try to use it for recording again, it's silent. Direct out is fine, and
playback from the computer is. qjackctl shows the inputs, and appears to
connect them correctly, but no data is coming through.
The only change in that time was the distro on the computer being changed from
debian to devuan. However, I also tried it on my laptop (which is still on
debian) and got the same results there.
Has anyone else seen a similar problem, or got any suggestions as to what
may be wrong.
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Is there any likelihood of this happening?
Last year it was in October and so close to SynthFestUK that I couldn't get the
time off work to do both - this year that won't be a problem - so long as they
are not in the same week!
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Hi all,
As some of you know, I've been playing in Sebkha-Chott for fifteen
years, an experimental and avantgarde rock/metal band from France, in
which we used free softwares only for recording as well as on stage. We
developped some softs as well.
Sebkha-Chott has ended in 2015, and by that time, we were a trio,
augmented by machines (synths, samplers, loopers - many of them - FX,
routing, mix, and so on).
Plagiat started at the end of Sebkha-Chott, and was thought around the
same setup, though it is a drum/bass/vocals duo, and is more orientated
in oriental-experimental-rap. We just released our first clip, all built
with free softwares only (in the AMMD studio www.ammd.net), you can
check it here:
and you can check more on http://plagiat.org (by now, it's mainly in
french, but we could translate it if someone demanded it!)
As you might want to know a bit more, here is what we've been using
and/or are using by now:
*For this clip:*
*- hw: Alesis HD24XR -ADAT- RME HDSP9652 / TL-Audio Ivory II series
Preamps / Focusrite Octopre Preamps
- debian testing
- ardour5 (mix and mastering)
- zynaddsubfx
- x42-fat homemade patch
- calf, caps, swh, tap, invada plugins, and maybe some others we forgot
- calfjackhost (just because calf 30 band eq didn't work well straight
in ardour5)
- kdenlive
- gimp
- inkscape
(and maybe some others we forgot)
*On stage (https://github.com/PlagiatBros/PlagiatSetup)*
*- hw: 2x Focusrite Saffire Pro40 -ADAT- RME HDSP 9652
- debian testing
- gladish (yes, it's still working, but we know we will have to change
this soon)
- zynaddsubfx (with microtonal settings)
- non-mixer (many instances)
- seq24 (with a homemade-patch)
- tapeutape (same as gladish)
- x42-fat (12 of them) homemade match to get one octave up and down
offset, and microtonal settings
- guitarix (actually only for tuning, was used for more before, but
ain't no guitar left, so...)
- fluidsynth and one rhodes sound font
- sooperlooper (8 stereo loopers)
- mididings (many many many instances and patches and homemade forks for
managing OSC)
- calf, caps, tap, swh, invada plugins
- pytaVSL (https://github.com/PlagiatBros/pytaVSL) : homemade light VJ soft
- QLC+
- OpenStageControl (developped by Plagiat's drummer)
(and maybe some others we forgot)
*For upcoming clips (work in progress by now):*
- synfigstudio
- qstopmotion
- lives
Well, that's it for now.
Aurélien - AMMD / Plagiat
PS: Last thing: usually, Plagiat doesn't speak lwith the kind of tone I
used today. So, the news I might forward to this list will probably be
written in much harscher way!
For example, the newsletter that presented this clip (in french):
Hey So·E·ur·s (Inc·)
/(English version below)/ [0]
OK, là, *je m’applique* pour ma rédak, passsk’ c’est la newzletter *du
Sssièkle mon Gars·E·s* ! Passske là, maintenant, le *PE-KLI - le
KLI-PE*, sssi tu préfères - le premier, il est *rilizzzed* :
*PLAGIAT - SNAPCHAT AU HAREM <https://plagiat.org/snapchat-au-harem>*
Bon, Mec·e·s, je sais pas sss’il faut que j’écrive la sssuite, passske
t’es déjà barré·e·s à le ter-ma t’es déconsscentré·e·s Man·e·s [1].
Trop l’sssum, boy·e·s, t’aurais appris qu’en fait, en + du peu-kli, on a
*disssrupété les pro-sssesss grave de grave*, passk’à partir de
maintenant, le *twitter* de Plagiat, ssça sssera un plagiat-bot du
*Masssto de Plagiat Brozzz*. Passke les vrais, c’est sssur
Massstodon-le-gros-mammuth, qu’y sssont, et pas sssur
twitter-le-petit-pigeon. Alors, sssc’est pas la hesss, tu vas
*t’inssscrire* sur Massstodon <http://framapiaf.org/> et *tu suis les
Brozzz* https://framapiaf.org/@plagiatbros Capiccce
*Carpacccio-de-moru·e·s* ? [2]
Ouais, on disssrupète, M·e·uf·s (Inc·), au niveau de la *maille,
z’aussi*, on invente le crowfunding [3] à l’envers. Passke t’as rien lu
de la newzzzletter d’avant, ou passske que t’as cru que sssc’était une
blague, ou passske *nos peu-klis, y coûtent 0 euro-dollars*, mais en
tout cas, notre levée de fonds de 0.15 € a eu aucun contri-buteur. Et
*le Peu-Kli, il sssort quand même*, t’as vu. Du coup, tu peux ne pas
donner a posssteriori, on a bezzzoin de persssonne et de toi FatCat·e·s,
c’est là : https://fistule.plagiat.org/Snapshat-au-Harem
Ssc’est pas passke *ssça vaut rien* que *ssça coûte queud’* !
Sssi t’es pas trop doué·e·s avec le numérique, tu peux venir nous
z’aider à *faire la manche devant les CCI*, sinon, et sauver tous sssces
pôv’s entrepreneurs qui sssombrent dans la réusssite comme le
réchauffement climatique dans *la chatte à la mère à Booba* [4].
Et sss’il y a pas de CCI dans ta ville, ou sssi
alors, tu peux toujours venir nous voir en conssscert, on a une *ferme à
bitcoin mobile qu’on fait digger grave pendant qu’on fait mine de
plagier Plagiat* sssur ssscèle.
*17/01 @ Tiers provisionnel et tasque de t’habite-à-Sssion*
// Vérifier que ça eguezissste encore, on sé jamais, p’t’êt’ de la
maille à sss’faire ? si oui, conssscert réusssi même sans muzzzik.
*31/01 @ [table rondin-chiasse] Jardin Moderne - Rennes (FR-35)*
// Consscert qui sss’la pête en forme de table ronde. Vachtement moyen
chiant sur le plan intellectuel, mais mieux que d’hab’ muzzzicalement
(faute d’inssstrument).
*21/02 @ Paris (FR-75 77 78 91 92 93 94 95)*
// Pessstasstion protubérante et exupétée à la En-veux-tu-en-v’là,
en-ramène, y’en re-n-a, et vas-y Kesch-Te. Consscert ploutôt pas mal
comparé à un rond point, mais moins bien qu’un feu rouge t’as vu. [TBC]
<- va savoir euske ça veut dire ?
*22/02 @ ssCIGEO - Bure (FR-55)*
// Consscert sssaizzzizie du tosss-ma - revente aux gens chères à la
préf un peu plus tard après. Le + meilleur des Consscerts essseptionnels
car sssans inssstruments (du coup). En sssoutien aux consscerts de
sssoutien pour ou contre ssCIGEO mais plutôt contre, sssans vouloir
commander qui que ssce sssoit à part les ssceusses qu’ont tort.
*23/03 @ Le Tremplin - Beaumont (FR-63)*
// Délit en réunion de crise de panique autours des mouvements utra
non-violents, ultra zumba et ultra zook
*19/04 @ 1er Mai - (Fr)*
// Consscert férié-on-joue-pas-même-gratosss (vérifier que ssça tombe
pas le 8 Mai, quand même...)
*13/07 @ Lieu sssecret (FR-53)*
// Consscert / colossscopie participative suivie d’un bord de ssscène
« liberté et dégradation en forêt tempérée »
*16/11 @ Celtic Pub Izzz Not A Pubisss - Tarbes (FR-65)*
// Conssscert de l’anniversaire bizzzanuel de Jean-Louis. Massster
conssscert comme toujours au ssCeltic, mais
boulet-âgé-moustachu-tendance-chauve pas savoir utiliser technologie, et
y aura pas de trassces à part un Collaroïd, moins drôle qu’une
Bon, et puis tiens-toi pêt·e·s, passske *[plaʒia]* n’*est* pas
nomi*nominé*-nominominett·e·s z’*aux Victoires de la Zikmu*2000, et
ssc’est pas la moindre des fiertés, de pas aller défiler avec
*z’ôt’baltringues de rapos-rebelles* à pas cher qui mettent un smok’
pour l’occaz, ou pire *z’ôt’bolos de
rapos-donneur-de-lessçons-aux-rappeurs-boskeurs* qui viennent
t’expliquer à les z’ados comment la drogue et la pornographie, c’est pas
bien, *sssurtout sssi tu fais de la musskulation*. T’es pas Kurt Cobain,
Eddy, t’es même pas Sstromae, z’imagine.... Mais ssça, on t’en reparlera...
Allez, abonné-vous à bon entendeur, s·lut.
[0] Les capotes en glèzzze sssont dans le tiroir du desssous.
[1] (c) Sssexxxion Dassault
[2] Un jour, on t’esssplikera pourquoi sssc’est mieux d’être sssur un
truc libre et désscentralisé comme Massstodon que sssur un truc
proprio-fliqué comme twitter. Et ausssi pourquoi on utilise QUE des
logissciels libres, de jeux d’argent en ligne et de sssimulation de
chèvre pour tout ssce qui s’touche à Plagiat. Mais ssce jour là, la
newzletter sssera longue et chiante comme une table ronde (31 Janvier au
Jardin Moderne, Vieu·e·x·xx), tu veux pas que sscette newzletter sssoit
longue et chiante, hein ???
[3] Fondement de corbeau, tu peux dire ausssi crowbutts)
[4] Si j’ai bien compris kesssk’il a dit, mais pas trop fasss’, il a
toujours pas fini ssson BigMac, sssûr ssça va lui ssservir de dentier
dans ssson matche de bosske contre Kaari·e·s
Suppose I've got recordings of two live performances of some piece. I'd
like to mix them but their tempo is slightly different and each one also
varies naturally. What is a good workflow for time-stretching one of
the recordings to match the tempo of the other? For example I could
create a series of tempo ramps in Ardour to align the metronome clicks,
but how do I proceed from there? Slicing up the other recording at each
bar and time-stretching the slices manually to match the tempo bars sort
of works, but it's rather cumbersome and misses the "ramp" part. I'd
rather create both "tempo maps" and have some tool do the appropriate
ramped time-stretching for the full piece in one step. Does anything
like that exist? Or can you recommend a more practical approach?
Hi all.
On Tuesday the 12th of February it's again the meeting at c-base. I'll
be in the mainhall from 20:00.
Maybe David can tell a bit about the pipewire talk at FOSDEM?