Linux-audio-user February 2019
  • 45 participants
  • 40 discussions

[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.4 - The Winter'19 Release
by Rui Nuno Capela
6 years

xjadeo compatible format from kdenlive
by Adrienne Teicher
6 years

DGEdit (DrumGizmo's kit creator) 0.10 Release
by Bent Bisballe Nyeng
6 years

Output port for Jack audio over bluetooth
by Ace Path
6 years

Bristol audio failed with JACK
by Jeanette C.
6 years

Aeolus segfaulting
by Jeanette C.
6 years

[Off topic] mailing list memberships reminder
6 years

LAC 2019
by Will Godfrey
6 years

Plugin recommendation: chorus for voice
by Jeanette C.
6 years

Re: [LAU] systemd woes with jackd and its permissions (raspbian)
by David Runge
6 years
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