  • 3 participants
  • 20583 discussions

[linux-audio-user] ALSA Modules show status (autoclean)?
by Al Oomens
22 years

[linux-audio-user] plugins not showing up in jack-rack
by jordan muscott
22 years

Re: [linux-audio-user] Interuptions While Recording
by linuxmedia4ï¼
22 years

[linux-audio-user] M-Audio Delta 1010 and MIDI
by Christian Schoenebeck
22 years

[linux-audio-user] JACK 0.50 released
by Taybin Rutkin
22 years

[linux-audio-user] [ANN] ALSA Patch Bay 0.5.1 (bug fix)
by Bob Ham
22 years

[linux-audio-user] [ANN] ALSA Patch Bay 0.5.0
by Bob Ham
22 years

[linux-audio-user] Interuptions While Recording
by linuxmedia4ï¼
22 years

[linux-audio-user] Linux multimedia distributions
by Ismael Valladolid Torres
22 years

[linux-audio-user] problems sending sound files directly to /dev/dsp
by Gustavo Zamorano S.
22 years
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