Hi all,
The topic of the day is softsynts!
I've got this trouble with all softsynths available today under linux:
-there aren't nearly as many patches available as I'd like. Some of them
don't have any patches at all.
Now, this could be due to good reason, a lot of the synths are rather young.
- patches may not be supported yet
- patch formats change all the time making it hard to keep up
- ...
Some synths do seem to have very good patch systems, some of them come
with a few patches, some several... Oftenly though, the patches are more
proof of concept or tutorial types than finished, usable, sounds.
Anyway, in general I think the available patches are way to few!
Speaking for myself I only have very limited time to poke around with
sound apps. When I do have time to do some audio stuff it would be a
great booster if there where more patches available for the increasing
amount of softsynths.
Some of the synths are just way to complex for me, I will never
understand how to utilize them (all these modular whizbang hitech
synths). Though I'm sure great sounds can be produced with them.
Note that I'm not blaming the authors for not including patches! They
are doing a great job at creating the synths in the first place!
(Ofcourse it's great if they have created some nice patches also, but
that is another issue, they are then working double shifts as users also
I was more think along the lines of community effort. We, the users,
should be able to help ourselves by helping each other.
So... I throw out the question about a centralized sound-patch repository.
What if we provided a site similar to e.g. themes.org? Interested
parties should there be able to upload patches and associate them with
the synth they are made for. This should then be published on a
searchable web.
We've talked before about application databases ala freshmeat, this
could be a part in such an endevour.
Some synths are getting to the point where they have a community of
their own, though I think this is the still the exception, not the rule.
By introducing a central repository a lot of extra publicitiy for all
"smaller" softsynths, and linux audio in general.
It may very well be that we as a community are still to small to support
things like this, but I'd like to think we have reached critical mass.
What do you guys think? Any takers?
OK, I'm crossposting this to LAU because I think there are lots of people who might provide some valuable input.
you can subscribe here:
Let's continue it there, OK?
On Sat, 1 Feb 2003 16:12:12 +0100
felipe <filippo(a)email.it> wrote:
> Next: I'm very interested on this Open Studios idea :) In a few months I'm
> starting to build what will be my house. I play guitar and, no need to say,
> one of the first things I'll want is a private recording studio for me and my
> band.
I'm not sure id I'd want to have an Open Studio at my house :) But hey, it's your house so you do what you want with it :)
> I'm getting a bit confused about what I
> really need to have the highest quality/lowest cost and, if possible, to
> adhere to an Open Studios "standard" (when there will be one).
Getting the lowest cost & highest quality studio is everybody's concern. Unfortunately, when you're on a low budget you have to make a compromise here and there. I didn't really think hard about it but I don't think there should be an OpenStudio 'standard' in terms of equipment, software and such. People could provide lists with reccomandations for various setup issues, low cost equipment etc but the setup will depend on every studio's needs nad technician/engineer/director's preferences.
> So what I ask you Kai, Justin, Michael, Tom Poe and all you open-sound fans is
> something like an "OpenStudio HOWTO", that would provide a basic framework
> with the best solutions for setting up a (network oriented?) home recording
> studio, covering both hardware and software issues.
In my previous post I threw an idea, very lightly, about an OpenStudio Gazette and Tom picked up on it and now I started brewing some ideas about it. I think that it'd be very useful to reach people and provide information, share ideas/experiences, success sotires (both studios and artists) and stuff like that.
So, since last night and today I was thinking about this for the gazette:
1. having short articles deling with:
a. legal issues for artists - copyright laws, various artistic licences etc explained in plain english (& other languages if translations become a reality
b. software/equipment/setup issues
2. tips and tricks for setting up and running such studios
3. aesthetic type of essay on a related topic
4. announcments, classifieds and things like that and maybe even ads for OpenStudio friendly gear for sale/buy and such.
We could seek contributions from the Linux, open source, alternative licences people and release it on a monthly or bi-monthly basis (depending how much contribution & content we can pull). I could take a plunge at an article once in a while.
> I could help translating it into Italian and Spanish, or if none is willing
> to, I could start writing the basis and then we could fill it up together,
> but I'd like to hear what do you all think first.
That would definitely help. I almost forgot I speak Polish so, I guess, I could translate to Polish, too :)
> Maybe the next step could be some openhardware projects? =)
didn't someone start discussing it somewhere already?
Michal Seta
CreaZone http://www.creazone.com
No One Receiving http://www.noonereceiving.32k.org
NOR - "The Release of the Wandering-Eyed Girl" now shipping!
emails to your address avp(a)altlinux.ru always bounce. I hope you still
monitor this mailing list. Please see my previous (bounced) emails below.
All: I would like to participate in ardour localization, but I can not
access the cvs repository due to some security limitations on our
network. I would really appreciate to get a tarball somewhere. Maybe
even with daily snapshots - that's almost like CVS read access. Thanks.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [linux-audio-user] ardour localization]
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 09:17:24 +0100
From: Martin Wolters <wol(a)codingtechnologies.com>
To: Alexandre Prokoudine <avp(a)altlinux.ru>
Hi Alexandre,
die letzte email die ich versucht habe Dir zu schicken (s.u.) ist leider
gebounced. Ich habe noch eine Bitte: Ich wueder gerne mit ardour helfen
und habe mittlerweile auch ALSA 0.9 und jack installiert. Leider kann
ich auf unserem Netzwerk nicht mittels CVS/SSH nach aussen
kommunizieren. Kannst Du mir daher einen tarball mit den Sourcen von
Ardour schicken (oder auf einem Server ablegen)?
Vielen Dank.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ardour localization
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 12:27:18 +0100
Das ist ja eie Ueberraschung. Du sprichst (bzw. schreibst) ja perfekt
Ich muss im Moment meinen Rechner ersteinmal auf ALSA 0.9
umkonfigurieren lassen. Leider sind wir hier auf der Arbeit im Moment
noch an Suse 7.3 gebunden und ich habe leider auch keine
root-Privilegien. Aber sobald unser sysadmin das Problem geloest hat
kann ich auch ardour installieren und dann loslegen.
Vielen Dank fuer das Hilfsangebot.
Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:56:00 +0100
> Martin Wolters <wol(a)codingtechnologies.com> wrote:
>>Hi Alexandre,
>>I am interested and available to provide a German translation.
>>Although I haven't worked with Ardour yet (I actually haven't even
>>compiled it yet) and I am not very experienced with translating
>>po files, I am familiar with DAWs, I speak German (my mother
>>tongue) and I am fluent in English. I guess that should do it.
>>Maybe we can discuss more details offline...
> Ich kann nicht behaupten, dass ich ein Profi apropos PO-Uebersetzung
> bin, aber ich hab' UI fuer Audacity und ein paar mehr Programme
> uebersetzt. Im Momement bemuehe ich mich mit Rosegarden.
> Falls Sie irgendwelche Hilfe brauchen - ich bin immer da zu helfen
> ;)
> Alexander
Martin Wolters | Coding Technologies
phone: +49 (0) 911 92891 -38 | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
fax: +49 (0) 911 92891 -99 | 90429 Nuernberg, Germany
mailto:wol@CodingTechnologies.com | http://www.CodingTechnologies.com
Martin Wolters |
Senior Research Engineer | Coding Technologies
phone: +49 (0) 911 92891 -38 | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
fax: +49 (0) 911 92891 -99 | 90429 Nuernberg, Germany
mailto:wol@CodingTechnologies.com | http://www.CodingTechnologies.com
Martin Wolters |
Senior Research Engineer | Coding Technologies
phone: +49 (0) 911 92891 -38 | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
fax: +49 (0) 911 92891 -99 | 90429 Nuernberg, Germany
mailto:wol@CodingTechnologies.com | http://www.CodingTechnologies.com
Hods of changes, including:
* Bugfixes to GSM sim (Pascal Haakmat)
* Bugfixes to FM osc (Pascal Haakmat)
* Bugfixes to audio divider (Nathaniel Virgo)
* Added another compressor, SC4, stereo, no sidechain
* Added lookahead brickwall limiter
* Added L/C/R delay (requested by Marek Peteraj)
* Added Giant flanger (kind of requested by Patrick Shirkey)
* Added DJ Flanger (actually requested by Patrick Shirkey)
* Should now compile on FreeBSD
* Fixed syntax error in RDF metadata, works with Bob H's jack-rack now
I've updated the AUTHORS list, but I've undoubtedly forogtten people, so if
youre not in there and should be give me a shout.
SC4 is more-or-less like SC3, but has no sidechain and a subtly different
algorithm. The sidechain was confusing hosts.
The limiter has up to two seconds of lookahead, so can be very gentle.
The L/C/R delay might be a bit familiar to Korg Trinity users ;) I haven't
used it much bet it seems pretty cool.
The giant flanger was a mistake, but I left it in anyway.
The DJ flanger hjas controls for LFO period (instead of frequency as you
would have in a synth) and you can resync the LFO by clicking a toggled
- Steve
* This reminds me, there would be a use for a MOMENTARY hint (implying or
requiring TOGGLED) in LADSPA, that meant that a control port should only
be held high while the UI control was held down, otherise you have to
double click reset controls, which is confusing.
Hello all,
Thank you for all the advice on how to access the tracks on the Peter
Gabriel disc. As it turns out...I missed the obvious.
Unlike usual music CDs, this one has to be mounted (as Alexandre
Prokoudine pointed out). Once mounted, the audio tracks are visible, after
all. Grip using cdparanoia turned them to ogg files without a complaint.
Can't guarantee that it will be that easy for all encoded CDs,
unfortunately. But at least I'll be looking at the fine print before
purchase from now on.
thanks again,
BLOP is a set of LADSPA plugins - after way too long, it's up to v0.2.6
Website: http://blop.sf.net
This release includes:
* Full RDF metadata, for use with liblrdf
* Bandlimited oscillators (no aliasing noise)
Variable width pulse
Variable slope triangle
Improved performance and quality (fixed some stupid
mistakes) over v0.2.5
4 Pole Moog-type resonant filter
Tuned, stable LADSPA version of this filter:
Single gate with variable threshold
Gate + Trigger variant (New since v0.2.5)
Analogue-Style Step Sequencer (New since v0.2.5)
Random wave generator, amplifier, 1V/Octave->Hz convertor ('fmod') and a
few other useful things.
Do You Yahoo!?
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts
I am trying to compile amSynth-1.0-rc2. When compiling files under the
src/GUI directory, these unexpected error messages happen:
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ismaeval/Projects/local/amSynth-1.0-rc2/src/GUI'
source='GUI.cc' object='GUI.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/GUI.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/GUI.TPo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../config/depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. `gtkmm-config --cflags` `gtk-config --cflags` -Wall -O3 -ffast-math -fno-exceptions -fomit-frame-pointer -Dwith_oss -Dwith_alsa -c -o GUI.o `test -f 'GUI.cc' || echo './'`GUI.cc
In file included from GUI.h:24,
from GUI.cc:4:
ParameterView.h:34: warning: `class ParameterView' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
In file included from GUI.h:29,
from GUI.cc:4:
ControllerMapDialog.h: In method `gint ControllerMapDialog::delete_event_impl(GdkEventAny *)':
ControllerMapDialog.h:25: warning: control reaches end of non-void function `ControllerMapDialog::delete_event_impl(GdkEventAny *)'
In file included from GUI.cc:4:
GUI.h: In method `int GUI::delete_events(GdkEventAny *, Gtk::Window *)':
GUI.h:63: warning: control reaches end of non-void function `GUI::delete_events(GdkEventAny *, Gtk::Window *)'
GUI.cc: In method `GUI::GUI(Config &, MidiController &, VoiceAllocationUnit &, int *, GenericOutput &, const char *)':
GUI.cc:152: implicit declaration of function `int WEXITSTATUS(...)'
GUI.cc: In method `gint GUI::idle_callback()':
GUI.cc:962: warning: control reaches end of non-void function `GUI::idle_callback()'
make[3]: *** [GUI.o] Error 1
I use a Debian woody dist with libgtkmm-dev 1.2.10-1 installed for
GTK-- build support.
Any ideas?. Thanks.
Regards, Ismael
Ismael Valladolid Torres <ismaeval(a)terra.es>
Hi all,
No response to the beta testing request, so I'll have to subject you all
to a likely hairy release :) Arbitrary channels are the biggest thing.
Also, previous save files will no longer work as the save files use XML
now. Sorry, but it's better to change it now instead of later as
changing the xml format will create less of a disturbance.
* can now have arbitrary channel numbers. you can use any plugin that has
equal numbers of input and output channels where they divide exactly into
the number of rack channels. eg, you could have a 4 channel rack with 2
stereo plugins in one slot and 4 mono plugins in another. obviously, you
can also have mono racks now. use the -c command line option to specify
the number of channels on startup.
* now, when you lock a group of controls, only one widget will be shown.
click on a control while holding down the CTRL key to make it the one that
remains visible.
* the PID is now used in the jack client name by default. you can change it
to the previous behaviour (of using just "jack_rack") with the -n option.
* save files now use an XML format (which is incompatible with the previous
format, sorry)
* port connecting works now, -i to connect inputs, -o to connect outputs
* quite a bit of code factoring and cleanups and stuff
If you're happy and you know it, bomb iraq
is there a way of running two instances of the same Jack app?
I know there's alsaplayer that append a number at the end of this jack port
name, but is this a solution?
Today I was playing with some jack apps and jack-rack, but I want to run 2 or
more instances of jack-rack and connect their ports with qjackconnect...but,
jack does'nt allow to run 2 instances with the same port name..
Any suggestion? :)
P.S. Excuse me for this bad english...I'm italian.. ;)
Alessandro <Comix> Cominu
e-mail: comix(a)despammed.com
Icq: 116354077
Linux User # 203765
[...Codito Ergo Sum...]
Thanks Dave. I should mention that unzipping the scale archive
must be done with the command
unzip -a scales.zip
This will create a subdirectory "scl" with the scales inside.