  • 8 participants
  • 20572 discussions

[linux-audio-user] No sound and no ability to input into Muse
by linuxmedia4ï¼
21 years, 12 months

[linux-audio-user] Piano feedback, again bundled
by Roel de Wit
21 years, 12 months

[linux-audio-user] Regarding Bardstown
by Roel de Wit
21 years, 12 months

[Fwd: Re: [linux-audio-user] Why we need graphic designers]
by iriXx
21 years, 12 months

[linux-audio-user] Answers to Grandest Piano feedback collected in one message (again)
by Roel de Wit
21 years, 12 months

[linux-audio-user] Is there interrest in a (near) perfect piano for tiMIDIty for composing music ?
by Roel de Wit
21 years, 12 months

Re:[linux-audio-user] Pianotest1 recording as requested by Mark and answers to questions by others.
by Mark Knecht
22 years

[linux-audio-user] speaking of wonderful GUis..
by iriXx
22 years

[linux-audio-user] Is there interrest in a (near) perfect piano for tiMIDIty for composing music ?
by Roel de Wit
22 years

Re: [Just Talk] Re: [linux-audio-user] Why we need graphic designers
by linuxmedia4ï¼
22 years
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