I just fixed my Mandrake RPM problems by installing Debian (woody).
Right now, I don't have any sound apps working.
What's the best way to go about it? I have an SB-Live soundcard, and
need to be able to play MIDI files, and record sound. (Usually via
timidity and ecasound, although I've used other apps as well.)
Is compiling Alsa CVS the right thing to do, or is there something
easy to do with apt-get that would get me going until I had something
I really needed the Alsa CVS for?
Laura (mailto:lconrad@laymusic.org , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097 fax: (801) 365-6574
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
QJackConnect 0.0.1, a QT based patchbay for JACK, is available from
http://www.suse.de/~mana/jack.html or
This is the first official release (some pre releases have been already
in use, but they were based on a bad hack) and its published under GPL.
Thanks to Kai Vehmanen for sending a patch which adapts QJackConnect to
the current CVS of JACK and finally resolves the bad hack.
I also wrote a small FM synthesizer which is both a (minimal) client to
JACK and the ALSA sequenzer system. jack_miniFMsynth.c is available from
the QJackConnect webpage as well.
Have fun !
Dr. Matthias Nagorni
Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 phone: +49 911 74053375
D - 90429 Nuernberg fax : +49 911 74053483
Just a quick question.
Can i get line in on my second sound card to play through the line out
of my first?
I thought that arecord -D trident | aplay -D sblive might work but it
dosn't seem to :(
Includes the most often requested thing, compressors.
SC1 - mono in, mono out variable knee compressor
SC2 - mono in, mono out variable knee compressor w/ permenantly wired
SC3 - stereo in, stereo out etc. with selectable sidechain.
Many thanks to Mark K. for extensivly testing the algorithm.
There are also a couple of new, very low level plugins, quality
improvements on the gong and plate reverb, serious speed improvements on
the valve plugin, and noticable, but not stunning improvements to various
other things.
Oh, and I finally fixed the prefix stuff in the configure.in. Its still
broken for MacOS X, and I no long have access to a box, so if anyone
fancies fixing the autoconf I can point you in the right direction.
- Steve
My and my friend are thinking of setting an open radio station. Only
choice I have is linux (that is all I use). I am trying to find something
that will do live encoding for me. All the content on the station will be
non-copyrighted and royalty free and I want the software used to be that
Please tell me what my options are, for live encoding, I will probably use
ogg, since mp3 is not royalty free.
Also is there any hardware that would do this encoding for me. If not, and
the software is available. I might turn it into a dedicated blackbox for
live encoding.
the development tree of the latest TiMidity++ was moved onto
sourceforge now.
there is a cvs branch, "R2_12_0_pre1b", which includes bunch of
enhancement patches. the patches sent on the timidity developer ML
(in japanese) are (occasionally) sync'ed with this tree.
also, an english mailling list was opened for non-japanese-speaking
developers and users:
hope many people have interest and join to this project.
Fundamental question - Does alsa support multiple applications generating
audio all at the same time?
Specifically, is it possible to run one or more OSS applications, with
one or more Alsa applications, and jack enabled applications all at the same
I think possibly not, but if not, is there some combination that does
work, like 1 Alsa + all the jack apps, etc?
Thanks very much,
As promised, I'd like to revive the linux audio sampler I was working on
about 2 years ago.
I was forced to take a long pause (almost 2 years) from LAD stuff
because I had to finish my CS degree before the retirement age.
But speaking speaking with various developers on LAD there seems big
interest for a high quality software sampler for Linux, especially one
that can play samples from disk since there are now many huge sample
libraries out that only work with samplers that can stream. (Halion,
As some of you probably remember at that time, I wrote some
proof-of-concept code that demonstrate that it is possibile to achieve
sub-5msec latencies while streaming samples from disk under Linux given
a lowlat enabled kernel.
But my (and other's) vision is to write a sampler that is both efficient
and offers flexible modulation and routing plus that it can interact
with jack and other audio/midi sw present in your linux virtual studio
I was toying with the idea of using some sort of recompilation
techniques where the user can graphically design the sampler's signal
flow (routing, modulation, FXes etc) which in turns get translated into
C code that get loaded as a .so file and executed within the sampler's
main app. This would make up for a very flexible engine while retaining
most of the speed of hard coded ones.
I have set up a site and a mailinglist for the sampler at
Without the help of all you LAD geniuses LinuxSampler will not become
the sampler I (and others) have in mind, so if you are interested to
contribute code, ideas, designs or want to give advices because you have
lots of experience with hardware samplers or windows/mac applications,
with the please subscribe to the
linuxsampler-devel mailing list at:
Since LinuxSampler will support JACK from the beginning, I hope that the
jack core members sign up to the mailing list too in order to solve
issues related to jack more quickly.
PS: I suggest to go into planning mode for a while in order to sort out
things a bit and lay out an elegant design concept in order to avoid
the usual spaghetti code projects.
thoughts ?
http://www.linuxaudiodev.org The Home Of Linux Audio Development
Hi all.
The amSynth rc1 tarball is available now.
Get it while its fresh at http://amsynthe.sourceforge.net
and be sure to read the README
This release provides some significant improvements:
* nearly 100% performance increase
* smaller and more streamlined gui. much better for those of you who
run at lower res!
* can now select presets file at startup
* libsndfile 1.x support
* gcc3 compile fixes
* others i cant remember right now!
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