QJackRcd release 1.2.0
QJackRcd is a simple QT5 stereo recorder for Jack with few features as
silence processing for automatic pause, file splitting, background file
1.2.0 (stable)
- Add recorded size indicators in status bar
- Add command line parser with all options
- Add a console mode only (no GUI) for automation purpose
- Add a man page (en) with all options described.
- FIX: conflicts between jack transport and record at launch feature in
some cases.
- FIX: internal recording buffer size not adjusted (too long).
1.1.2 (stable)
- Add an option to be in record state at launch time
... see details in README file:
distribution tar file download:
SF project site:
gst123-0.3.5 has been released.
Overview of changes in gst123-0.3.5:
* Support faster/slower playback [David Fries].
* Better status bar notification (on the same line as time).
* Minor bugfixes.
What is gst123?
The program gst123 is designed to be a more flexible command line player in the
spirit of ogg123 and mpg123, based on gstreamer. It plays all file formats
gstreamer supports, so if you have a music collection which contains different
file formats, like flac, ogg and mp3, you can use gst123 to play all your music
All video file formats gstreamer can play are also available.
It is implemented in C++ and licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2
Website: http://space.twc.de/~stefan/gst123.php
Download: http://space.twc.de/~stefan/gst123/gst123-0.3.5.tar.bz2
Stefan Westerfeld, Hamburg/Germany, http://space.twc.de/~stefan
Radium is a vertical music editor. Radium is inspired by trackers, but uses
more graphics to show musical data. Radium also supports MIDI sequencing
and hard disk recording.
Radium has features like smooth scrolling, zooming, automation, piano roll,
embedded Pure Data (Pd), and embedded Faust.
* Homepage: http://users.notam02.no/~kjetism/radium/
* Screenshot:
* Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/KjetilMatheussen/videos
* Demonstration video by Tobias Lutzenkirchen showing some of the features:
(Radium 3.9.1)
*Demonstration video showing developing Faust programs inside Radium:
Changes between 5.0.10 and 5.3.0:
* Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements.
* GUI: A new table to edit common things in all blocks.
* GUI: A new table to edit common things in all instruments.
* Audio: Parameters can be modulated. Support for Sine LFO, Triangle LFO,
Square LFO, Saw LFO, Inverted Saw LFO, and audio envelope-follower.
* Four new demo songs.
* Sequencer: Left and right handles to stretch blocks.
* Edit: Functions to Randomize note positions and durations.
* Edit: Functions to modulo-move notes.
* Edit: Functions to shuffle pitch values.
* Editor: Conventional horizontal slider.
* 124 other changes. (247 git commits)
*ICAD 2018*
The 24th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2018)
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA, June 10-15, 2018
Please check the conference website for updates: *http://icad2018.icad.org/
*Theme: Sonification as ADSR*
Auditory researchers are familiar with “ADSR” (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release),
which are basic components of sound. In ICAD 2018, we want to (1) not only
go back to the basics but also (2) explore and integrate various potentials
of auditory displays and sonification as Art-Design-Science-Research
(ADSR). Under this conference theme, we will value and embrace all types of
submissions, including papers, extended abstracts, multimedia
(videos/audios), concert pieces, demos and installations.
ICAD is a highly interdisciplinary academic conference with relevance to
researchers, practitioners, musicians, and students interested in the
design of sounds to support tasks, improve performance, guide decisions,
augment awareness, and enhance experiences. It is unique in its singular
focus on auditory displays and the array of perception, technology, and
application areas that this encompasses. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2018
will be a single-track conference, open to all, with no membership or
affiliation requirements.
ICAD 2018, the 24th International Conference on Auditory Display, will be
held at Michigan Tech, June 10 to 15, 2018. The conference venues are the
Colleges of Arts and Architecture and Information Sciences and Technology.
The graduate student ThinkTank (doctoral consortium) will be on Sunday,
June 10, before the main conference.
*Submission Dates*
- Papers February 16th 2018 (Fri)
- Extended Abstracts March 23rd 2018 (Fri)
- Workshop/tutorial March 9th 2018 (Fri)
- ThinkTank March 23rd 2018 (Fri)
- Sonification Concert March 23rd 2018 (Fri)
- Installations March 23rd 2018 (Fri)
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Art & Design*
- Music composition inspired by data/interactive-sonification
- Integrative arts including sonification
- Performing arts including sonification
- Culture-specific sonification
- Speculative, aspirational, and prototype designs
- Aesthetics of auditory displays and sonification
- Sonic information design paradigm, theory, and taxonomy
- Design examples, case studies, and real-world applications
- Design methods, processes, tools, and techniques
- Users, experiences, and contexts of using sonification
* Science & Research*
- Design of new a sensor, device, or platform for auditory displays &
- Methods and processes
- Participatory design approaches
- Auditory user interfaces
- Psychology, cognition, perception and psychoacoustics
- Computational/algorithmic approaches·
- Accessibility and assistive technologies
- Human Factors, Ergonomics and Usability
- Computational/algorithmic approaches
- Spatial/3D sound
- Sound scape, auditory scene analysis
- Sonification in Health and Environmental Data (soniHED)
- Sonification in the Internet of things, big data, & cybersecurity
- Sonification in automated vehicles
ICAD workshops and tutorials provide in-depth opportunities for conference
attendees to discuss and explore important aspects of the field of auditory
display with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Sessions can range
from applications and programming methodologies to interdisciplinary
research skills, emerging research areas, and challenging problems.
*Organizing Committee*
- General Chair: Myounghoon Jeon (Philart)
- Paper Co-Chairs: Areti Andreopoulou, Steven Landry, & Jaclyn Barnes
- Music/Concert Chair: Christopher Plummer
- Workshop Chair: Derek Brock
- ThinkTank Chair: Hiroko Terasawa
- Installations Chair: Josh Loar
- Communications Chair: Nicole Kelly
- Advisory Board Chair: Matti Gröhn
Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
*Mind Music Machine Lab <http://trim.mtu.edu/>*
*Center for Human-Centered Computing <http://icc.mtu.edu/hcc/>@ICC
Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences
Department of Computer Science
*Michigan Tech*nological University
Meese 205, Rekhi 202, 1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
(906) 487-3273
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to announce the First International Faust Conference
(IFC-18)! We look forward to see you in Mainz this summer.
Romain Michon
CCRMA, Stanford University
[Apologies for cross posting, please circulate widely.]
1st International Faust Conference - Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
(Germany), July 17-18, 2018
The International Faust Conference (IFC-18: http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de)
will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg University
<http://www.uni-mainz.de/> of Mainz (Germany) on July 17-18, 2018. It aims
at gathering developers and users of the Faust programming language
<http://faust.grame.fr/> to present current projects and discuss future
directions for Faust and its community.
Participants will be able to share their work through paper presentations.
A series of round tables on various topics will serve as a platform to
brainstorm on Faust's features, semantics, tools, applications, etc. to
determine future directions for this language. Open spaces for demos and
workshops will be available for participants to openly share their ongoing
projects with the rest of the community.
As a special event, the winner of GRAME's Faust Open-Source Software
Competition will be announced during IFC-18.
IFC-18 is free and everyone is welcome to attend!
*Call for Papers*
We welcome submissions from academic, professional, independent
programmers, artists, etc. We solicit original papers centered around the Faust
programming language <http://faust.grame.fr/> in the following categories:
- Original research
- Technology tutorial
- Artistic project report (e.g., installation, composition, etc.)
Paper should be up to 14 pages in length, non anonymous, and formatted
according to this template
<http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de/misc/IFC-18-templates.zip>. *Submissions
should be carried out via our EasyChair portal
All submissions are subject to peer review. Acceptance may be conditional
upon changes being made to the paper as directed by reviewers.
Accepted papers will be published on-line as well as in the IFC-18
proceedings paper version. They will be presented by their author(s) at
IFC-18 as 15 minutes presentations (+ 5 minutes for questions).
Feel free to contact us if you have any question.
*Important Dates*
- Papers submission deadline: March 2, 2018
- Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2018
- Camera-Ready Version: June 1, 2018
*Call for Round Table Topics*
A series of round tables on the following themes will take place both
afternoons of IFC-18:
- Faust Tools (e.g., Architectures, IDE, Faust Code Generator, On-Line
Services, etc.)
- DSP in Faust and Faust Libraries (e.g., New Algorithms, New Libraries,
Missing Functions, etc.)
- Faust Compiler and Semantics
- Other Topics/Open Session
We solicit topic suggestions from the Faust community for each of these
themes. Topics can be submitted by means of this Google form
<https://goo.gl/forms/0fBYxk28jlRdtqRM2>. They will be introduced during
the round tables by the session chair.
Please, address your questions to: ifc18(a)muwiinfa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de
Conference website: http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de
Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email: aggraef(a)gmail.com
WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
Hello Lists,
Tomorrow and the day after is the Sonoj Convention! You can watch the
live video stream when it starts 10:40 CET and see all the talks!
Please share that link in all the forums and social media where you
think it is appropriate.
For more information and a schedule please see https://www.sonoj.org
for the Sonoj Convention
NIME 2018 Call for submissions
Please pardon the cross-posting,
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) is the premier conference
in human-machine interfaces and interactions for musical performance.
NIME is a gathering of researchers, designers, musicians, who come
together to share knowledge, perform music, and build community through
research presentations, concerts, installations, and workshops.
On behalf of the 2018 NIME Committee I am pleased to announce that the
NIME 2018 "Mirrored Resonances" Conference call for submissions is now
officially open! Co-organized between Virginia Tech and the University
of Virginia, the conference will take place June 3-6, 2018 in
Blacksburg, Virginia. We welcome submissions of papers, posters, panels,
musical performances, installations, demos, and workshops, particularly
those that may respond to the overarching conference theme of “Mirrored
Resonances” and its thematic areas in any of the many ways they might be
interpreted. Likewise, we encourage potential participants to consider
exploring the unique Virginia Tech facilities, including the Institute
for Creativity, Arts, and Technology’s Cube with a massive high density
loudspeaker array. The deadline for the *double-blind peer reviewed
submissions*, including papers, panels, demo papers, music, and
installations is January 20th, 2018. Submissions created by January 20th
will continue to be editable until January 27th when the submission
process will close. Demos without paper and workshops will be *curated
*and have an extended submission deadline until March 1st, 2018. In
addition to the NIME and academic communities, we also invite industry,
as well as non-academic creatives to consider participating in the
aforesaid categories. For a complete list of important dates visit the
Participate <http://nime2018.icat.vt.edu/Participation/#dates> page.
We are excited to announce that the conference will feature four keynote
*Onyx Ashanti**
**Benjamin Knapp**
**Ikue Mori**
**Pamela Z*
If interested in sponsorship opportunities please do not hesitate to
contact us
On behalf of the entire NIME 2018 Committee, we look forward to
welcoming you in Virginia next June!
Go to the website
NIME2018.ORG <http://nime2018.org>
Facebook <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-y/>
Twitter <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-j/>
Instagram <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-t/>
Website <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-i/>
Moss Arts Center
190 Alumni Mall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
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