The Rosegarden team are delighted to announce the 1.0pre1 (aka
0.9.91) release of Rosegarden 4, an audio and MIDI sequencer and
musical notation editor for Linux.
This release is the continuation of beta testing, prior to the
nearing 1.0 release.
Rosegarden is one of the most comprehensive Linux music software
projects, and is the only Linux application to offer full composition
and recording capabilities to musicians who prefer to use classical
notation. We encourage anyone who may be interested in using the 1.0
release to try out 1.0pre1 and provide bug reports and other feedback
via the mailing lists and bug trackers.
1.0pre1 is essentially a bugfix release. Among dozens of fixed bugs :
- DSSI effects plugins now work, as well as DSSI instruments (and
therefore VST effects as well as instruments also work via dssi-vst).
Also Rosegarden can now use DSSI GUIs for LADSPA effects if
- Fixed import of 24-bit and floating-point WAV files.
- Fixed loss of some control events at start of playback.
- MIDI controller 64 (Sustain) is reset at the end of playback.
The small number of new features in this release include:
- Support for import and export of MIDI System Exclusive events.
- A countdown dialog for MIDI recording.
- Automatic audio and plugin latency compensation, where the relevant
information is provided by plugins.
- Japanese translation and Japanese help files.
Rosegarden is Free Software under the GNU General Public License.
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annunciazio' annunciazio'! autoproduzioni & the FreakNet Medialab
proudly present:
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| | | | |_| |___) | |___ | |_| |\__, || |
|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_____| \___(_) /_(_)_|
this is RASTA SOFTWARE, Jah Rastafari Livity bless your freedom!
:: the Multiple Streaming Engine ::
This application is being developed in the hope to provide the Free
Software community a user friendly tool for network audio streaming,
making life easier for indypendent free speech radios wanting to
stream via http on icecast servers.
MuSE is an application for mixing, encoding, and network streaming of
sound: it can transmit an audio signal by mixing together sound taken
from files or also network, recursively remixing more MuSE streams.
MuSE can simultaneously mix up to 6 encoded audio bitstreams (from
files or network, ogg, mp3, wav and other common sound formats), plus
an input signal from microphone.
MuSE offers an intuitive interfaces to be operated in realtime, while
it can also run slick from the Unix commandline.
MuSE is employed in the project to foster the
creation of free community radios in Baghdad - the Tigris Project
==== WHAT'S NEW?
This release introduces several fixes in terms of stability and operability, so
everyone is recommended to upgrade!
- - Ogg/Vorbis network streams can now be played and mixed
- - Ncurses console is fixed for proper streaming operation
- - Audio device handling has been rewritten
- - FIFO pipes have been cleaned up
- - continuous playmode and commandline encoder options have been fixed
- - encoding of vorbis is now CBR and works with various samplerates
these features are introduced by this release, alltough they are not fully
functional: experienced testing and contributions are very welcome!
- - porting to OSX
- - Jack support
- - time based scheduler for radio automation
- - Peer 2 peer streaming to Freedomnet/Proton
***** Supported servers:
You can use MuSE to stream both MP3 or Ogg/Vorbis sound format to a
broadcast server, which means that for doing an online radio you still
need to setup yours, or find one that let you stream.
Such servers can be seen like antennas which amplify your signal and
redistribute it to listeners. there are free software implementations
of such technology! the ones supported by MuSE are:
- - Icecast2 - - can stream OGG & MP3
- - Litestream - - can stream MP3
- - Darwin -
- - Shoutcast - - non free, runs on win32
- - Freedomnet/Proton - - P2P
***** Supported players:
MuSE streams via http, it doesn't uses multicast technology, nor
RTP/RTSP, to have the widest possible range of compatible players.
You can listen audio produced by MuSE from almost every personal
computer and operating system, using one or more of the following:
- - xmms - - for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Sun, etc.
- - mpg123 - - for various UNIX systems
- - itunes - - on MacOSX
- - zinf - - on GNU/Linux and Win32
- - winamp - - on all Win platforms
- - MuSE itself! ;)
and even more players: something should be also allready available for
handeld devices and embedded systems as well.
***** Libraries:
- - LAME (optional)
Lame can be installed but is no more needed, in particular
libmp3lame and the header lame.h must be properly installed.
- - OGG VORBIS (optional)
You can compile and install libogg and libvorbis on your machine
before compiling MuSE; the configure script will recognize them and
include support for decoding and mixing of .ogg files.
- - GTK+ (optional) + libxml and glib
if libgtk and all the related libraries are present, MuSE will
compile the GTK+ graphic user interface for interactive use and
additional fun.
- - NCURSES (optional)
if libncurses is present, MuSE will compile a text console
interactive interface to be used into ASCII terminals.
- - SNDFILE (optional)
if libsndfile is present then you'll be able to play uncompressed
sound files like wav, aiff, snd, voc, pvf, mat, au, sf etc.
***** Compile and install:
- - you can get latest version of lame: (if you already have lame and
libmp3lame jump to point 2, after checking that version is >3.89)
with 'lame --version'
or download it from and follow the simple
instructions to get installed this wonderful GPL mp3 encoder.
- - install libogg and libvorbis:
if you don't install any of the above, MuSE will be a simple player.
- - compile: cd MuSE-x.x.x ; ./configure (or try ./configure --help to
have listed some compile options) ; make ; make install
*** RPM and Slackware TGZ binary packages are also made available on
*** MuSE is also available on a couple of *NIX distributions, consult your
package manager as a binary version could be already provided by it. The
following distributions are known to include MuSE:
FreeBSD, Gentoo, NetBSD, Debian and of course [dyne:bolic]
***** need help to run GNU/Linux? don't worry! try
liveCD distribution for radio streaming, by the same author of MuSE
tutorials and manuals are available on <-----
***** Report bugs
please ALWAYS REPORT the muse --version you are running and possibly
run the binary with gdb giving us the backtrace of the error.
if you understand the above, please go to and
submit a BUG!!!
MuSE is copyleft (c) 2000-2004 by Denis "jaromil" Rojo
MuSE's GTK+ GUI is copyleft (c) 2001-2004 by Antonino "nightolo" Radici
MuSE's NCURSES GUI is copyleft (c) 2002-2004 by Luca "rubik" Profico
MuSE's first GUI is copyleft (c) 2000-2001 by August Black
included resampling algos are copyleft (c) 2002 by Matteo "MoP" Nastasi
MuSE's scheduler included code copyleft (c) 2004 by Eugen Melinte
part of the redistributed code is copyright by the respective authors,
please refer to the AUTHORS file and to the supplied sourcecode for
further information and to COPYING for the full license.
MANY THANKS for experienced testing and documentation go to Adam, Michel
(radio Lora), Doub, Aubergine and Tresnar .
the following organizations had supported development:
PUBLIC VOICE Lab ........ [ ]
SERVUS.AT ............... [ ]
If you are part of an institution of cultural association, or even a
business organization regularly employing free software, please consider
to sponsor this project! it is good visibility for you and great help
for us to keep on developing this tool that is freely available and
widely used by radio stations across the world.
This whole software was built by autonomous efforts and occasionally
supported by non-profit organizations, while the development currently
relies on the political believing of MuSE's authors, that there should
be such a tool and it should be freely available to people willing to
do online radio.
:: PLEASE HELP PORTING MuSE on the OSX platform!
This task is very important since there is no equivalent free software
on the Arple platform that can let people stream online radio.
If you can afford to donate us some money let us know, we also need
new and old working hardware, especially a MAC G3 or G4 machine is
needed in order to complete the OSX porting, please donate if you can!
contact us on
or send online donations via to jaromil \@\
and remember to visit the google ads on the pages, it helps ;)
The MuSE development team is also avaliable to run formation courses
about usage, customization and reuse/abuse of free and open source
software - it offers as well support and warranty, development of
software solutions and consulting.
There were a number of workshops allready done around Europe on free
and opensource network radio streaming by the hackers @
if you want to organize one you're very welcome to contact us!
this way you can also help us develop more free software.
THANKS, a thousand flowers will blossom!
This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
this source code; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- --
jaromil, rasta coder,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Cryptographically signed mail, see
jack.osc is a JACK transport publication daemon
Changes ::
- name of project is changed from jack.clock.
- names of OSC packets are changed to be more human readable.
- all state notification is packed into a single OSC packet.
jack.osc publishes the transport state of the local JACK server as OSC
packets over a UDP connection. jack.osc allows any OSC enabled
application to act as a JACK transport client, receiving sample
accurate pulse stream timing data, and monitoring and initiating
transport state change.
A source archive and documentation are available at:
midi.osc publishes MIDI packets on the local host MIDI system as OSC
packets over a UDP connection. midi.osc allows any environment that
supports OSC to act as a MIDI client, sending and receiving MIDI data,
and monitoring and initiating changes to the host MIDI system.
There is support for ALSA Sequencer (Linux) and CoreMidi (OSX) hosts.
There are some issues with the ALSA send support, any help on this
would be appreciated.
A source archive and documentation are available at:
Now builds on OSX with ./configure --enable-darwin thanks to
Taybin Rutkin and Jack O'Quin.
Fix for SC1 that stop it becoming unstable and make SC4 behave as
if it had denormal problems thanks to Dan Mills and Joel White.
Mono version of SC4 thanks to Joel White.
hi peeps,
I need some linux/c++ developers to help out with the Orkid Media Engine.
Its a cross platform framework with which to build multi media
applications, it is based on a modified FLTK (LGPL like) license.
I have over 5 years invested in this framework (nights and weekends), so I
hope someone is willing to help, so I can see it grow ;>
As far as linux goes, it has basic ALSA audio output support for the built
in softsynth - and it has an FLTK/OpenGL (vertex and pixel shader) based
UI. It also has a pretty sophisticated reflection/introspection based
object system - which will come in very useful for building large scale
apps. other notable features are a generalized asset filtering(conversion)
mechanism, soundfont2 parser, vertex and pixel shader support (GL version
needs some work), good layout for building both content editing and
realtime performance. you will probably need a DX8 or DX9 class video card
to use this in 3D ui mode (vertex and pixelshaders), but if you can
live without the 3D hardware based UI there is nothing preventing you from
using whatever UI library you want.
My primary development platform is windows (just because msvc .net is the
easiest development environment for me to use, since I use it at my day
job). That said, there are visual slickedit for linux and Xcode for OSX projects
also included. So I'm targeting cross platform - and I want feature parity
on all platforms.
So I need a linux developer or two to help keep the linux build going,
because I cant support 4 platforms by myself (win32/linux/osx/ps2dev).
the engine is located at
here is a quick link to see what it looks like (on windoze)
I dont always keep the source on the site up to date, so if anyone wants
subversion access, let me know..
any help will be appreciated !
Michael T. Mayers
Announcing Fervent go!
Bootable Live CD of music software is now available to purchase!
London, UK. 10th December 2004 - Fervent Software would like to
announce the immediate availability of go! - a bootable
Live CD of integrated MIDI and audio sequencing, score and synthesis
software for the demanding musician and composer. go!
offers one of the most sophisticated combinations of music software
anywhere in a single value-for-money package. go! runs entirely from the CD on Windows compatible 32-bit
PCs and requires no installation. Combine it with a USB memory stick
and you can take both studio and compositions around with you in your
pocket. Because the software isnt installed and runs in its own
environment you dont need to worry about compatability issues with
existing software on your system.
The package includes the powerful Rosegarden MUSIC sequencer and
score package, the Digital Audio Workstation Ardour, the JAMin
mastering tool, Hydrogen drum machine and a large selection of audio
plugins and virtual instruments along with CD ripping and burning
software. go! also allows you to make use of any existing
VSTs and Soundfonts that you may already have installed on your
Fervent go! is available from the Fervent website for
49.99GBP including postage and packing. The price includes bootable
CD in mini DVD case, getting started notes, tutorials,
introductions to all of the music applications included and 30 days
email support and access to Fervent Forums. Fervent will make every
effort to deliver to UK customers ordering before 15th December in
time for Christmas.
For more information and to order go! please go to:
or email: info(a)
About Fervent Software
Fervent Software Ltd is a privately owned music technology company
based in the UK. It focuses on delivering high standards of
usability and accessibility for music and creative software as well
as advocating and participating in major Open Source software
development projects. Fervent Software works with many music
technology providers and educational groups to bring high quality
music software within anyones reach. go! establishes
Fervent Software at the forefront of innovation and excellence in
music technology.
Fervent mailing list
We are happy to finally announce immediate availability of FREE!MUSIC
CD that ships with a russian GNU/Linux distribution "ALT Linux Master
This CD contains Ogg Vorbis encoded music from 30 groups and
individual performers in quite different styles (rock, traditional
etc). According to FREE!MUSIC declaration all tracks can be copied,
sold, reused in movies etc. -- whatever you like, but you always have
to keep name of the authors and their contacts information, so that
anyone can mail or phone them and suggest a contract or a gig etc :)
English text of the declaration can be found here:
We will make this site truly multilingual as soon as Mambo 4.6 will be released.
You can download the disc as ISO from here:
ISO should also be avaliable from Ibiblio soon:
You can browse CD contents here:
All in Russian. Sorry, guys :)