____ __ ___ _
/ __ \____ ___ ____ / |/ /_ _______(_)____
/ / / / __ \/ _ \/ __ \ / /|_/ / / / / ___/ / ___/
/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / / / / / /_/ (__ ) / /__
\____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/____/_/\___/
__ __ __ ____
/ //_/___ ____ / /__________ / / /__ __________
/ ,< / __ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ ___/
/ /| / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / __/ / (__ )
/_/ |_\____/_/ /_/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\___/_/ /____/
Quarterly releases 2020-2
__ ___ ___ __
/ / __|_ |/ (_)__ / /_
/ / |/ / __// / / _ \/ __/
*Check whether a given LV2 plugin is up to the specification*
An LV2 lint-like tool that checks whether a given plugin and its UI(s) match up
with the provided metadata and adhere to well-known best practices.
Run it as part of your continuous integration pipeline together with
lv2/sord\_validate to reduce the likelihood of shipping plugins with major flaws
in order to prevent unsatisfied users.
*Note: This is an early release, if you happen to find false-positive warnings
when using this tool, please report back, so it can be fixed.*
[0.6.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- test for unique port symbols
- support for multiple include dirs
- support for include dirs without trailing slash
- distribution packager mode on by default
- warn of ui:showInterface only for non-native UIs
- whitelist symbol visibility of all global LV2 functions
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
__ ____ ___ __ ___ __ _
/ |/ (_)__/ (_) / |/ /__ _/ /_____(_)_ __
/ /|_/ / / _ / / / /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ /\ \ /
/_/ /_/_/\_,_/_/ /_/ /_/\_,_/\__/_/ /_//_\_\
*An LV2 MIDI channel matrix patcher*
Things that can be accomplished with this plugin:
- MIDI channel filtering (e.g. blocking of specific channels)
- MIDI channel multiplication (e.g. send events from channel X to channels X, Y
and Z)
- MIDI channel rerouting (e.g send events from channel X to channel Y)
- And any possible combination thereof
[0.24.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- to build with pugl master
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
______ __ __
/ __/ / ___ ____/ /__ ____/ /__
_\ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ / _ \/ __/ '_/
/___/_//_/\__/_/ /_/\___/\__/_/\_\
*An investigative LV2 plugin bundle*
This plugin bundle contains plugins for visualizing LV2 atom, MIDI and
OSC events.
Use them for monitoring and debugging of event signal flows inside plugin graphs.
[0.22.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- reporting of decimal note/controller numbers in midi inspector
- scrolling in atom inspector TTL preview
- to build with pugl master
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
_ ____ ___
| | / / |/ /
| |/ / /|_/ /
|___/_/ /_/
*A programmable virtual machine LV2 plugin*
This plugin bundle contains various plugins with a programmable stack-based
virtual machine to modify up to 8 LV2 Control, CV, Audio, Atom and MIDI signals.
To be used when that specific simple filter plugin you desperately need does
not yet exist.
[0.8.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- to build with pugl master
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
__ ___ __ _ __
/ |/ /__ ___ / / (_)__ / /____
/ /|_/ / -_) _ \/ _ \/ (_-</ __/ _ \
/_/ /_/\__/ .__/_//_/_/___/\__/\___/
*a Just-in-Time FAUST compiler embedded in an LV2 plugin*
Write LV2 audio/cv instruments/filters directly in your host in FAUST
DSP language without any need to restart/reload host or plugin upon code changes.
Use it for one-off instruments/filters, prototyping, experimenting or
glueing stuff together.
*Note: This is an early release, it may thus have rough edges and will need a
fairly recent libFAUST and/or bleeding edge GNU/Linux distribution.*
*Note: libFAUST 2.20.2 has a broken LLVM C-API and thus will be non-functional
with this plugin.*
[0.8.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- wrong note frequency at noteOn when pitch bending
- release duration paramter (voices are always on now)
- to build with pugl master
- to use spinners instead of dials
- to automagically adapt color theme to terminal colors
- to count slots from 0 in ui
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
______ ____ ___ ____
/ __/ / ___ / / /__ / _ )___ / / /__
_\ \/ _ \/ -_) / (_-< / _ / -_) / (_-<
/___/_//_/\__/_/_/___/ /____/\__/_/_/___/
*A just-for-fun LV2 plugin bundle*
The most limited, useless, hackable and fun plugin bundle ever. Sound the bell
in the shell
(or from any program forked from the latter) to send a MIDI note.
[0.4.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- to build with pugl master
- to use spinners instead of dials
- to automagically adapt color theme to terminal colors
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
__ ___
/ |/ /__ ___ ___ __ __
/ /|_/ / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ // /
/_/ /_/\___/\___/_//_/\_, /
*Realtime Lua as programmable glue in LV2*
Write LV2 control port and event filters in Lua. Use it for one-off fillters,
prototyping, experimenting or glueing stuff together.
[0.32.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- simple UI (replaced by next UI)
- next UI (not feature-complete, yet, replacement for simple UI)
- to build with pugl master
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
___ __ __ __ ___ __ _
/ _ \___ _/ /_____/ / / |/ /__ _/ /_____(_)_ __
/ ___/ _ `/ __/ __/ _ \/ /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ /\ \ /
/_/ \_,_/\__/\__/_//_/_/ /_/\_,_/\__/_/ /_//_\_\
*a JACK patchbay in flow matrix style*
A simple graphical JACK patchbay that tries to unite the best of both worlds:
- Fast patching and uncluttered port representation of a **matrix patchbay**
- Excellent representation of signal flow of a **flow canvas patchbay**
It additionally features tightly embedded graphical mixer clients automatable
[0.18.0] - 13 Apr 2020
- to build with pugl master
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.
Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite releases updates for its programs in
the hope to be useful in your musical toolbox.
You can now download Patroneo and Fluajho version 1.5 as well as Vico v1.1
All software is released under GPLv3.
Patroneo (Esperanto: /Pattern/) is an easy to use, pattern based midi
sequencer, a program that sends digital "notes" to software instruments
such as synthesizers and samplers.
Fluajho (with jh as in pleasure) means fluid in Esperanto. It is a simple
sf2 soundfont host/player for Linux. Behind the scenes the Fluidsynth
library is at work, hence the name.
Vico is a minimalistic Midi sequencer that is intended to be used in parallel
with other software. "Vico" (with c like ts in "bats") just means "sequence"
or "order" in Esperanto for obvious reasons.
Changelog Highlights:
* [Patroneo] Remember looped measure number even when changing the tracks
* [Fluajho] Add convenience summing stereo-out jack ports.
* [Fluajho] Show loaded sf2 as NSM label
* [Vico] Save recording state and use as NSM label
* [All] Better desktop program icons
* [All] Provide unix manpages
* [All] Bug fixes, documentation update.
You can find all releases as sources here. Also check your distribution
for packages in a few days after this announcement, please.
For more information, a multi-language user manual, build instructions
and git access please visit
Laborejo Software Suite
Ladies and Gentlemen,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite releases updates for its programs in
the hope to be useful in your musical toolbox.
You can now download Patroneo and Fluajho version 1.5 as well as Vico v1.1
All software is released under GPLv3.
Patroneo (Esperanto: /Pattern/) is an easy to use, pattern based midi
sequencer, a program that sends digital "notes" to software instruments
such as synthesizers and samplers.
Fluajho (with jh as in pleasure) means fluid in Esperanto. It is a simple
sf2 soundfont host/player for Linux. Behind the scenes the Fluidsynth
library is at work, hence the name.
Vico is a minimalistic Midi sequencer that is intended to be used in parallel
with other software. "Vico" (with c like ts in "bats") just means "sequence"
or "order" in Esperanto for obvious reasons.
Changelog Highlights:
* [Patroneo] Remember looped measure number even when changing the tracks
* [Fluajho] Add convenience summing stereo-out jack ports.
* [Fluajho] Show loaded sf2 as NSM label
* [Vico] Save recording state and use as NSM label
* [All] Better desktop program icons
* [All] Provide unix manpages
* [All] Bug fixes, documentation update.
You can find all releases as sources here. Also check your distribution
for packages in a few days after this announcement, please.
For more information, a multi-language user manual, build instructions
and git access please visit
Laborejo Software Suite
Ladies and Gentlemen,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite releases updates for its programs in
the hope to be useful in your musical toolbox.
You can now download Patroneo and Fluajho version 1.5 as well as Vico v1.1
All software is released under GPLv3.
Patroneo (Esperanto: /Pattern/) is an easy to use, pattern based midi
sequencer, a program that sends digital "notes" to software instruments
such as synthesizers and samplers.
Fluajho (with jh as in pleasure) means fluid in Esperanto. It is a simple
sf2 soundfont host/player for Linux. Behind the scenes the Fluidsynth
library is at work, hence the name.
Vico is a minimalistic Midi sequencer that is intended to be used in parallel
with other software. "Vico" (with c like ts in "bats") just means "sequence"
or "order" in Esperanto for obvious reasons.
Changelog Highlights:
* [Patroneo] Remember looped measure number even when changing the tracks
* [Fluajho] Add convenience summing stereo-out jack ports.
* [Fluajho] Show loaded sf2 as NSM label
* [Vico] Save recording state and use as NSM label
* [All] Better desktop program icons
* [All] Provide unix manpages
* [All] Bug fixes, documentation update.
You can find all releases as sources here. Also check your distribution
for packages in a few days after this announcement, please.
For more information, a multi-language user manual, build instructions
and git access please visit
Laborejo Software Suite
Dear Open Source Audio Users and Devs,
as some of you might have been aware of, there is an ongoing effort in
the Open Source audio software developer community to provide regular
releases of Open Source audio software on the 15th of the first month of
every quarter. The second instance of this in 2020 is now upon us on
this April 15th.
To give the software releases, which are announced on this day (and a
few days before and after) a bit more publicity and provide some sort of
focal point, I created a web site, which collects all these announcements:
Please share this website wherever it may reach the target audience and,
if you are a developer yourself, see the "About" link on that page to
find out how your release can be listed there too.
Share & Enjoy,
Zrythm v0.8.252 has been released.
![Zrythm screenshot](
Zrythm is a digital audio workstation designed to be featureful and
easy to use. It allows limitless automation, supports LV2 plugins,
works with the JACK audio backend, provides chord assistance, is free
software and can be used in English, French, Portuguese, Japanese and
# Current state
Zrythm is in the late alpha stage and we are implementing the final few
features left before we stabilize the project format and enter the beta
The main changes since the last announcement are the following (view
the whole changelog here: <
## New layout
Moved the transport bar to the bottom to give more breathing space to
icons at the top.
## New editing capabilities
Ctrl+D to duplicate, Alt+drag to link regions, cut-paste, Shift+M to
mute/unmute objects and more.
## Bounce to audio
Right click on MIDI material -> bounce to bounce the signal into an
audio region.
## Automation recording
Automation can now be recorded live in latch/touch modes.
## Audio fades
Audio regions have editable fade in/out markers, with various fade
## Choice of automation algorithms
Right clicking on automation curves allows changing the curve
## GNU Guile scripting interface
Zrythm now has user scripting support through a [GNU Guile](
https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/) [API](
https://manual.zrythm.org/en/scripting/intro.html). GNU Guile is an
implementation of the Scheme language, a dialect of LISP.
## New backends
Added support for RtAudio, RtMidi and SDL2 backends.
## Serializable undo history
The Undo/Redo history is now saved with projects.
# Download & install
Zrythm can be built from [source](https://git.zrythm.org/cgit/zrythm)
at no cost or pre-built packages can be downloaded for various distros
for a fee at <https://www.zrythm.org/en/download.html>;. Downloading an
installer is the best way to support this project.
# Next steps
Our current goal is to get to beta as soon as possible. Getting to beta
means the project format will (mostly) freeze, meaning that projects
saved with different Zrythm versions will be compatible. This means
that we must implement all project-breaking features for version 1
before beta, and work on stability during beta.
# Links
Home page: <https://www.zrythm.org>
Git repositories: <https://git.zrythm.org/cgit/>
Manual: <https://manual.zrythm.org/en/index.html>
Developer reference: <https://docs.zrythm.org/>
Bug reports: <https://redmine.zrythm.org/projects/zrythm/issues>
Releases: <https://www.zrythm.org/releases/>
a new version of the LV2 plugin B.Choppr is released a few days ago.
B.Choppr is an audio stream chopping LV2 plugin and the official
successor of B.Slizr. The new version contains an important fix of a bug
that limited the use of this plugin.
What's new:
* Bugfix uninitialized markers upon GUI start that resulted in weird
chopping effects in v1.2.x
* Bypass
* Dry / wet mixing
Project page: https://github.com/sjaehn/BChoppr
Download: https://github.com/sjaehn/BChoppr/releases
Instructions: https://github.com/sjaehn/BChoppr/blob/master/README.md
Try, enjoy and have fun
Sven Jaehnichen
Initial rtpmidid release. 20.04 #stayathome
- Basic RTP MIDI protocol implementation for Linux
- Use of UDP/IP to communicate MIDI devices
- Most common MIDI messages: Notes, CC, Pitch Bend...
- Interoperable with Windows, Mac OS*, iPad, Android and Hardware
Devices. And with other rtpmidid instances.
- Uses ALSA sequencer interface (tip: qjackctl is great for managing
- Use mDNS for easy discovery of other ends
- This release includes packages for Ubuntu and Raspbian.
- GPLv3 License
(*) Not tested as I don't have access to Hardware. But if it works on iPad
it should work on Mac OS.
This marks the first rtpmidi release, the #stayathome edition.
Beta version
It has minimal features and can be used on experimental setups to use
rtpmidi. It has been tested with iPads, Android (TouchDAW), rtpmidi for
Windows, and Deepmind12 for hardware.
It has no support for the journal, so in theory some MIDI packets might be
lost, which can be a problem. The introspection capabilities are also very
limited, just now only on the logging data and a bit via the rtpmidid-cli.
Please leave comments, feature requests, bugs and improvements at
David Moreno Montero
+34 658 18 77 17
[image: Coralbits.com] <http://www.coralbits.com/>
*apologies if you receive this twice*
Dear ICAD Members,
On behalf of the ICAD Board, it is with great deliberation that we inform
you that the physical meeting for ICAD 2020 in Gainesville, Florida from
June 7-11 2020 has been postponed until June of 2021. The ICAD Board has
thoroughly considered the health, well-being, and safety of our attendees,
and ultimately this was the best choice during these unpredictable times.
For authors, the submitted papers will officially be withdrawn without any
review (no papers were sent to reviewers or otherwise viewed by the program
committee). ICAD will be held next June at the University of Florida, so we
are essentially shifting everything back by one year.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the ICAD 2020 organizing
team. Stay tuned for more updates on how to remain engaged with ICAD. We
hope that you will be with us for ICAD 2021 in Gainesville, FL.
Thank you,
Kyla McMullen
ICAD 2021 General Chair
Kyla A. McMullen, Ph.D.
Web: http://www.kylamcmullen.com
LinkedIn: KylaMcMullen <https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyla-mcmullen-16902222>
Twitter: @Dr_Kyla <https://twitter.com/Dr_Kyla>
Facebook: Kyla McMullen <https://www.facebook.com/kyla.mcmullen.90/>
Google Scholar: Kyla McMullen
Need a synchronous conversation? <http://calendly.com/kyla-mcmullen>