  • 3154 discussions

OMK quarterly releases 2020-2 (lv2lint, midi_matrix.lv2, sherlock.lv2, vm.lv2, mephisto.lv2, shells_bells.lv2, moony.lv2, patchmatrix)
by Hanspeter Portner
4 years, 9 months

Release: Patroneo v1.5, Vico v1.1 and Fluajho v1.5
by Laborejo Software Suite
4 years, 9 months

Patroneo v1.5, Vico v1.1 and Fluajho v1.5
by Laborejo Software Suite
4 years, 9 months

Patroneo v1.5, Vico v1.1 and Fluajho v1.5
by Laborejo Software Suite
4 years, 9 months

ANN: Quarterly Release Pact April 2020 Edition
by Christopher Arndt
4 years, 9 months

Zrythm release v0.8.252
by Alexandros Theodotou
4 years, 9 months

B.Choppr 1.4.0 (successor of B.Slizr)
by Sven Jaehnichen
4 years, 9 months

Initial rtpmidid release. 20.04 #stayathome
by David Moreno Montero
4 years, 9 months

Qtractor 0.9.13 - A QStuff* Spring'20 Release batch #3
by Rui Nuno Capela
4 years, 9 months

ICAD 2020 Conference Postponed to 2021
by Kyla McMullen
4 years, 9 months
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