Would you be interested in becoming the project lead for Ubuntu Studio,
or know someone who could?
Ubuntu Studio will have its first ever vote for a project lead in 2016.
Read more about it here -
After an unintentional hiatus, the show is back! We've moved hosts away
from libsyn to archive.org which allows us to provide alternative download
formats like flac and ogg. All 71 episodes can now be found at
71 you ask?
That's right, a new episode is now out! I chat with falkTX about MOD and
sundry other things. We also announce the opening of a new tunestorm due 1
OSMP Episode 71 - Talking with Filipe about MOD
We've moved to archive.org! You can find all the episodes now at
and each episode is at https://archive.org/details/OSMP71 etc.
Interview with falkTX and we talk a lot about the MOD pedal (moddevices.com)
We decide to do another tunestorm. Tunestorm 13 is themed "holiday." Record
an original composition about any holiday and send it in by 1 Jan 2016!
(See opensourcemusician.com/index.php/Tunestorm for more info).
Send entries to contributions at opensourcemusician dot com
Contact Info:
Email: contributions at opensourcemusician dot com
Wiki: http://opensourcemusician.com
IRC: irc.freenode.net/#opensourcemusicians
Zynaddsubfx 2.5.2 - “The Space of Two Weeks” Release
A mere three months after the last release, the Zynaddsubfx team proudly
announces Version 2.5.2, the “Space of Two Weeks” release. In addition to
stability improvements, it adds some exciting and useful new features:
* Add MIDI-Learn serialization - this allows for midi mappings to be saved
and loaded, a huge boon for midi control workflow.
* Add pink noise source - pink noise is usually considered the most
“musical” or natural of noise sources, like rain, waterfalls, or ocean
* Restore mousewheel functionality - a sorely missed feature, provides easy
and consistent course and fine tuning of parameters. Mouse drag has
matching behavior now as well.
* Restore bank LSB/MSB MIDI support - makes all presets in a bank
selectable by MIDI.
* Improve tip windows - if enabled, shows you helpful tips you never knew
on startup.
* Improve oscdoc output - this utility documents all the OSC messages that
can control zyn and lists and describes them at
http://fundamental-code.com/zyn-ports2/ These messages could be used by OSC
apps on remote machines, android or iOS devices to control zyn.
* Restore External Oscillator/Modulator functionality - now you can use
external sources for new audio waveforms, or modulation signals.
* Remove remaining globals - a feat in itself, this results in safer,
cleaner, better designed code, additional stability, and sets the stage for
using zyn as a plugin.
* Fix UI connection bugs - this improves the workflow and reliability for
those using zyn in headless systems, controlling it through the zyn user
interface on a remote machine.
* Added shortcuts on edit buttons - holding shift or control when opening
the edit window of several features now opens a different, commonly useful
window (i.e. shift+click of the ADsynth edit button brings up the voice
list window).
* Other miscellaneous bug fixes
For more detail on these improvements read the in-depth announcement on the
mailing list (
Thanks to all who contributed bug reports and feedback! We can always use
more! This release has commits from Mark McCurry, Christopher Oliver,
Filipe Coelho, Johannes Lorenz, and Hans Selasky, with translation from
Oliver Humbert. Naturally, we recommend all users and packagers update to
take advantage of these fixes and features.
Now go make some noise!
--Team Zyn.
Project Page:
Mailing List:
Bug/Feature Tracker:
##zynaddsubfx on FreeNode
Release 0.34.0 is out,
Guitarix is a tube amplifier simulation for
jack (Linux), with an additional mono and a stereo effect rack.
Guitarix includes a large list of plugins[*] and support LADSPA / LV2
plugs as well.
The guitarix engine is designed for LIVE usage, and feature ultra fast,
glitch and click free, preset switching and is full Midi (learn)
and remote (Web-interface/ GUI) controllable (bluez / avahi)
add BOSS OC-2 partial emulation LV2 plugin (by drgreenthumb)
add gx_hogsfoot.lv2 gx_mole.lv2 and gx_rangem.lv2
add gx_plugins AxeFace, BassFuzz, Buzz and the Mole
add Gx_Wah.lv2 plugin
add colorsound bass wah plugin emulation
add Roland Wah add Jen Bass Wah emulation
add bitdowner distortion plugin (by Viacheslav Lotsmanov)
add volume control to gcb95 plug
add file browser and file load support to dubber (livelooper) plugin
add play all button to the dubber (livelooper) plugin
add support to import LV2 plugin presets into guitarix
add 24-edo tuner option
add 53-edo tuner option
disable LILV_OPTION_DYN_MANIFEST to avoid crashes from naspro-bridges
add online preset download widget (requires libwebkit-1.0)
thanks to lfz for creating https://musical-artifacts.com/
fix GxAmplifier-x GxAmplifierStereo-X and GxCabinet for the new ardour
buffersize behave.
implement double click on plugin handle remove plugin from rack
fix guitarix build for the new libsigc++ library and the new GCC5 compiler.
guitarix use now the default build flag -std=c++11
(you can disable it, see ./waf --help for more optional flags)
Guitarix is free, open-source software, distributed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
Please refer to our project page for more information:
Download Site:
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Dear all,
QMidiarp-0.6.3 fixes an annoying regression in the Arp LV2 module, where the
pattern display did not follow changes made in the pattern field or when
selecting a preset.
It also fixes the LV2 plugin user interfaces when building with --enable-qt5.
NOTE (again) that when built against Qt5 these plugins will work only in Qt5
plugin hosts at this time (i.e. Rui's Qtractor or drobilla's jalv.qt5, but no
longer Ardour), however updates of drobilla's suil library also seem to be on
their way.
Please update to this version and....
qmidiarp-0.6.3 (2015-11-01)
Fixed Bugs
o LV2 Arp: Regression: Display updates no longer worked when changing
arp patterns
o Configure script caused trouble on certain build systems (bug #15
raised by the Mageia team)
o LV2: Qt5 UIs did not have the correct UI type entry in ttl files
o LV2 Arp: Factory pattern presets are now accessible as LV2 presets
o LV2 Arp: Latch mode now also available in LV2 plugin
QMidiArp is a MIDI arpeggiator, phrase generator and controller LFO for JACK
and ALSA. It can run multiple synchronized arpeggiators, LFOs and step
sequencers. The modules are also available as LV2 plugins with Qt user
interface. All in all it is a handy live tool.
There is now also a github repo that will be kept in sync with the sf repo for
the time being
Hi All,
Praxis LIVE v2.2.0 is now available for download from www.praxislive.org
This is the first release to upgrade the OpenGL renderer to Processing
v3. Feedback on whether this is working well would be appreciated.
Full change log -
* OpenGL video pipeline updated to Processing v3.0.1 / JOGL v2.3.2.
While providing major performance and stability improvements, this is
a major change and there is the possibility for some regressions.
Please update carefully and report any issues.
* Optional support for GStreamer 1.x. This can be set under Tools /
Options / Video / GStreamer (requires restart). Unlike GStreamer 0.10
support, this requires a system installed version of the GStreamer
library on all platforms. Windows and OSX users who want to experiment
with this feature can download GStreamer from
* New core:tracker component, and simple table-based tracker editor
(use popup menu and Edit patterns to access). More advanced editing
features to follow.
* New routing components - core:routing:every for allowing through
every n-th message, and core:routing:order to prioritise dispatching
of messages.
* New audio:clock component for more stable timing in BPM (quantized
to internal processing buffer size).
* Internal (and outdated) help removed and replaced with link through
to online manual at http://praxis-live.readthedocs.org
* TinkerForge bindings updated to v2.1.5.
* Added ready and error ports to video:capture and video:player. Can
be connected to play or pause to auto-start playback when new file or
pipeline loaded.
* Many minor bug fixes (see commit log).
Downloads - http://www.praxislive.org
Source code - https://github.com/praxis-live
Best wishes,
Neil C Smith
Artist : Technologist : Adviser
Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org
Digital Prisoners - interactive spaces and projections -
Yup, that's true:
QjackCtl 0.4.1 (fall'15) is out!
QjackCtl [1] is a(n ageing but still) simple Qt [3] application to
control the JACK [2] sound server, for the Linux Audio [4] infrastructure.
- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:
- Probing portaudio audio device in a separate thread (by Kjetil
Matheussen, thanks).
- Messages standard output capture has been improved again, now in both
ways a non-blocking pipe may get.
- Regression fix for invalid system-tray icon dimensions reported by
some desktop environment frameworks.
- New hi-res application icon (by Uttrup Renzel, Max Christian Pohle,
- System tray icon red background now blinks when a XRUN occurs.
- Desktop environment session shutdown/logout management has been also
adapted to Qt5 framework.
- Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11.
- Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
- Override-able tool-tips with latency info (re. Connections JACK
client/ports: patch by Xavier Mendez, thanks).
- Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
- French (fr) translation update (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).
QjackCtl [1] is free, open-source Linux Audio [4] software,
distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL [5])
version 2 or later.
From the footnote department: for quite some time there's an alternate
github.com repository [6] which is kept in sync with the sf.net one [7].
However, this doesn't mean that the QjackCtl project is about to migrate
to a brand new hosting whatsoever: the original upstream source code
repository is, will be, as ever was, always kept somewhere else still in
this world and universe.
See also:
[1] QjackCtl - A JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface
[2] JACK Audio Connection Kit
[3] Qt framework, C++ class library and tools for
cross-platform application and UI development
[4] Linux Audio consortium of libre software for audio-related work
[5] GPL - GNU General Public License
[6] QjackCtl Git repository on github.comhttp://github.com/rncbc/qjackctl
[7] QjackCtl Git repository on sourceforge.nethttp://git.code.sf.net/p/qjackctl/code
Enjoy && keep the fun!
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela
The Mackie Control Display Emulator has a new release 0.0.5.
This adds the scribble display to control surfaces that use the Mackie
Control Protocol but do not have their own display such as the BCF2000 and
mcpdisp presents a jack midi port that will accept mackie control protocol
display messages that would normally appear on the surface "scribble
strip" and displays them on the screen. The strip LEDs and meters are
displayed as well.
New things:
* Fixed INSTALL file for no mcpdisp.sh.
* Added Assign display.
* Added timecode/beats display.
* Added Strip meters.
* Added command line parameters for help, version, master and time.
* Made window title more descriptive.
* jack client name shows mcpdisp-ext if no -m
* Start work on global buttons.
* Finished Transport LEDs and flip, assign and View LEDs.
* Set MIDI in port to type Terminal/Physical.
* Set Display in to accept whole display of text at a time.
* Move midi parsing out of real time.
* Only update time/beats when new time/beat data comes in.
Source is available from:
Home page:
Len Ovens
The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) is pleased to announce the 2016 ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Composer Commissioning Program.
The purpose of this program is to stimulate student participation in SEAMUS activities, and to encourage young composers to pursue creative endeavors in electro-acoustic music. The program is administered by SEAMUS and funded by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) <http://www.ascap.com <http://www.ascap.com/>>.
The submission deadline is November 7, 2015. Please note that this differs from the 2016 SEAMUS conference submission deadline.
For more information, please visit the ASCAP/SEAMUS Competition information page: http://www.seamusonline.org/ascapseamus/ <http://www.seamusonline.org/ascapseamus/>.
To submit via the online application, please visit the current submission site: http://seamusonline.org/2016-ascapseamus-submissions/ <http://seamusonline.org/2016-ascapseamus-submissions/>.
For more information on the conference at Georgia Southern University, please visit the conference site: http://class.georgiasouthern.edu/seamus/ <http://class.georgiasouthern.edu/seamus/>.
Please note that you must be a current member of SEAMUS to submit to the competition. You can join or renew your membership at the SEAMUS website, http://www.seamusonline.org/. Joining takes only a few minutes. Once logged into the submission system, you must supply your seamusonline username to complete your ASCAP/SEAMUS submission.
If you previously submitted to the 2015 SEAMUS Conference at Virginia Tech, your Start Conference submission username and password are still valid. Note that this is distinct from your seamusonline username.
All submissions are to be made online, through the submission site: http://seamusonline.org/2016-ascapseamus-submissions/ <http://seamusonline.org/2016-ascapseamus-submissions/>. Only one work of electroacoustic music may be submitted, which must adhere to the following guidelines:
• Audio Files: music submissions should include a representative audio recording of the work. If a concert work, it must be the complete composition. Installations may be represented by an excerpted recording not to exceed 10 minutes in length. Judging of music submissions for ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Competition will be from audio files in the MP3 format. Multichannel works will be judged from a stereo mix, also MP3. Please assist us by submitting in MP3 format. Audio files must be prepared as a single LastnameFirstname_audio.MP3. Be sure to anonymize your MP3 by removing any metadata (ID3 tags).
• Scores: for submissions involving a score, please submit an anonymized PDF score for review. Please do not mail in printed scores. Score submissions must be prepared as LastnameFirstname_score.PDF.
• Video Submissions: note that for works involving video, only the audio portion will be considered for judging purposes. You must be the composer of the music for the video. Please submit an MP3 of the music as specified above.
• Only one (1) entry per student.
Other than the filename, please make sure to remove your name from all files, including MP3 metadata and PDF scores. Please limit the total size of all files to 40MB.
This same work may be submitted to the SEAMUS 2016 National Conference via the conference submission page. All finalists in the ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Commission Competition must attend the SEAMUS 2016 National Conference. Submissions by High School and Undergraduate students will automatically be considered for the Allen Strange Memorial Award as well.
A maximum of two prizes may be awarded. The decision of the judges will be final.
First Prize
• Commission of $1250 for a new work of electro-acoustic music
• Performance of commissioned work at the 2017 SEAMUS National Conference
• Recording of the commissioned work in the SEAMUS Compact Disc Series
• Certificate of recognition
Second Prize
• Commission of $750 for a new work of electro-acoustic music
• Performance of commissioned work at the 2017 SEAMUS National Conference
• Certificate of recognition
Applicants to the 2016 ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Commissioning Competition must be student members of SEAMUS and must be either currently enrolled in an academic program in the United States (high school through doctoral studies) or a United States citizen studying abroad. All completed submissions will be verified for student status against current SEAMUS membership records.
Per Bloland
SEAMUS Member-at-Large
Per Bloland
Assistant Professor of Composition and Technology
Miami University of Ohio
Apologies for x-posting,
Despite original intentions of not having any more major releases before
the next GUI-rewrite version is out, I am about to eat my own words and
announce pd-l2ork 20151018.
Release highlights:
*rtcmix~ external
*native lyonpotpourri library
*native fftease library
*new autotune~ external based on the latest version autotalent ladspa
plugin and aututuned~ external
*merged latest developments in the cyclone library with pd-l2ork's
improvements, including pd-l2ork's threaded coll object that allows
loading of large files without xruns
*minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements
For a raw (unedited) changelog and a more detailed overview, please visit:
To download pd-l2ork:
NB: Currently only Ubuntu 14.04 64bit build is available, with 32bit and
Raspberry Pi builds forthcoming.
About Pd-L2Ork
Pd-L2Ork is a fork of the ubiquitous Pure-Data focusing on improved user
interface, expanded collection of externals, and an advanced SVG-enabled
graphical front-end. Originally it was introduced as the core
infrastructure for the Linux Laptop Orchestra (L2Ork
http://l2ork.icat.vt.edu), and has since expanded to include K-12
learning module with a unique learning environment offering adaptable
granularity that has been utilized in over dozen maker workshops and
initiatives, including the Raspberry Pi Orchestra program for middle
school children introduced in the summer 2014. Today, pd-l2ork is being
developed by a growing number of international collaborators and
For additional info L2Ork and pd-l2ork:
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Computer Music
ICAT Senior Fellow
Director -- DISIS, L2Ork
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139