Tkeca 1.0.0 was released!
You can download it from:
0.8.2-1.0.0 GUI changes
Each track can contain more than file (takes), each take
can be placed in a desired time and processed during
a defined time("Wave Info" button opens a new window)
Each take have a "Wave Edit" button
Each take can be seted to Play or Record but it always will
depends of the track status (Main window)
mfe file format was changed, no compatibility with previous
"Wave Edit" button was changed for "Eca Tools" because now
wave edit works with each take and Normalize and Dc Fix
works with all track takes. The "Wave Edit" button was
added to "Wave Info" window
The Play+Record button was eliminated and replaced for the
"Recording" checkbutton
The "Play" button changes to "Stop" button when playing
Added buttons to modify the starting position
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