Radium is a vertical music editor. Radium is inspired by trackers, but uses
more graphics to show musical data. Radium is also a multitracker and
supports MIDI sequencing and hard disk recording.
Radium has features like smooth scrolling, zooming, automation, piano roll,
embedded Pure Data (Pd), and embedded Faust.
* Homepage:
* Screenshot:
* Videos:
* Demonstration video by Tobias Lutzenkirchen showing some of the features:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhwmT0G5EwM (Radium 3.9.1)
*Demonstration video showing developing Faust programs inside Radium:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJm9Lox1WFA (Radium 3.9.4)
Changes between 5.3.0 and 5.5.8:
* Sequencer: Support for audio files in the sequencer. The files are played
from HD, not from memory.
* Sequencer: Automatic cross fades for audio files.
* Sequencer: Realtime stretching and resampling of audio files.
* Sequencer: Convenient option to split audiofiles under mouse pointer.
* Sequencer: Sequencer block fade in/out.
* Sequencer: Sequencer block volume envelope.
* Sequencer: Several interface and GUI improvements.
* Editor: Support high DPI displays (retina, etc.).
* Modulators: Added Random type.
* Mixer Strips: Easier to read text.
* Audio: Convenient support for 8 channel mixes.
* Edit: Add "Randomly delete notes" function to the Randomize / Skew /
Shuffle tab.
* Two new demo songs.
* Many other bug fixes and improvements.
* 185 other changes. (305 git commits)