The Alsaplayer just migrated from CVS to SVN.
AlsaPlayer is a new type of PCM player. It is heavily multi-threaded and tries
to excercise the ALSA library and driver quite a bit. It has some very
interesting features unique to Linux/Unix players. The goal is to create a
fully pluggable framework for playback of all sorts of media with the focus on
PCM audio data.
The CVS repository will not been updated and will be closed in a few days, so
please update yours bookmarks.
To browse the SVN repository:
To do a checkout of the 3 trunks (more will come soon):
"svn co
Or to checkout only one of the trunks:
"svn co…
Where name_of_the_trunk is one of the following: alsaplayer, fftscope or midi
alsaplayer is of course Alsaplayer, fftscope is a nice visualization plugin and
midi is a MIDI input plugin (need Timidity++).
Dominique Michel
N.B.: Tous les emails que je reçois sont filtrés par spamassassin avant de me