Does anyone have GUS working under linux??
I would like to know, does GUS have regulation of bass/treble, and
I tryed oss, and alsa, but it have only pcm volume and mute/unmute of
master, line_in,mic.
P.S Sorry for my english.
Hi all, the 0.8.0 version of Hydrogen Gnu/Linux drum machine is available at
* Graphical user interface based on QT 3,
* Sample based audio engine,
* Oss Audio driver,
* Jack Audio driver,
* Export to disk audio driver,
* Alsa Midi input,
* Ability to import/export xml-based song file,
* 64 ticks per pattern,
* 16 voices with volume, mute, solo, pan capabilities,
* Import of samples in wave, au, aiff format.
* Humanize and swing functions
* Delay FX (new)
* Assignable Jack ports in preferences file (new)
* Assignable midi-in channel (1..16, ALL) (new)
* Import/export of drumkits (new)
* Delay FX
* Bug fix in Alsa Midi Driver
* Assignable Jack ports in preferences file
* Assignable midi-in channel (1..16, ALL)
* Drumkit support (load, save, import, export)
* Acoustic drumkit included
* various GUI improvements
Happy drumming! ;)
Alessandro <Comix> Cominu
e-mail: comix(a)despammed.com
Icq: 116354077
Linux User # 203765
[...Codito Ergo Sum...]
G'day from outback Australia,
I'd like to record my Roland RD-150 piano at the MIDI protocol level,
adjust the tempo, maybe fix a few mistakes, and then play it back and
capture to audio to CD-R ... all to save having to take my piano with
me on gigs. It doesn't like the dirt roads.
I've spent about sixteen hours so far on the project, with some good
progress, but I'm missing a workable means to capture the MIDI data and
play it back at tempo.
I see from the mailing list archives (Frustrated, small review on
sequencers) that Rosegarden 4 might be an active project to try.
Does this match what I need? I've not used these sort of tools before,
so I lack the right terminology. I'm not convinced I know what people
mean when they say "sequencer" or "tracker".
Here is what I have cobbled together so far ... separate to my other
systems ...
- hardware: Pentium II 266MHz, 64Mb, 1.6Gb IDE, CD-R IDE, SB Live PCI,
- software: Debian testing/unstable, ALSA 0.9.3 on Linux 2.4.20,
- packages: brec, sweep, cdrecord (record sound, edit it to remove the
silence, then record to CD-R)
I had hoped it might be as simple as reading and writing to a device
node, e.g. "cat /dev/sequencer > file", but all notes fire at once,
when the data is written back to the node, so I guess additional timing
ioctl() logic is required.
I reviewed some 15 MIDI programs, one by one, but I was unable to
record and play back, due to one reason or another. Programs tried
include JAZZ++, Anthem, BINARS (marked obsolete by author), Brahms,
Melys (sourceforge downloads down), MidiMountain, Shake Tracker,
TekTracker, pystepseq (page missing), Rosegarden 2.1, seq24 (build
failure on libgtkmm.so), ASeqView (didn't view a thing), MusE (no
detection of MIDI interface), Sted2 (no data), libtse3 (no recording
example program).
James Cameron mailto:quozl@us.netrek.org http://quozl.netrek.org/
i´m new here; i am into professionel recording and i want to build a 16-32
track hdr system based on linux. hardware could be hdsp5296.
the software is not needed for editing - only for streaming down to disk.
is there a hdr-software that can do the job?
very important is relyability. there mustn´t be a grafical interface.
are the drivers for the hdsp5296 or other interfaces working stabile?
What's this card like in use, especially in terms of latency?
Do you use it with JACK at all? If so what kind of latencies can you go
to stably?
> i've found 0.9.2 to be very stable....
> Patrick Shirkey is probably the person to ask as he seems to do the most
> testing of the quattro driver...!
> m~
> Denis de Leeuw Duarte wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a USB Audio Quattro, but I haven't been successful at getting it
> > to work yet. Are there any of you that have a working Quattro? I'd like
> > to know which driver versions you have. I tried ALSA 0.9.1, 0.9.2 and
> > 0.9.3a.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Denis de Leeu Duarte
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*
> > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail
> >
> >
> >
nick <nixx(a)nixx.org.uk>
I have a USB Audio Quattro, but I haven't been successful at getting it to
work yet. Are there any of you that have a working Quattro? I'd like to know
which driver versions you have. I tried ALSA 0.9.1, 0.9.2 and 0.9.3a.
Denis de Leeu Duarte
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*
Well I fixed the access problem quite easily last night actually. This might
be a bit distro dependent since not all of them use the devfs, so ymmv. In
/etc/devfsd.conf add this:
REGISTER sound/.* PERMISSIONS root.audio 660
REGISTER snd/.* PERMISSIONS root.audio 660
Which then gives access to the audio group automatically. Add yourself to
the audio group and you're done. It didn't seem to work with me at first,
but I just had to log out of my kde session an login again and then it
>From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey(a)boosthardware.com>
>Reply-To: linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu
>To: linux-audio-user(a)music.columbia.edu
>Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] No state is present for card
>Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 15:07:34 +0900
>Denis de Leeuw Duarte wrote:
>>>"State" means the current mixer settings, but the Quattro doesn't have
>>>mixer elements. The message is misleading in this case.
>>Ah thanks! Well it is working now!!!! I've been struggling with this
>>device for a week. First I had to return it to the store because they gave
>>me the wrong power supply and probably a defective unit. I'm very glad it
>>works now. Except for the fact that I can't use the device as a normal
>>user (and yes I am in the audio group) but this is probably so trivial I
>>won't bother you with it (yet;-)
>I see that too. I'll let the alsa-devel list know. Or Clemens will probably
>read this.
>I get this error while normal user which doesn't occur as root.
>aplay -f cd -d 10 -D quattro1 test.wav
>aplay: main:480: audio open error: Permission denied
>Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
>Http://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
>Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No! We
>want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything I've
>ever done.
>Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002
>The Scotsman
Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online
>"State" means the current mixer settings, but the Quattro doesn't have any
>mixer elements. The message is misleading in this case.
Ah thanks! Well it is working now!!!! I've been struggling with this device
for a week. First I had to return it to the store because they gave me the
wrong power supply and probably a defective unit. I'm very glad it works
now. Except for the fact that I can't use the device as a normal user (and
yes I am in the audio group) but this is probably so trivial I won't bother
you with it (yet;-)
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*
Hello all,
I was working on recording some vocal harmonizing with myself
yesterday and ran into a weird problem with audacity-1.1.
If I'm recording 3-4 channels at once, I can stop it and record
an additional take over that and everything is fine. If I record one
channel and then try to do a second one, the second one sounds like it
was a setup with the incorrect sample rate - it sounds like someone
slowed the track down and dropped the pitch extra.
Anyone know what's going on?
Ross Vandegrift
A Pope has a Water Cannon. It is a Water Cannon.
He fires Holy-Water from it. It is a Holy-Water Cannon.
He Blesses it. It is a Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He Blesses the Hell out of it. It is a Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He has it pierced. It is a Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He makes it official. It is a Canon Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
Batman and Robin arrive. He shoots them.
Hello again,
By the looks of it, the new alsa 0.9.3c snd-usb-audio driver loads correctly
with my Quattro, but I get this message when running the alsasound script:
"No state is present for card Quattro". I have the impression that the
documentation on the alsa site for .asoundrc doesn't really cover the newer
asound.state file, is that correct? For instance, alsa looks for a
state.Quatto{} clause in asound.state, but I can't find anything in the
documentation about this state clause. I don't really know what to put in
it. I tried Patrick Shirkey's .asoundrc file from the Wiki but that doesn't
work. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance and regards,
Denis de Leeuw Duarte
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