Convolution reverb might not be a best approach.
The impulses I have seen (including at Noisevault) are
puzzling. One impulse has square wave impulses. Another
has exp decaying step impulse. Third has something close to
sinc impulse. What is the "correct" impulse type? How the
reverberations differ in the above examples if all have
sampled the same device?
Worse: The big Eventide impulse response archive at Noisevault
has a sample with good impulses in left channel but fuzzy
impulses in the right channel.
I will code Dattorro's plate reverb first, because it is close to
Lexicon plates. I have coded it already but controls are missing.
I'm sure it can be already found as a plugin written by somebody
else (google it) but I will spend time in matching the response
with Lexicon plate responses found at Noisevault.
One of Creative's reverb (the one described in DAFX 2000) is
similar to the plate reverb. I will write that kind of plate
reverb as well.
for developers of open source graphics software
Well, PureData might be what you need.
see puredata.org
cheers, Peter
Anthony Baxter <anthony(a)interlink.com.au> wrote:
>Hi there,
>I'm looking for software for driving a sound system during a live
>performance (of a play). All the sound is pre-recorded (no live
>mikes) but it should be able to deal with multiple sound devices
>(for different channels), and live mixing (e.g. backing music, then
>sound effects over the top, cued manually). I can't find anything
>that seems to fit this - am I going to have to write it myself?
From: Phillip Blevins
Date: Sat Jan 29 2005 - 22:18:25 EET
>> Also, I've got about 4,000 cassette tapes I would
like >> to digitize. I can do about 1.5 a day with it
playing >> at regular speeds.
Prioritize before you digitize! Do you really care if
ALL 4000 make into CD/ogg/whatever? Tag your
favorites or the rarest, or the ones that are most
urgent, condition-wise, and go from there.
Just my $0.02 :-)
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> That FAQ is a little out of date. Neither I nor anyone else has had time to do
> anything about it. Sorry.
So you're saying it should be a wiki...
> What you say is probably possible. Good luck!
Possible, but not without a struggle. Does anyone know how to get
nvidia drivers loaded for the 2.6.9-multimedia-686 kernel? I've tried
3 or 4 methods and haven't gotten it. Says something about VMALLOC
I've made significant progress though. At this rate maybe I can
restart all over again with just DeMuDi and get the video working from
the start...
This is quite a big leap your making. As much as I like to promote Linux
based pro-audio, you should make very sure that changing out your entire
system like that won't cause you problems.
>I am gearing towards an RME Hammerfall card
>and a behringer A8000 adat interface.
I would rather recommend buying the Alesis AI-3 if you want to use the
ADAT interface. This gives you more freedom to use various preamps.
(IMO, berhringer's preamps suck) If you've got money you may want to
invest in a nice preamp.
Hi there,
It is a kind of OT, but I couldn't find any useful information, and
I already wasted half a day on this problem, so I thought someone here
would be able to help me.
It seems like my partition table is messed up, and I am not able to
mount all my partitions. For example, mount refuse to mount /dev/hda12
on any directory: when I do a mount -r /dev/hda12 /mnt/tmp, mount tells
me that hda12 is already mounted, or that /mnt/tmp is busy. The
partition is not mounted for sure, and I tried several other tempory
locations, without any success. The "funny" part is that a fsck.ext3
/dev/hda12 doesn't give me any error when I check the filesystem (which
let me some hope about the possible recovery).
Basically, I think the problem is only coming from a wrong partition
table, but I don't know how to recover the good beginning/end of the
partitions (the partitions used for the OS itself seem OK, my linux is
works flawlessly, "only" my last data partitions are not accessible
anymore). All my partitions are ext3.
Thank, and my apologies for the OT,
By mistake, I first sent this to alsa-user
I'm trying to use my bcf2000 controller to control qamix (kamix).
My problem is what to put into the different fields. I've tried many
combinations without luck.
The physical FADER_TRACK_1 on my bcf2000 gives me this data with amidi
#amidi -p hw:1,0,0 -d
BA 09 01
BA 09 02
BA 09 03
.. and qsynth and ardour reports channel 11
input: Channel 11 Controller 9 Value 1
input: Channel 11 Controller 9 Value 2
input: Channel 11 Controller 9 Value 3
So far, great, but midicsv reports:
0, 0, Header, 0, 1, 384
1, 0, Start_track
1, 0, Tempo, 500000
1, 859, Control_c, 10, 9, 1
1, 920, Control_c, 10, 9, 2
1, 952, Control_c, 10, 9, 3
1, 1838, End_track
0, 0, End_of_file
What is strange is that midicsv reports events happening on channel 10
while qsynth and ardour reports channel 11. I have no redirects set up
So I'm left with either channel 10 or 11, controller 9. I would assume
putting something like this into the element part of the config file.
<midi index="0" type="10" ch="10" param="09" sign="1" />
<midi index="0" type="10" ch="11" param="09" sign="1" />
I've tried very many combinations, but none gives any effect to kamix
Type 7 is volume control according to the standard midi controller cc
numbers. In the docs of kamix (qamix) it states that this number (7)
is used for "note off".
Well, I gave standard midi cc numbers a shot:
<midi index="0" type="7" ch="11" param="09" sign="1" />
.. to no luck.
I used qjackctl to connect the midi ports after each config change.
I'm missing something fundamental here; do you have any idea?
Esben Stien is b0ef(a)esben-stien.name