To whomever it might concern,
I was moving 1394 drives around from machine to machine today and
ran across an old (March, 2005) CVS download of the LinuxSampler code
that I apparently checked out. I took a look at the COPYING file in
each of the main directories (libgig, liblscp, linuxsampler &
qsampler) and they do not (apparently) have any license modifications
for 'commercial' products although I didn't read in any depth.
Should anyone out there want to work SERIOUSLY with this code then
please feel free to get in touch with me to talk about it. If you are
a casual user of LinuxSampler then just stick with the normal, newer
and probably far more advanced version that the LinuxSampler team
provides. The purpose of this fork is a commitment to GPL.
My only requirements in providing this code are:
1) Some sort of ongoing SourceForge or other publicly available
location for the project needs to be created and maintained by a small
group of project managers committed to the project. Responsibilities
and duties to be agreed upon.
2) The license for this fork must remain completely GPL forever.
Should someone want to make a commercial product from this fork then
the license should allow them to at least try. I expect they will run
into the same issues, whatever they were, that the original
LinuxSampler team had, but I do not want the license for this code to
prohibit them from trying and at least we'll get the issues out on the
table publicly.
3) An agreement to manage a transfer of responsibilities to a new
program manager should the need arise.
Again, I do NOT guarantee that this fork is completely GPL. I
scanned the document and compared it to the language on the
LinuxSampler web site concerning the license change. It does not seem
that that language is included in this file so I *think* it's clean.
We will review that in depth if someone is serious about moving
I want to record some stuff from a BOSS GT8 pedalboard, and I was
wondering what is the best audio interface to do it.
I thought about the M-Audio MobilePre USB, but it seems the inputs are
high impedance, so, i guess it's not advisable for processed signal.
So, I found the Edirol UA-25 that seems to do what I want (the problem
seems to be the USB 1.0 interface). Since the pedalboard as digital
audio output, I thought the M-Audio Audiophile as well (USB version,
since I'm using a laptop for recording).
What's your opinion on all this? I'd like to find something that works
well with Linux, and has MIDI input as well. What are you guys using
in order to record from effect units?
Thanks in advance,
Hi all
I have swiched to UbuntuStudio as most of my hardware is easy to setup
here "lenovo T61"
But I have problems getting jack running without xruns even at a high
frame/period settings. Have anyone a link or similar to give me a few
hints to set up both jack and PAM for best performance. BTW I use a RME
Multiface hdsp system, with PCMCIA connection.
hey crew.
i know this is a really boring topic but i'm in that horrid world of needing
a new laptop.(current one died) call me old fashioned but 3 years is really
not that long for the life of a PC. grrrr.
anyway, i'm on linux, PD and Ardour predominately and i do a little bit of
graphics gem, pdp, 3dp etc from time to time although its not my focus.
i'm just wondering if there are linux users out there that think that going
with a laptop with a ATI or Nvidia GPU is worth the price and driver
hassle(grrr) or does the intel GMA (thinking x3100) suffice most of these
applications. i have a gut feeling that linux support for intel drivers more
friendly than the gaming GPUs.
the new intel x3100 looks like it has the specs to do some cool stuff, but i
guess i need linux users words of experience. i have always had either ATI
or nvidia but i wonder if it is really that much of a bonus these days.
would they improve my audio performance
Hi, I'm recording some of my cassettes and lp's and would like
advice for testing the recording quality.
First, how would you recommend testing for proper gain?
I want to re-record if there is clipping.
Second, sometimes there are skips or scratches or
computer-related glitches which can be fixed by re-recording.
Especially I would like a method of recording twice, and
comparing the results to detect these problems.
Thanks for your help!
Greg Sharp
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LV2 Ports of ZynAdd, AMS, AMsynth, Minicomputer, Jamin, a Convolution
Reverb (I think Fons already work on this), Hydrogen, LMMS,
Linuxsampler, Fluidsynth, Speciman, Horgand, PD, Beast...
(what do I miss here?)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Michael Bohle
jacklab e.V.
D-27572 Bremerhaven | Am Baggerloch 20
Phone/Fax: +49-471-7004937
Mail: opendaw(a)
Bürozeiten: Mo. - Fr. 12:00 - 18:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung
I also notice that some of these devices require software to access
their various sounds and features because they don't have controls
on the units (such as the SC-8820). Do they come with software that
runs in Linux, perhaps with WineASIO?
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Anyone use sndpeek on gentoo? I'm on amd64 and it compiled fine. But,
it doesn't want to start at all. Just Seg faults after printing the
# # sndpeek test.wav
sndpeek + wutrfall (1.3b)
Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook, Ananya Misra
'h' - print this help message
'p' - print current settings to console
's' - toggle fullscreen
'f' - freeze frame! (can still rotate/scale)
'1' - toggle waveform display
'2' - toggle lissajous display
'3' - (also 'w') toggle wutrfall display
'4' - toggle feature extraction (broken)
'd' - toggle dB plot for spectrum
'r' - toggle rainbow waterfall
'b' - toggle waterfall moving backwards/forwards
'x' - restart file playback (if applicable)
'p' - print current settings to terminal
'm' - mute
'j' - move spectrum + z
'k' - move spectrum - z
'u' - spacing more!
'i' - spacing less!
L, R mouse button - rotate left or right
'[', ']' - rotate up or down
'-' - scale DOWN the spectrum
'=' - scale UP the spectrum
(shift)'-' - scale DOWN the waveform
(shift)'=' - scale UP the waveform
'c' = LOWER log factor of spectrum display
'v' = RAISE log factor of spectrum display
(log factor of 1.0 is linear display
(shift)'c' - LOWER amount of viewable waveform
(shift)'v' - RAISE amount of viewable waveform
'l' - scale DOWN the lissajous!
'L' - scale UP the lissajous!
'y' - decrease delay for lissajous plot
'Y' - increase delay for lissajous plot
'q' - quit
[sndpeek]: opening test.wav...
[sndpeek]: setting sample rate to 48000
Segmentation fault
It segfaults even with no args.
Brad Fuller
Hello everyone!
I had this for a while now. Ecasound's jack_auto doesn't work anymore. It is
very strange at least. Consider the following:
ecasound -c -i jack_auto,LinuxSampler -o test.wav
All it does is connect to the first input from my soundcard, which is the
microphone. I made sure I spelled LinuxSampler correctly and I tried other
I use ecasound- from the git tree. Can anyone help here, does
anyone know anything about it?
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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