This is quite a chalenge to explain in a subject-line.
In May I asked about simple editing software--and-now I am trying to replacing
recording News-programming on reel2reel tape, with either a handheld or
tabletop digital recorder. I have been to some music stores here in Southern
Cal, but many of these units have confusing button layouts. Also, since I am
totally blind, many units you must go in a complicated set of menus.
Another chalenge, most units seemingly will not let you rewind--and-resume
recording on top of commercials, since I want to edit them out.
Buttons on the Zoom H4n were not too bad--and-recording on SD cards will save
me lots of cash buying high-priced reel tapes, as well, I will get many more
hours of recording.
I am not a musician, but I would only be recording audio off-air.
I know Olympus makes some units for the blind which talk, but they are missing
features of other units on the market.
Obviously it will be helpful hearing audio as I rewind.
Can some1 please tell me if there are units out there which have a simple feel
like older recorders?
Thanks so much in advance
Drumstick is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface using
Qt4 objects, idioms and style. ALSA sequencer provides software support for
MIDI technology on Linux. Complementary classes for SMF and WRK file
processing are also included. This library is used in KMetronome, KMidimon
and KMid2, and was formerly known as "aseqmm".
* Fixed a drumstick-sysinfo crash, when retrieving information for an
unavailable timer module.
* Fixed WRK file read implementation, allowing compilation on more
* Added standard arguments to all the utilities/example programs.
* Added man pages for all the utilities/example programs.
* New utility/example program: drumstick-drumgrid, a simple MIDI drum pattern
Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
License: GPL v2 or later
Project web site
Online documentation
I have a problem I can't face alone on the digital piano I made on
Debian Lenny with qsynth (v0.2.5-2.2), qjackctl (v0.3.2-1) and an
m-audio keystation 88es keyboard.
When I play the piano, some notes will repeat themselves after a few
seconds only if I keep the sustain pedal pressed, just like a delay
effect would do.
I reported that only 4 notes are concerned for the moment, they have
different repeat delays:
G : ~7.5 sec (G4)
G# : ~7 sec (G#4)
A : ~6.5 sec (A4)
A# : ~6 sec (A#4)
Note that the notes above, relatively to the middle C of a piano
keyboard called C3, goes from G4 to A#4.
Could this be due to an hardware issue in the m-audio keyboard?
Thanks a lot for any idea on how to track down and correct this (if
i turn on a gmail labs feature to make "Reply to all" my default, and
it sucks eggs ...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Davis <paul(a)>
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [LAU] setting a samples loop points on command line
To: Louigi Verona <louigi.verona(a)>
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Louigi Verona <louigi.verona(a)> wrote:
> Hey Paul!
> I am curious. You say WAV has no standard chunks to describe loop points.
> How come
> many wave files actually do have loop points in them? Or is it a special
> feature?
it is a documented and widely used chunk, but to the best of my
understanding it never became part of any standard. my understanding
could be wrong.
On Wed, June 9, 2010 7:02 pm, Hart Larry wrote:
> Hi Patrick: I am replying alone, so you can please provide details of
> another
> Linux version.
I have sent you the details off list.
> I have tried GRML--and-another one which is not maintained
> any
> more, had YASR and several software synthesizers.
> At home I am still in FC9 with a Dec-Talk USB. Ecasound and Audacity seem
> complicated, that's why I asked about simple audio editors.
Ecasound does have a learning curve but it also has an extremely helpful
community of active users.
> Meanwhile recording on removeable sd cards may just be a perfect solution,
That sounds like a fairly expensive solution as sd cards are not as cheap
as tape or CD/DVD.
> but
> I will need a line-in-jack so I can patch in my Dish Network receiver.
If you are not intending to move around a lot and already have a computer
that you can connect to the dish then I suggest working with ecasound as
it will save you a lot of time in the long run.
You will be able to fully automate the process of recording, editing out
advertising and even burning to cd/dvd on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.
What kind of volume of data are you intending to record? 30 mins per day
or 24 hours per day? If the latter you may want to also look into
compressing with ogg or flac.
There are several people using ecasound to manage this procedure. Combined
with a cront job you can have it fully automated so all you have to do is
remember to replace the DVD on a regular basis. You can even make it pop
out the tray when it needs a new disk and send a daily email with a status
report if you want.
> Some of the other specialized devices on the market, may only record audio
> at a
> loer bit rate, I think PlexTalk may be like that.
Depending on the sound card that you have you can record at pretty much
any bit rate you want.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.
I'd like to dive into lv2. But being new to this I wasn't able to figure
out if there's a THE lv2 host. I'm mostly interested in something that's
actively being developed and has at least some momentum.
Any suggestions?
Hi everyone!
I recently downloaded the latest Klick version and notcied someting odd.
When I start klick like this:
klick -T 4/4 120
I can use jack_transport to start/stop/relocate and my MIDI sequencer can be
synced to jack_transport control.
If on the other hand I start klick in interactive mode:
klick -T -i 4/4 120
I can't use jack_transport control to do anything. Klick can start/stop and
this is certainly send. But jack_midi_clock doesn't get a clock-signal, somy
sequencer can't be synced. Any idea, why that might be?
Kindly yours
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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the Linux TextBased Studio guide
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Hello. I just released new version of jack-netsource-gui. This tool is able to run many sources.
Version 0.2.2
1) has one fix — more natural way to save scripts, runing sources (in previous version sources should be run to be saved) and
2) may launch sources via LADI Session Handler.
Enjoy! If you find bugs, write there.
On 5/29/10, akjmicro(a) <akjmicro(a)> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Yes, grepping for the port type which appears underneath with a 'jack_lsp
> -t' will be more consistent and dependable. Or, using a python-jack lib
> function and not depending on any system shell calls. The problem then
> becomes, is the jack lib for python well documented? If so, I think that's
> the real future of
> PS Qjackctl may be lightweight, but installing the entire QT toolkit just to
> use it is not!
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robin Gareus <robin(a)>
> Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 14:00:52
> To: Julien Claassen<julien(a)>
> Cc: Aaron Krister Johnson<aaron(a)>;
> <linux-audio-user(a)>;
> <linux-audio-dev(a)>
> Subject: Re: [LAD] [LAU] like "qjackctl", but trimmed of all fat
> Hi Julien, Hey Aaron,
> read 'jack_lsp --help'.
> '-t' does not take any arguments; it just makes jack_lsp print the type.
> the filter-string only acts on the port-name (BTW, not only the
> beginning of the port-name; but it's case-sensitive: strstr() )
> Anyway I can reproduce the problem, some jack-midi ports show up in the
> audio-tab of
> jackctl20100528b checks for lowercase 'midi' in the port-name instead of
> looking up the port-type. So a2jmidi for example with an upper-case M
> "Midi.." ends up in the audio-panel.
> Your suggestion to parse the output of 'jack_lsp -t -c' is spot on.
> the (currently 2) possible return values are (indented by tab):
> #define JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE "32 bit float mono audio"
> #define JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE "8 bit raw midi"
> ..or as you suggest using the python-module for JACK may also simplify
> things and make jackctl easier to maintain.
> Cheers!
> robin
> PS. Oh, and which of qjackctl's features makes it 'fat'? it's not
> bloated in any way. I'd rather put it the other way 'round and say that
> jackctl is 'slim'. Sorry could not resist.
> On 05/29/2010 12:23 PM, Julien Claassen wrote:
>> Hello Aaron and Jack-Team!
>> There seems to be a bug in my jack_lsp. I just started a2jmidid and
>> j2amidi_bridge. when I do a jack_lsp I get all the ports.
>> When I do: jack_lsp -t midi I only get one port from jack_midi_clock,
>> but none of the other ones.
>> When I type: jack_lsp -t, I can't see a difference between the
>> jack_midi_clock port and the others:
>> jack_lsp -t
>> [...]
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-0 [16] (capture): VirMIDI 0-0
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-0 [16] (playback): VirMIDI 0-0
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-1 [17] (capture): VirMIDI 0-1
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-1 [17] (playback): VirMIDI 0-1
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-2 [18] (capture): VirMIDI 0-2
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-2 [18] (playback): VirMIDI 0-2
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-3 [19] (capture): VirMIDI 0-3
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:Virtual Raw MIDI 0-3 [19] (playback): VirMIDI 0-3
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:M Audio Delta 1010LT [20] (capture): M Audio Delta 1010LT MIDI
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:M Audio Delta 1010LT [20] (playback): M Audio Delta 1010LT MIDI
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> j2a_bridge:playback
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> a2j:j2a_bridge [129] (capture): capture
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> Jack MIDI Clock:midi_out
>> 8 bit raw midi
>> Or is the argument "midi" only seen as the start of a port_name?
>> If so, Aaron, you must rewrite this part of jackctl (I guess you do
>> what I described, because I get exactly your output). You should rewrite
>> it using:
>> jack_lsp -t
>> And then parse the type info underneath each name. I think a simple
>> grabbing for "audio" or "midi" will do. But I guess, that in the long
>> run, using the python module for jack, will be more efficient and easy
>> to use.
>> Kindly yours
>> Julien
Aaron Krister Johnson