Hello mates!
I've already lookd elsewhere. My MP3 player broke, but since I travel so
much I'm really attached to it. Now I'm blind and thus hate displays by
nature. I also dislike menus a lot, since you so easily get lost in them. I
had a Creative Zenstone (one of the old models) so far. What I could do and am
very attached to:
increase/decrease volume
previous/next track
forward/rewind (could ease up on that)
next folder
It had a random function, but that might have gone rusty, I wouldn't know.
any idea, if anything like that is still made nowadays? Sorry, to ask here,
but it seems, that the typical shop assistent is more than overwhelmed by such
demands, I had the feeling sometimes also by the name of these basic
Oh yes, the last great feature; Hook it up to the computer via USB, mount
it, copy files onto it and unmount it, done. Do it on Linux, Mac, windows or
anywhere else and it just works(TM).
Thanks for suggestions. I've heard Sony ic recorders, but they don't look
really promising and something with menus, but with a small firmwware hack to
make it talk, though I'm not too sure yet about it's compatibility with all
systems or even any other computer than my own, if I want to keep it
accessible to me.
Kind regards and thanks
Hey guys!
I came back to check out Diaspora and it has improved in many ways. For
those of you who do not know, Diaspora is a decentralized social network
similar to Facebook, although the UI is not so similar - the purpose is :)
Anyway, I am now pretty active there and it seems there are lots of people
sharing stuff. I invite everyone who is interested to join. We can share
linux audio stuff there.
I am using the https://joindiaspora.com pod.
Cheers and see you at Diaspora!
Louigi Verona
should you set the "resp" option in "flat" or "Prop" it seems to change
the frequency curve quite drastically and I wonder wich is the "real"
hi all
i'm trying to find a reliable way to convert a batch of wav files to flac
and ogg
i have a py script that uses oggenc and flac for this, but since i newer
know what the exact bitrate/samplefreq of the input wav files will be i
want the conversion to be as robust as possible
currently i can convert the most common formats, but i'm having trouble
converting 32bit/96kHz stereo wav files : flac and oggenc dont like them :-(
i have tried with ffmpeg and various settings but i cant get it to work
using 'sound convertor 1.4.4' i can convert the samples, but that's a gui
app (and i want to script the conversion) + it does crash quite a bit when
i try to convert a number of these wav files in batch
any ideas ?
follow me on my Audio & Linux blog <http://audio-and-linux.blogspot.com/> !
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for a plugin - LADSPA preferred, but LV2 definitely acceptable -
to generate a subharmonic. There is a LADSP harmoniser plugin, but it only
generates harmonics above the main frequency. Any idea?
thanks and warm regards
Hi all,
is it possible to control plugin parameters in ingen with OSC messages,
without adding an OSC to control port converter plugin? Does ingen offer
this functionality directly?
Hey fellas!
I am loading Whysynth through Carla and then use QMidiArp to play it.
Problem is, some of the presets (like "New String Thingy", first preset)
are "clicking" - they produce occasional clicks or pops.
I would like to know if someone has experienced same thing? I am attaching
a QMidiArp file so that anyone can try to reproduce.
I wondered if it is the fault of the WhySynth preset, but no settings I
tried changed the situation. I then tried doing things with Carla - you can
see QMidiArp has two sequencers there. So I added two separate WhySynths
and made each sequencer in QMidiArp go into a separate WhySynth. Number of
clicks went down, but occasional audible clicks stayed.
Any ideas how to fix this? I really like that WhySynth preset and would
like to use it without clicks!
Louigi Verona
Is there any way (--nodbus?) of getting jackd2 with dbus built in to start
in a no X11 system?
I get this:
Failed to connect to session bus for device reservation Unable to
autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
from this:
jackd -v -dalsa -dhw:0 -p2048 -n3
I have an old box with minimal memory, speed, drive space, that I want to
experiment with (using old internal junk sound IF) with cli audio stuff as
well as netjack. (netjack is jackd2)
Or a way of setting up a dbus instance jackd can use. I have seen a script
called jackstart that does this, but the program it uses dbus-launch wants
X11 depends :P
Dbus use should be possible without X11 sessions anyway. I just don't know
I would prefer not to have to use a roll my own version of Jackd so that I
have easy access to updates.
BTW, it would seem that with netjack, MIDI ports can be on a different
machine from Audio IF using a2j (a2j may be needed on more than one
machine if using apps that are alsa midi only on more than one machine).
Any holes in that logic? So two MIDI IFs on two machines should be usable
at the same time. Sync would not be an issue at the speeds MIDI runs at.
In fact it would give better response when using external synths as the
MIDI baud rate would be less of an issue.
Len Ovens