On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce the availability of Rivendell v2.4.0. Rivendell is a full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License.
From the NEWS file:
*** snip snip ***
If upgrading from a v1.x version of Rivendell, be sure to read the
'UPGRADING' file before proceeding for important information.
New Translation. A Czech [CS] translation has been added by
Pavel Fric <pavelfric(a)seznam.cz>.
New Cart/Cut Purge Option. A new option has been added in
RDAdmin->ManageGroups to allow empty carts to be automatically deleted
after purging.
New Reports. 'NPR SoundExchange' and 'Music Playout' reports
have been added in RDAdmin->ManageReports.
Multiple bug fixes. See the ChangeLog for details.
Database Update:
This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 216, and will
automatically upgrade any earlier versions. To see the current schema
version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.
As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow
any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.
*** snip snip ***
Further information, screenshots and download links are available at:
| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
| | Paravel Systems |
| Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man. |
| -- Bucy's Law |
Radium Compressor is the system compressor in Radium,
but distributed as a standalone jack application.
Radium Compressor uses the stereo compressor found in
effect.lib in the Faust distribution.
This compressor is written by Julius O. Smith III.
It has been optimized by using fast approximate logarithmic
and exponential functions written by Paul Mineiro.
The GUI accurately shows the sound used for compression,
and how much, and how, the sound is compressed.
I haven't seen this in any audio compressor GUI before,
but it's probably been done before.
Demonstration video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KphCxloBq2w
Tar-ball: http://archive.notam02.no/arkiv/src/?C=M;O=D
Source repository: https://github.com/kmatheussen/radium_compressor
Changelog 0.0.1 -> 0.5.0:
* Don't autoconnect jack ports by default
* Option to set jack client name
* Faster graphics
* Graphics uses less CPU
* Support for ratios between 0 and 1
Hello everyone,
I just released today a new version of the avw.lv2 plugins.
As a reminder, this project started as a porting of the Alsa Modular Synth
internal modules to LV2 plugins: VCO, LFO, VCF, etc... Teamed up with
Ingen, they can be used to create modular synths or analog drum machines
(but the list is not exhaustive!).
But in the latest versions, the suite saw the addition of a few other
plugins not coming from AMS:
- a (very basic) DownSampler that can be used as a filter to degrade the
- a Granulator which is a granular effect for real time audio - interesting
for VCOs, but as well for vocals, guitars or even drums
- a Beat Repeater and a Beat Slicer: the Beat Repeater would repeat a
certain number of beats, where the Beat Slicer would repeat randomly beats
in a bar - again I find them pretty interesting for drums and guitars
They can be downloaded here:
SVN: svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/avwlv2/code/trunk avw.lv2
GIT: git clone https://github.com/blablack/avw.lv2.git
For Ubuntu users, a PPA is available:
Finally, although I have been tested these plugins extensively and wrote
them to be easy and straight forward to use, please please please provide
any ideas, feedbacks, bug reports, anything to improve them!
Hope you enjoy them!
(This is a reminder that the deadline for NIME submissions is February 1, 2013. Please forward and distribute. Thank you!)
13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
May 27-30, 2013, Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic
Conference website: http://www.nime2013.org
Submission: https://www.softconf.com/d/nime2013/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Nime2013
On behalf of the NIME 2012 Committee, We would like to invite you to be part of the 13th international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference.
We invite submission of new works in the following categories:
- Paper (oral/poster/demo)
- Performance
- Installation
- Workshop
Important dates:
- Paper/performance/installation submissions and workshop proposals due: February 1, 2013
- Review notification: March 16, 2013
- Camera-ready paper deadline: April 21, 2013
Topics include (but are not limited to):
- Novel controllers and interfaces for musical expression
- Novel musical instruments
- Augmented/hyper instruments
- Novel controllers for collaborative performance
- Sensor and actuator technologies
- Haptic and force feedback devices
- Motion, gesture and music
- Interfaces for dance and physical expression
- Multimodal expressive interfaces
- Interfaces for hearing or visually impaired for musical expression
- Interactive game music
- NIME intersecting with game design
- Robotic music
- Mobile music technology and performance paradigm
- Biological and bio-inspired systems
- Musical mapping strategies
- Interactive sonification
- Interactive sound and multimedia installations
- Musical human-computer interaction
- Interactivity design and software tools
- Interface protocols and data formats
- Sonic interaction design
- Perceptual and cognitive issues
- Performance analysis
- Performance rendering and generative algorithms
- Machine learning in performance systems
- Experiences with novel interfaces in live performance and composition
- Surveys of past work and stimulating ideas for future research
- Historical studies in twentieth-century instrument design
- Artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology
- Experiences with novel interfaces in education and entertainment
- Reports on student projects in the framework of NIME related courses
- Practice-based research approaches/methodologies/criticism
Call for Papers
We welcome submissions of original research on all above-mentioned (and other) topics related to development and artistic use of new interfaces for musical expression. There are three different paper submission categories:
- Full paper (up to 6 pages in proceedings, longer oral presentation, optional demo)
- Short paper/poster (up to 4 pages in proceedings, shorter oral presentation or poster, optional demo)
- Demonstration (up to 2 pages in proceedings)
Submitted papers will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert committee. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN/ISBN reference, and will be available online after the conference. A manuscript submitted for review cannot be already under review for publication elsewhere, or be submitted for a second review elsewhere while under review for NIME 2013.
Call for Performances
We welcome submission of proposals for performances. Proposed performances should have a clear connection with the substance of the NIME conference. Performance proposals in conjunction with paper submissions are encouraged, but each will be judged on its own merit. Within reasonable limits, we may be able to provide musicians to perform pieces. Typical NIME performance pieces last for 5-15 minutes, but shorter and longer performance proposals may also be taken into consideration.
Submitted proposals will be reviewed by an expert committee. Preference will be given to submissions with strong evidence that the proposed performance has already been realized or is technically feasible and within the artists' capabilities. Documentation of the performances will be available online after the conference.
Call for Installations
NIME 2013 will also provide several locations that can be used to exhibit new music installation work. These are foyer location installations or room-based installations in connection to the conference venues.
Submitted proposals will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert committee. Documentation of the installations will be available online after the conference.
Call for Workshops
We call for short (3 hours) or long (6 hours) workshops and tutorials. These can be targeted towards specialist techniques, platforms, hardware, software or pedagogical topics for the advancement of fellow NIME-ers and people with experience related to the topic. They can also be targeted towards visitors to the NIME community, novices/newbies, interested student participants, people from other fields, and members of the public getting to know the potential of NIME.
Tutorial proposers should clearly indicate the audience and assumed knowledge of their intended participants to help us market to the appropriate audience. Workshops and tutorials can relate to, but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. This is a good opportunity to explore a specialized interest or interdisciplinary topic in depth with greater time for discourse, debate, and collaboration.
For any further information, please contact Woon Yeo (woony(a)kaist.edu).
Woon Seung Yeo
Assistant Professor
Audio & Interactive Media (AIM) Lab
Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST
woony(a)kaist.edu | woony(a)ccrma.stanford.edu
If you are interested in Free Software and like to tinker with interesting
projects and technologies, the Beast project needs your input. Everyone
can contribute with testing, feature feedback, translations, wiki edits or
use case discussions. Please see the website: http://beast.testbit.eu/
Christmas left a lot of time to have a run on a number of ancient quirks
with the Beast code base. A number of orphan fixes are incorporated and
the entire code base is ported to compile as C++11. This opens up the
door for some UI, scripting and middleware improvements that have been
in the queue for too long already. Before we get to that, here's what's
probably the last release of the 0.7 branch with all its glory fixes.
Let us know what issues you run into, we take every complaint you
encounter, from UI hurdles to stability issue or regressions with old BSE
Beast is a music composition and modular synthesis application released
as Free Software under the GNU LGPL. Version 0.7.8 is available here:
Reference documentation for this version is at:
This release does away with some recently reported issues and clears
our patch backlog. We'll happily take new patches. ;-)
Overview of Changes in BEAST/BSE 0.7.8:
* Wave oscillator fixes for 96k samples (bug #612281). [stw]
* Performance improvements of the scheme shell. [stw]
* Allow Alt+MouseButton1 to drag synthesis modules.
* Merged plugin libraries, improved build times.
* Use the ALSA 'default' PCM driver by default.
* Adapt code to allow fftw drop ins. [stw]
* Migrated code base to compile as C++11.
* Lots of simplifications and cleanups.
* Extended MIDI device listing.
* Improved Beast startup time.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Janik
http://timj.testbit.eu/ - Free software Author
Radium Compressor is the system compressor in Radium,
but distributed as a standalone jack application.
Radium Compressor uses the stereo compressor found in
effect.lib in the Faust distribution.
This compressor is written by Julius O. Smith III.
The GUI shows accurately the sound used for compression,
and how much the sound is being compressed.
I haven't seen this in any audio compressor GUI before,
but it's probably been done before.
Demonstration video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KphCxloBq2w
Tar-ball: http://archive.notam02.no/arkiv/src/?C=M;O=D
Source repository: https://github.com/kmatheussen/radium_compressor
Hi all,
I ported the mda Piano VSTi by Paul Kellett to the LV2 specs.
The LV2 plugin has been tested in jalv. You can download the first working
version here[1].
The original used a hard-coded C array to store sampled values; in this
version the array
has been replaced with a raw audio file. It should hence be possible to
replace the sound
material that the plugin operates on with some higher quality samples.
The raw audio file can be played back with:
aplay -t raw -f S16_LE -r 44100 data/samples.raw
Contributions / bug reports are welcome.
-- rekado
[1]: https://github.com/rekado/lv2-mdaPiano/archive/v0.0.1.tar.gz
Apologies for x-posting...
After 3 months of beta-testing, it is my great pleasure to announce first
stable release of pd-l2ork (v.20130111). Special thanks go to L2Orkists and
external contributors who have helped us make this a rock-solid release.
Pd-L2Ork now offers both tarballs and debs for both 32-bit and 64-bit
platforms and offers hundreds of bug-fixes, feature improvements, as well as
new features, including universal preset system, infinite undo, gui-based
widget editing, and more. Pd-L2Ork comes with latest svn/git versions of pd
documentation and Gem library, as well as a collection of most 3rd party
externals found in pd-extended. Pd-L2Ork also offers seamless integration
into the Ubuntu desktop, including Unity. Currently, pd-l2ork provides
support only for Linux platform.
For more info: http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/?page_id=56
Pd-l2ork git project page: https://github.com/pd-l2ork
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Head, ICAT IMPACT Studio
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
Announcing PHASEX-0.14.97 !!!
[P]hase [H]armonic [A]dvanced [S]ynthesis [EX]periment
The new version of PHASEX is shaping up quite nicely. For those of
you who missed the announcement of v0.14.96 on linux-audio-dev, here's
a recap of what's new since v0.12.0:
New Features:
- Multitimbral (1 thread per part).
- Session bank (very much like the patch bank).
- Jack Session.
- Stereo- and Multi- outputs for JACK.
- ALSA PCM audio.
- Generic MIDI (/dev/midi support).
- MIDI clock for timestamping and queuing events.
- Active Sensing.
- New oscillator waveforms.
- Portamento for Osc Transpose events.
- FM oscillator latching.
- New LFO parameters.
- Moog (24db/octave) filter.
- Fast fade-out mono retriggering.
- Interpolated oscillator table lookups.
- Ability to run with no GUI.
- JACK MIDI / ALSA Raw / ALSA Seq connections in menus.
- Widescreen layout mode.
- New preferences dialog w/ nearly all settings.
- New knobs.
- Pure 64-bit math in builds with --enable-cpu-power=4.
New Features from Anton Kormakov:
- MIDI Hold pedal.
- JACK Transport.
Bugs Removed and/or Squashed:
- The "bad PHASEX noise" is gone.
- GUI widget sensitivity is fixed.
- Notebook tabs behave properly (and quickly).
- Patch loading bugs are gone.
- MIDI program change works dependably.
- Spurious envelope triggering pops are gone.
- Offsets for neg. filter env. now calculated properly.
- Chopped portamento slides are fixed.
- Keytriggering for all keymodes is fixed.
- Voice stealing works as expected.
- Chorus phase balance issues have been corrected.
- System lockup on shutdown is a thing of the past.
- Denormals don't eat up all the CPU anymore.
Code Overhaul:
- Build system overhaul.
- Reorganization of source code.
- Rebuilt data structures for multimbral architecture.
- New driver layer (engine relies on no libraries).
- Replaced pthreads based buffer synchronization code.
- New lightweight patch parser / patch format.
- New thread-safe MIDI event queue.
- Restructured engine, GUI, and MIDI code.
- Almost complete separation of GUI and engine.
(still need to separate bank changes from the GUI.)
ChangLog for v0.14.96 --> v0.14.97:
* Cleaned up pointer sign warning in queue_midi_event().
* Included (/usr)/bin/true configure.ac fix from Jörn Nettingsmeier.
* Included falktx's build patch for src/Makefile.am.
* Added synth-part to MIDI channel assignments to midimaps.
* Removed unused type_id from struct jack_port_info.
* Added proper detection and conditions for new JACK features.
* Reworked BPM handling and removed duplicated code.
* Fixed typo in pixmaps/Makefile.am. (Adam Sampson)
* Implemented note-off instant release from attack and decay.
* Implemented round-robin voice assignment for mono-multikey.
* Fixed bug with assigning MIDI CC in GUI.
* Changed MIDI CC mapping event (now ctrl-middle-click).
* Fixed FTBFS on systems w/o CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW. (Adrian Knoth)
* Fixed crash and clock sync issues with changing jack buffer size.
* Consolidated gtkknob frame offset calculations.
* Added checks to prevent errors on JACK client close.
* Fixed usage of JACK stereo/multi menuitems for monotimbral builds.
* Fixed potential LASH client name bug when using ALSA MIDI.
* Added JACK latency recalculation when changing buffer_latency.
* Added git version tag tracking to build system.
* Changed default locale to "C" instead using env defaults.
* Fixed settings not saved on quit.
* Fixed new dirs/files not created bug in phasex-convert-patch.
* Fixed GUI param update race condition on updated flag.
* Fixed sporadic GUI param sensitivity update issue.
* Updated system synth-patches.
Thank you everyone who contributed build fixes for v0.14.96. Out of
the box, v0.14.97 should build cleanly on any recent Fedora, CentOS,
Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, Puppy, or Mint distribution. Please report
any build failures immediately!
NOTE: The patch file format has changed, so any old patches (or patch
directories) will need to be converted with the phasex-convert-patch
script (included). Any old (pre- v0.14.x) patches found in
~/.phasex/user-patches will be converted to new v0.14.97 patches in
~/.phasex/patches automatically. Patches in other directories will
need to be converted manually. Please take this as an opportunity to
sit down and familiarize yourself with the new features and cleaner
sound. (If you actually do prefer a more aliased sound, you can
always configure your build with --enable-cpu-power=1...)
Overall, I am pleased with where PHASEX has arrived. In the past, I
had always been disappointed with PHASEX and its shortcomings, and for
many reasons. Until now. The code is cleaner and easier to work on.
Most of the old bugs have been replaced with more intelligent design.
On an -rt kernel, xruns are a thing of the past. Sound quality is
cleaner. GUI is much more responsive. Starting from the command line
is only necessary for running without the GUI. Sessions can be
managed with ease. Per part memory and CPU utilization has decreased
vs. multi-instance v0.12.x. Timing is almost as good as it gets
(sample accurate for JACK MIDI, near sample accurate for ALSA seq, and
almost as good as your hardware will allow for ALSA raw MIDI.) Most
of the major barriers to use that have been identified over the years
have been eliminated.
Many thanks go out to Anton Kormakov for his work on PHASEX and his
git repo, which appear to have served the community well in the time
since the old server went down. And of course, I'd like to thank the
regular posters to linux-audio-dev and linux-rt-users for sharing the
knowledge that's made this release possible.
PHASEX-v0.14.97 is currently availiable in source code form only.
(Binaries will be available starting with v0.14.99.) Sources are
available via git:
git clone https://github.com/williamweston/phasex.git
Number of synth parts is configurable at compile time. For live /
on-stage use, please limit to 1 part per CPU core and test your
polyphony limit ahead of time. For songwriting / studio settings, 1-2
parts per CPU core is recommended. (Tested extensively with 8 parts
on a quad-core q6600.) As usual, YMMV. Please refer to INSTALL and
README for more details.
Enjoy the new PHASEX. This release aims to be as bug-free as possible
(and IMHO, v0.14.97 is already more stable and trouble-free than any
previous version). As is usual with GPL'ed software, there's no
warranty whatsoever and I'm not responsible if you blow out your
speakers (or your hearing), but please don't let that hold you back
from trying it out.
Let's make some music!
--William Weston
Small clarification. The deadline is posted on the submissions page
(http://www.cpe.vt.edu/cpts/submissions.html), namely:
Proposal Submission Opens - Monday, December 17, 2012
Proposal Submission Deadline - Monday, February 11, 2013
Authors Notified of Proposal Acceptance - Friday, March 1, 2013
For additional info please see: www.cpe.vt.edu/cpts/
Finally, we are not anticipating programming any concerts but we may have a
"listening room."
For your convenience, below is also a summary description that may help
answer some of the commonly asked questions:
ICAT's IMPACT Studio invites proposals for art, installations, and
technology demonstrations with focus on contemplative practice. All
submissions will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary panel consisting of
ICAT faculty. Selected projects will be showcased as part of the ICAT Open
House and on display throughout the conference. Where appropriate, some
submissions may be also presented in a paper and/or poster format as part of
the "Technology" track. Authors of selected submissions will be expected to
attend the conference.
We seek any art, installations, and technology demos with focus on
contemplative practice. While proposed art and installations should also
leverage technology, within the context of this submission we define
technology in the broadest terms possible.
Please provide as much information as possible, including space and
technology support requirements, to help us determine the best venue for
your work. While limited funding may be available to help offset the cost of
shipping the equipment, applicants for the ICAT Art, Installations, and
Technology Demos track should assume that all unique exhibit/demo-specific
equipment and supporting hardware will have to be shipped at presenter's
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Head, ICAT IMPACT Studio
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)