Hello folks,
Right on the heels of big One-O we've decided to release a minor
update with some corrections, main features being some package
improvements and a midi timing issue when running under very high
MusE : http://muse-sequencer.org
[Fixes since 1.0]
* Removed: Disabled watchdog thread. (T356)
* Changed/Fixed: Thread priorites: Added command line switches
for audio (-P) and midi (-Y). (T356)
- Audio (-P) applies to dummy driver only.
(Else audio priority is fixed by Jack).
Fixes potential issue with midi timing when MusE was assigned
a very high priority.
* Added: Enable/disable LASH command line switch (-L),
(if LASH support is compiled in). (T356)
- Helps prevent some issues like auto-starting Jack, or
automatically routing midi to fluidsynth (observed).
* Fixed: BUG ID: 2879426: *.med does not save meta event types. (T356)
* Fixed: Midi meters now show for each track even if they're all on
same device and channel. (T356)
* Applied: muse-destdir.patch Scripts and utils packaging fix
submitted by Orcan Ogetbil. (T356)
* Fixed: python detection exchanged for script from http://libvirt.org/ (rj)
* Feature: Jack transport enable/disable in Midi Sync settings window.
Stores setting per-song. (T356)
- Should be Ok to use and test. Needs a bit more work. See jack.cpp
and jackaudio.h
* Fixed: Speedups of audio pre-fetch especially when moving the cursor
around (seeking). (T356)
[What is MusE again?]
MusE is multitrack virtual studio with support for:
* Midi
(only Alsa yet)
* internal softsynths, including soundfont player FluidSynth
and sample player Simple Drums
* DSSI softsynths, including VST instruments
* with a patch to DSSI, VST-chunks are handled
* Drum editor
* Pianoroll
* Conventional arranger
* midi automation
* and lots more
* Audio
* Jack
* Jack transport
* LADSPA plugins
* VST plugins through dssi-vst
* audio automation, old sch00l
* and lots more
For a complete list of changes, check the ChangeLog in
the package or online at the sourceforge site:
The MusE team
What? No automation, yet?
Yes I failed the promise once again. So what? What would you expect from
this self-called über-procrastinator? As sure is one to say that this is
the Year of Linux Desktop (YOLD:), I'll give you the shivers and command
this one will be the year of Qtractor Automation. No kiddin' ;)
Meanwhile, this new dot-release brings you several niceties, a couple of
them have been waaay longer and dustier on the all-mighty-overdue TODO
list than automation is. Rejoice! or else...
Qtractor 0.4.4 (frisky demivierge) is in the wild!
Release highlights:
* LV2 plug-in support (NEW)
* MIDI event list view (NEW)
* Expedite audio/MIDI clip import (NEW)
* DSSI plug-in output control ports feedback/update (NEW)
* JACK transport, MMC, SPP control options (NEW)
* Self-bounce/recording (FIX)
* Audio/MIDI drift correction (FIX)
* Anti-glitch audio micro-fade-in/out ramp smoothing (FIX)
Project page:
- source tarball:
- source package (openSUSE 11.2):
- binary packages (openSUSE 11.2):
- binary packages (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS; no LV2 support):
- binary packages (Ubuntu 9.10):
- user manual (ever still outdated):
Weblog (upstream support):
Qtractor is free, open-source software, distributed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
- For all the DSSI plugins that have output control ports, a host
feedback/update process cycle is now being finally provided: all output
control ports are now marshaled to their respective GUI process, rather
often and when found open/visible.
- MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) snap-to-beat behavior on edit mode
is now kind of more like 'filling-in-the-blanks' (as Frank Neumann et
al. wishes ;)
- Fixed MIDI clip editor mistake when reverting to initial clip length,
before closing and discard changes (thanks to Frank Neumann, for
spotting this one).
- LADISH Level 1 support has been added: SIGUSR1 signal trap just makes
it a shortcut to File/Save.
- Avoid parameter value flickering, due to duplicate command invocation,
most evident when changing values massively on native Linux VSTi plugin
editor GUIs (thanks to a detailed report on this odd behavior, from Mike
of linuxDSP.co.uk).
- Another TODO item bites the dust: MIDI event list editor, now
accessible from the MIDI clip editor menu (View/Events)
- Last used session directory is now made current on startup only when
no filename is given on the command line (solving bug #2920244).
- Current snap-to-beat setting (time quantization) now affects the
anchor event only, while dragging, moving and/or pasting multiple events
over the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll).
- Make anti-glitch audio clip micro fade-in/outs independent from
current buffer size as much as possible.
- Audio/MIDI engine drift correction gets really sophisticated, with the
help of (now old) ALSA MIDI tempo skew facility.
- Edit/Clip/Import... menu option is now available for expedite clip
insertion from audio and MIDI file requesters.
- Set default session directory effective to file's location.
- Audio track/clip recording process has been target to special
re-factorization across the internal audio engine process cycle, in a
late attempt to get self-bounce/recording effective and working
consistently for all track layouts.
- All session related dialogs are now set to window modality, (were set
to default application modality before) allowing for continued input
focus and interaction on all plugin/tool windows.
- An off-by-one nasty old bug fixed in audio clip drawing, was causing
instant crashes on certain zoom levels of the main track view.
- Graphical MIDI clip representation regarding note/pitch range is now
kept as much as possible across clip edits (cut, copy, paste, drag,
move, delete, etc.)
- LV2 plug-in hosting has finally come into actual implementation; only
some and the most basic LV2 plug-in features are supported at the
moment; probably there's no big advantage against the old LADSPA ones;
there's some support for external UIs though; also, LV2 MIDI/Event
bare-bones support is included but chances are it won't build nor work
right on most of the setups out there. It's a WIP host implementation
anyways, as is the whole LV2 spec. for that matter ;)
- Connections filter is now reset when widget is shown through the
View/Connections main menu or toolbar button.
- Audio bus auto-connection option is now applied when creating or
updating, newer or existing buses, respectively.
- Global configuration state is now explicitly saved/committed to disk
whenever View/Options... dialog changes are applied or when a session is
loaded or saved.
- Audio ramping spin-locking makes its smooth stuff, in an attempt to
reduce glitching and crackling when editing (due to its own pseudo
spin-locking) and toggling playback states.
- JACK Transport, MMC Device, and MIDI Song Position pointer (SPP)
control modes are now made optional (View/Options...), allowing for
discretionary configuration: None/Disabled, Slave/Input, Master/Output
or Full/Duplex (default).
- Session files may now be dragged and dropped over the main track view
and get loaded for business as usual (once quietly ignored).
- In an attempt to mitigate potential stack corruption and sudden
crashes, old commented out session pseudo-locks are now back in business
while executing clip editing commands (cut, paste, drag, move, insert,
delete) and playback is currently rolling.
- Adjusted first-time application window size to fit into 800x600 screen
size and with reasonable initial dock-ables layout.
- Avoid duplicate snap-to-grid effect when changing the length of MIDI
clip editor events across non-zero clip offsets (after a glitch reported
by Ralf Mardorf).
- Late audio track processing optimization, suppressing all plugin,
mixer and monitor pass-through activity when given track is muted,
either explicitly or implicitly (ie. other track is in solo state).
- Entering System Exclusive events (SysEx) on the MIDI clip editor (aka
matrix/piano-roll widget), yet something not fully supported anyway,
even though allowed in edit mode, doesn't crash the whole damn thing
anymore, while saving the clip to a file.
- Strict aliasing avoidance, with plain and demanded use of 'union', as
much as to stop nagging warnings from gcc >= 4.4.1 (last seen on
src/qtractorMidiEvent.h hackery).
- Visual correct play-head position while changing zoom levels,
applicable to both main track and MIDI clip editor views.
Cheers && Enjoy.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Sorry for crossposting, please drink soup
Puredyne 9.10 - Carrot and Coriander
Puredyne is a GNU/Linux live distribution aimed at creative people,
looking for tools outside the standard. It provides the best
experimental creative applications alongside a solid set of graphic,
audio and video tools in a fast, minimal package. For everything from
sound art to innovative filmmaking.
Puredyne is optimised for use in realtime audio and video processing. It
distinguishes itself by offering a low latency kernel and the high
responsiveness needed by artists working in this field.
Puredyne is based on Ubuntu and Debian Live. All packages provided by
Puredyne can be used if you are running this flavour of GNU/Linux.
64-bit support!
(.. and more architectures to come...)
Starting with this release, we are happy to provide support for a new
experimental branch of Puredyne for 64-bit CPUs. We need your feedback
to develop this further, so please get one of these amd64 Puredyne CD or
DVD, and tell us how it works for you!
Yeah, fork me baby!!!
Thanks to broth, the mother of all soups, it is now very easy to make
your own Puredyne based recipe. Get the pan, mix in your ingredients
and cook slowly. Using broth, two new Puredyne/broth based distros have
been released:
* Puredyne craftivism: a special liveUSB key specially made for the
craftivism exhibition. You can purchase (at cost) this collector item
at the Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol, UK. http://www.craftivism.net
* sidistro: a greek flavoured distribution focussed on privacy and
anonymity. http://sid.gr/doku.php/agenda/distro
Why not make one yourself? (and impress friends and family with
your very own livethingie)
Join the team!
(we have internets)
Do you like adventures? Giant robots, waterfalls and dinosaurs? Then
join the dev team! We are always looking for people to help us make
Puredyne a better distribution for musicians, artists and media
designers. We need help on all fronts! you can type a mail? you're
hired! :)
Free Libre Open Source Soup + Art
(as seen in /usr/share/soup)
A nice soup, a classic combination made with both fresh and
ground coriander - but the fresh coriander added near the end of cooking
really adds the bright flavour of coriander to match with the carrot.
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 1 large onion,diced
* 500g carrots, diced
* 1 teaspoon ground coriander
* 1.2 litres vegetable stock
* large bunch Fresh Coriander, roughly chopped
* Salt
* Black Pepper
1. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan, to a medium heat.
2. Add the sliced carrots and diced onions. Cook for approximately 5
minutes until they start to soften.
3. Add the ground coriander and salt & pepper. Cook for a further 1
4. Add the vegetable stock bring the mixture to the boil. Simmer for
10-15 minutes until the carrots are very soft.
5. Blend until smooth.
6. Add the fresh coriander.
7. Serve.
source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Carrot_and_coriander_soup
BY-SA 3.0
Puredyne is brought to you by the Puredyne team, with help and support
from GOTO10 and Arts Council England. Special Thanks to the Debian Live
On the heels of AV Linux 3.0, version 3.0R1 (R1=Revision 1) has been
released. I, better than anyone perhaps realize the inconvenience of a new
version so quickly, it is my hope that this is the best move in the long
run to provide a stable base that has a broader possible range of
installation and can be better maintained with updated packages over the
course of a longer "shelf life". This fixes many of the installation
issues created by 3.0 as well as streamlining and drastically reducing the
ISO size down to just over a Gigabyte. My sincere thanks to the AV Linux
users who were guinea pigs and helped to test and provide feedback on
3.0R1 before it's release. Due to the large volume of updates and
improvements a 3.0R1 final ISO has been created to replace the 3.0R1
"testing" ISO. Thanks as always to the Debian pkg-multimedia team for
their continuing stellar work. Here are the changes, sometimes we have to
take a step back to move ahead!
AV Linux 3.0R1 Changes:
- Removed all locales except CA, US and GB to conserve ISO space, AV Linux
and Remastersys are English only anyway. Users can still change the
keyboard layout for different countries in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
- Removed many peripheral apps any of which are a Synaptic click away to
install, AV Linux now focuses on a multimedia-centred mature core of
- Fixed and improved nVidia and Synaptics Touchpad detection issues by
rolling back to Xorg 7.3, this also simplifies changing keyboard layouts.
Updating to Xorg 7.4 can be done after installing by unpinning the Xorg
and related packages in Synaptic and updating if you feel the need to run
Xorg 7.4 (not really necessary in most cases).
- Fixed UUID issues with fstab by rolling back hal and consolekit, Hey
Debian...does hal REALLY need to be updated 7 times a day?! I think not.
- Fixed slow booting by rolling back to udev 141, AV Boots like lightning
now! Again, Debian...can't things that work in Linux just be left alone
for a while?!
- Fixed issues with Unetbootin, AV Linux runs from USB keys again.
Persistent storage is not an easy option with Debian, it doesn't use
casper-rw like Ubuntu.
- Fixed Openbox and obconf issues, obconf now runs and saves it's config
- Updated to LXDE 0.5.0, lxpanel now handles GTK themes much better and
there are many more right-click options throughout LXDE
- Added Rui Nuno Capela's rtirq script at boot time (works with -rt Kernel
- Updated FFADO to the 2.0 Stable release
- Updated Ardour to Debian GIT 2.8.4-3 source with LV2 support
- Updated Rosegarden to 10.02 Beta - report bugs to the Rosegarden
developers mailing list
- Updated Bristol to 0.40.7
- Updated Fluidsynth to 1.1.1 it now works with Qsynth 0.3.4
- Latest musE is available as an add-on here:
- Updated Openshot Video Editor to 1.0
- Updated LiVES to 1.1.8
- Updated DeVeDe to 3.15
- Updated Guitarix to 0.05.8
- Added JC GUI 0.7
- Added ipw2X00 wireless firmware
- Updated ivtv firmware for Hauppage TV cards
- Added mhwaveedit - nice light soundfile editor!
- Replaced Brasero with Gnomebaker...latest Brasero wouldn't burn Audio
- Tidy up menus, launchers and icons
- New Logo and Artwork
- many more subtle improvements
There are changes to the AV Linux Website as well, a new "Packages" page
clarifies where to get AV Linux Debs and Kernels, access it by clicking
the "Packages" button from the home page. PLEASE READ THE WEBSITE INFO
I plan to support AV Linux 3.0R1 with Rosegarden's stable Thorn release,
Ardour 3 as soon as source becomes available in Debian GIT and keep pace
with the major developments in Linux Multimedia. Please remember AV Linux
has and always will come pre-loaded with the necessary development
libraries to build most of the included apps from source so if you are
handy with a compiler you can enjoy new apps as soon as they are
Help is needed from experienced Linux users on the AV Linux forum, My
Linux knowledge is specific to Multimedia Distro and Kernel creation but
is very general in other areas, Help is needed for other important areas
like networking and other core Linux problems like hard drive issues etc
etc. Other than donations technical support assistance is the most needed
attribute at the present time. If you are a new user please join the AV
Linux forum here: http://geekconnection.org/remastersys/forums/index.php#7
The AV Linux 3.0 ISO was accessed in excess of 18000 times which resulted
in 3 donations, My heartfelt thanks to those who stepped up and
contributed however AV Linux takes about 20+ hours a week to maintain,
develop, test and improve. The current level of funding is not carrying
the project's expenses let alone providing any compensation for my work,
this unfortunately cannot continue much longer, like anyone I have to
prioritize my responsibilities and those 20+ hours are too precious to
give away for nothing. Thanks are appreciated...but donations are needed.
To clarify you are not paying for the software, it is free... however the
hosting, packaging, preparation and convenience services are not.
Enough Talk! Let's get to the good stuff.
Download from the AV Linux Website:
Hey all,
I want to announce the alpha release of some coding I just finished.
It's a small command line tool that creates JACK MIDI ports and allows
tuning to arbitrary scales (via .scl files) with any MIDI capable
synthesizers. Incoming note messages are translated via pitch bend and
distributed among several midi channels.
You can get the code via GIT on http://github.com/leethargo/fishnpitch
It seems to work very well for my purposes, but still lacks deeper
testing. This is also my first time working with JACK, so any feedback
is very welcome.
Robert Schwarz <mail(a)rschwarz.net>
Get my public key at http://rschwarz.net/key.asc
Hello all,
The second development release of arpage is available on sourceforge in
source tarball and SVN formats:
Tarball: http://sourceforge.net/projects/arpage/
SVN: https://arpage.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/arpage/brancheshttps://arpage.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/arpage/tags
I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback I received on 0.1 - Please
check this out and let me know what you think, or if you have problems
The UI is still dead-boring GTK, but I've read back over the LAD threads
regarding audio-oriented UI libraries and I'm thinking of investigating
libproaudio with the next release.
The 0.2 Development release adds:
- Smaller UI - probably not Netbook friendly yet, but getting closer :)
- UI should be dependent upon GTK+ 2.12 (rather than 2.16 as with the first
- An additional executable named "zonage" which allows the MIDI note input
to be split into 4 ranges.
This is useful for routing sections of your MIDI keyboard to different
JACK inputs - e.g. route the lower half to arpage, and the upper half to a
"lead" sound, so you can "solo" over the arpeggiator.
- The ability to have a pulse duration (time between note-on and note-off)
be longer than the interval between pulses (time between note-on and
subsequent note-on).
This is useful when routing the output of one arpeggiator to the input of
the next arpeggiator. Experiment and hear it :)
- Noticeable decrease in the number of stuck notes (I haven't experienced
ANY with this version yet).
Basic features/requirements (same as 0.1 Alpha):
- svn / tarball only for now
- gtkmm-based, so dev packages for gtkmm and friends are needed to build
(and obviously jack)
- I've only built it on Ubuntu Studio (karmic) 64bit. I'm looking for
others to let me know if it builds/runs elsewhere.
- requires JACK time master to be rolling for the arpeggiators to do
anything. Qtractor and Seq24 have worked well for me.
- will pass midi events thru when JACK time master is not rolling.
- 4 arpeggiators with transpose, interval, range, note duration selectable
thru UI.
- Each arp has it's own JACK midi in and out port, so you can cascade
- Preliminary support for scales and modes - all of them are not correct,
but try major, dorian, diminished and augmented for starters :)
It sounds great with each arpeggiator driving an instance of calf mono.
Check out the ogg/mp3 clip on sourcefourge.
Thanks all,
Looking forward to any and all feedback.
Hi all,
I am happy to announce that a new Mplayer frontend for Linux has been
*Klactoveedsedstene* is an Audio Player frontend to the popular
Mplayer engine, written in Java.
It is very fast, light, simple - and with an advanced support for Album Art.
It recognizes embedded Album Art, and is also mostly able to find the
correct Album Art from the
Internet, based on the "Artist" and "Album" ID3-tags
Fast and compact
Advanced Album Art support with over 90% accuracy.
Select and Play
All-in-one window
Drag and Drop music into the library
Supports MP3 and WMA
Highly configurable
Stateful (remembers your window settings)
All parts of the GUI can be colored
Album-Artist-Track view
All track columns sortable and movable
Have a look, and a try at
*http://www.klactoveedsedstene.com* <http://www.klactoveedsedstene.com>
It can be launched directly from the Web Site, using Java Web Start -
or by clicking here <http://www.klactoveedsedstene.com/JWS_launch.php>
(requires Java JRE 6+)
Best regards
Viggo Simonsen
I know, there are many guitarix release last month, but this release
fix a memory leak witch we have oversee in a long run. I strongly recommend
guitarix users to update to this version.
guitarix is a simple Linux Rock Guitar amplifier and is designed
to achieve nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds.
Guitarix uses the Jack Audio Connection Kit as its audio backend
and brings in one input and two output ports to the jack graph.
Release 0.05.8-1 :
* fix memory leak in gx_monitor_jack_ports() and gx_survive_jack_shutdown
* add a MultiBandFilter
have fun
guitarix is licensed under the GPL.
Project page with screenshots:
For capture, guitarix uses the external application
'jack_capture' (version >= 0.9.30) written by Kjetil
S. Matheussen. If you don't have it installed,
you can look here:
For extra Impulse Responses, guitarix uses the
convolution application 'jconvolver' created by Fons Adriaensen.
If you don't have it installed, you can look here:
I(hermann) use faust to build the prototype and will say
thanks to
: Julius Smith
: Albert Graef
: Yann Orlary
Hermann Meyer & James Warden
Happy new year to everybody!
The library formerly known as "aseqmm" [1] has changed its name. The new name
is "drumstick" (drumroll was already taken).
The new name seems appropriate for a tool to play music, because it (the name)
was cooked with flames and it is a word that still has some ambiguity. Also,
in colloquial Spanish "montar un pollo" means "to kick up a fuss".
A PD icon has been adopted as a logo image:
New project site (migration coming soon):
[1] latest public release:
Hi all, happy new year.
I would announce a release of Jc_Gui.
It's a little host wrapped around the fantastic convolution engine from
Fons Adriaensen called jconvolver (zita-convolver)
What is it for ?
It's designed to search/load and run IR-*.wav files on a local machine
with jconvolver. It include a settings widget, were gain, delay, min/max
mem and mode can set and the used wave file and a part of it
(offset/length) could choosed.
Jc_Gui itself provide a Stereo Host, with master gain, tone
(bass,middle,high)controllers, balance slider, and for the output to
jconvolver per channel delay and gain controllers, and a wet/dry slider
to mix the output from jconvolver with the original source.
What isn't it for ?
It's a 2 Channel thing only, you can't make multi channel settings with
this jcgui.
release 0.6 comes with following changes:
* fix crash when multichannel(>2) files try to load
* optimize GUI performance
project page : http://jcgui.sourceforge.net/
download : https://sourceforge.net/projects/jcgui/
enjoy hermann