a new version of B.SEQuenzr (aka B.SEQuencer) is just released.
B.SEQuenzr is a programmable multi channel step sequencer. There are new
pad features (gate, note pitch) and all pad features can be randomized now!
Key features:
* Step sequencer with a selectable pattern matrix size (8x16, 16x16,
24x16, or 32x16)
* Autoplay or host or host + MIDI controlled playing
* User defined pad features: Gate, note pitch, octave pitch, velocity,
and duration
* Optional individual randomization of each pad feature
* Handles multiple MIDI inputs signals (keys) in one sequencer instance
* Use musical scales and / or drumkits
* Scale & drumkit editor
* Controls for playing direction, jump, skip, and stop options placeable
to any position within the matrix
* Notes can be associated with four different, configurable output channels
* Additional channel features: velocity and MIDI note offset
* Output channels connectable with individual MIDI channels
What's new:
* Bugfix duration of merged pads
* New pad properties: Gate, note pitch
* Randomization of pad properties
* Reduce preset file size
* International preset exchange (decimal point <-> decimal comma)
* New factory presets: Waltz, Bossa Nova, Samba, Afro Cuban
* Factory presets adapted to the new features
Project page: https://github.com/sjaehn/BSEQuencer/
Releases: https://github.com/sjaehn/BSEQuencer/releases
Instructions: https://github.com/sjaehn/BSEQuencer/wiki
Enjoy and have fun
Sven Jaehnichen
Mamba release v1.4 is out
Mamba - Virtual MIDI keyboard and MIDI file player/recorder
Mamba is not only a Virtual MIDI keyboard, it's also a MIDI looper. It
allow you to record, for example a bass loop on one channel and then
play along on a other channel with a piano or whatever.
You could save your loops to MIDI files if you wish, in any case, Mamba
save your last record and load it on the next start on default.
Mamba is also a MIDI visualizer, it shows not only what you play, it
shows as well incoming events. It also allow you to load MIDI files,
play them in loop and show the output on the keyboard. You could select
which channel you would monitor on the keyboard. You could as well
monitor all channels at once.
Mamba includes also support by fluidsynth, you could load a soundfont
and directly play along.
Mamba will keep it's settings, so once a soundfont is loaded, on the
next start you could just play along with the keyboard. You could load a
new soundfont at any time. You could as well exit fluidsynth to use
Mamba as plain Virtual MIDI keyboard with the synth of your choice.
Mamba is released under the BSD Zero Clause License license
The GUI is build on libxputty - A damn tiny abstraction Layer to create
X11 window/widgets with cairo surfaces
To build Mamba from source, the following dependencies must be meat.
* libfluidsynth-dev
* libc6-dev
* libsmf-dev
* libcairo2-dev
* libx11-dev
* liblo-dev
* libsigc++-2.0-dev
* libjack-(jackd2)-dev
So, here is the project page:
and here you'll find the last release:
Mamba features
# Virtual Midi Keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit <https://jackaudio.org/>
# Including NSM <https://linuxaudio.github.io/new-session-manager/> support
# Including gettext <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/> localization
# Including fluidsynth <https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth> support
# Soundfont loader for fluidsynth
# Channel selector
# Bank and Program selector
# Keyboard mapping for qwertz, qwerty, azerty(fr) and azerty(be)
selectable from menu
# Keymap Editor to setup a custom Keymap
# PC Keyboard mapping selector from C0 to C4
# Pitchbend, Balance, Modwheel, Detune, Expression, Attack, Release,
Volume and Velocity controllers
# Sustain and Sostenuto switches
# Connection management Menu
# Support Midi-file load, save, record and play in loop
# BPM controller for playback speed
# Support Midi Beat Clock for playback speed
# Midi Through: forward midi input to output
# Midi input highlighting
# Resizable to a full range 127 key view
# Load Midi-files on command-line
# Support jack_transport to start/stop Midi-Loops
Ladies and Gentlemen,
hereby the Laborejo Software Suite discontinues the software Vico in its previously released version 1.2.1
It became clear that the choice of programming languages and libraries lead to grave performance problems.
Combined with the fact that this is hardly a unique program, a piano roll midi sequencer, it has been decided that no further development will happen.
Time and attention will be better spent on other projects.
The programs source code and website entry will remain online.
Laborejo Software Suite
it's time for the first official version of B.Schaffl, a
pattern-controlled MIDI velocity and timing manipulation plugin to
produce shuffle / swing effects.
Key features
* MIDI velocity amplification and timing manipulation plugin
* Swing and shuffle rhythms
* Pre-generator dynamics
* Tempo rubato
* Pattern (sliders) or shape-controlled
* MIDI filters
* Smart quantization
* Free and open source
Repository: https://github.com/sjaehn/BSchaffl
Releases: https://github.com/sjaehn/BSchaffl/releases
Preview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oPtBPAgvmY
Features/Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBwkYDk5reU
* Bart Brouns for the original idea plus subsequent ideas about
principle and features
* Robin Gareus for ideas to technically solve *rubato*-related problems
Enjoy and have fun
Sven Jaehnichen
In brief:
In the voice editors you can now change the width and centre position of random
Last seen banked instrument can now be highlighted.
There are three more options in LFO type.
In the 'doc' directory we've added a PDF with a brief list of all CCs and NRPNs
that Yoshimi recognises.
All these are of course accessible to the command line.
More details are in /doc/Yoshimi_1.7.2_features.txt
We welcome all help and feedback. We listen and respond to suggestions and
Yoshimi source code is available from either:
Full build instructions are in 'INSTALL'.
Our list archive is at:
To post, email to:
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Mamba release v1.3 is out
Mamba - Virtual Midi keyboard and Midi file player/recorder
Mamba features
* Virtual Midi Keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit
* Including NSM <https://linuxaudio.github.io/new-session-manager/>
* Channel selector
* Bank and Program selector
* Keyboard mapping for qwertz, qwerty and azerty selectable from menu
* PC Keyboard mapping selector from C0 to C4
* Pitchbend, Balance, Modwheel, Detune, Expression, Attack, Release,
Volume and Velocity controllers
* Sustain and Sostenuto switches
* Midi Through: forward midi input to output
* Midi input highlighting
* Resizable to a full range 127 key view
* Save and load Midi-files (using libsmf)
* Load Midi-files on command-line
* Record and play Midi-Loops
* Support jack_transport to start/stop Midi-Loops
* Keyboard Shortcuts
* |ctrl + r| toggle Record Button
* |ctrl + p| toggle Play Button
* |ctrl + l| open load file dialog
* |ctrl + s| open save file dialog
* |ctrl + a| show info box
* |ctrl + q| quit
* |ctrl + c| quit
Mamba is released under the BSD Zero Clause License license